Church Action eNewsletter Week of  September 5, 2016

God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.

Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta


Church Action eNewsletter Week of  September 5, 2016



1. September is Suicide Prevention Month and September 10 is observed as Suicide Prevention Day. We have put a list of activities in Georgia on our website if you can help. Read the list here.


2. The Atlanta Community Food Bank is hosting a variety of ways to get engaged during Hunger Action Month.  Visit for ways to volunteer, engage, and get involved and follow #hungeractionmonth across social media channels.


3. The Department of Homeland Security Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships invites you to a webinar on Thursday, Sept. 8, from 2-3 p.m. which will feature information on disaster preparedness resources available for a successful National Preparedness Month and brief presentations on the FEMA Non-Profit Security Grant and Building Resilience with Diverse Communities. Please click here to register for the event using the Adobe Connect registration web link. Be sure to test your Adobe Connect connection prior to the meeting. This webinar will offer closed captioning.


4. Georgia's Southern Rural Black Women's Initiative Statewide Gathering Saturday, Sept. 10, in Atlanta from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Join peers, community leaders, friends, and family members to discuss and plan strategies for SRBWI's Georgia Human Rights Commissions' Campaign to Make Black Lives Matter in Southern States and national Policy Environments and other important Human Rights issues. The gathering will be at Ebenezer Baptist Church, 101 Jackson St., NE, Atlanta. RSVP today.


5. New Thinking—New World Saturday; a Day of Insight and Inspiration, September 10, with Jonathan Slocumb, Michael Eric Dyson, Evelyn Braxton, and Tamar, Toni, Towanda, Traci, Trina, and Michael Braxton, at Hillside International Truth Center. Get tickets at


6. Dr. Charley Reeb, senior pastor of Pasadena Community Church, a United Methodist congregation in St. Petersburg, is the featured preacher on Day 1 this week. He has also served Atlanta and Athens. His sermon is based on John 3:16 and entitled "The Gospel in Miniature." Read more and find your local station at


7. The congregation of Roswell United Methodist Church, 814 Mimosa Boulevard, Roswell 30075, invites the community to a Service of Hope in observance of the 15th anniversary of Sept. 11. The service will be held in the Sanctuary at 9:30 a.m. (contemporary) and 11 a.m. (traditional) on Sunday, Sept. 11. 


8. Biblical Greek Classes offered at the Cathedral of St. Philip beginning Sept. 11. Beginning classes are offered on a drop-in basis without cost on Sunday mornings at 10:10 – 11 a.m.  Continuing Biblical Greek classes are offered at the Cathedral on Sunday afternoons 1:15 – 2:45 p.m.  All are welcome. For more information contact The Rev. Thee Smith, at (404)727-0636 or or visit 


9. Remember, Reconcile, Relate:  15th Anniversary of 9-11 will be recognized at the Ebster Pavilion, 404 W. Trinity, downtown Decatur, on September 11 afternoon with Multicultural Pot Luck Meal and an Open Interfaith Service. The city-wide multicultural, interfaith potluck will begin at 3 p.m.; all surrounding communities are warmly invited.   At 4:00 an interfaith service will focus on Remember, Reconcile, and Relate.  A broad coalition of local citizens planned this event, including Catholics, Jews, Muslims, and Protestants.  Read more>>


10. Interesting in catering a meal to a group of men transitioning from homelessness? Contact Bec Cranford at Gateway Center, or attend Gateway's Volunteer Orientation on September 12 at 12 noon, or September 26 at 7 p.m.


11.  Faith & Politics in the 21st Century, James T. and Berta R. Laney Legacy in Moral Leadership lecture series, continues Wednesday, Sept. 14, at Candler School of Theology. Free; registration required. "Can Conservative Religion Save Us? Thoughts on the Media, Faith and Democracy" by Marla Frederick, Professor of African and African American Studies and the Study of Religion, Harvard University. Find Information on all 7 lectures and speakers in chronological order here.


12. How better to get a sense of calm, peace, kindness, focus, groundedness in this frenetic autumn than to take advantage of Sabbath Rest—four hours of silence (lunch included) at beautiful Ignatius House on the Chattahoochee, sponsored by Atlanta Community Ministries. Led by Dr. Becky Shoaf, these grace filled events have blessed Atlantans for more than 10 years. The first mini retreat this year is Thursday Sept. 15, 12 noon to 4 p.m. Scholarships to cover the $22 fee are available to those who could not otherwise attend. Registration details here. 


13. The 3rd Conference on Global Religions will be in Montreal, Sept. 15. Speakers include Karen Armstrong (British author known for her books on comparative religion and a former Roman Catholic sister), Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (humanitarian leader, spiritual teacher and founder of The Art of Living), Deepak Chopra (expert in the field of mind-body healing, speaker and author), and other influential human rights and religious minds. Read more>>


14. Putting the Happily Back in Ever After, Saturday, Sept. 17, 9 a.m. -- 1 p.m., Tapestry Community Church, 800 Hembree Rd, Roswell 30076. The $60 per couple cost for this conference includes breakfast and lunch and childcare. After years of studying men, women, relationships, and what makes happy marriages so happy, groundbreaking researchers Shaunti & Jeff Feldhahn will share the surprisingly simple little actions and habits that make a huge difference.   Find out more... and if you have questions email Register here.


15. There are a few spots available at Empowering the Caregiver 2016, Sept. 17 Lunch is provided at this free event offered by Due West United Methodist Church, 3956 Due West Rd, Marietta 30064. If you are interested contact Sheila Welch at or (404)642-6027. 


16. Join Ben Hill United Methodist Church Prayer Ministry, 2099 Fairburn Rd, Atlanta Sept. 17,  10 a.m.  - 12 p.m.  for a timely discussion entitled For Such a Time as This on the role of not only Christians but African American Christians in addressing the social concerns that are impacting the present time. How does one manage as soul and spirit battle when innocent men, women, and children die unnecessarily? How do individuals respond and how does the church respond collectively? Individual barriers that may be preventing you from being able to live God’s purpose for you in these challenging times will also be discussed. Facilitator is Dr. Rhonda Perry.


17. The True Story of Cinderella, a comic mini-operetta spoofing the Cinderella story will be presented in the sanctuary of Central Presbyterian Church on Saturday, Sept. 17, at 7:30 p.m., Tickets price for adults is $20, youth $10, and those 12 or younger are admitted free of charge. The parking garage will be open. Come enjoy this fundraiser for the 2017 Chancel Choir Reformation Scotland Trip.  201 Washington Street SW, Atlanta 30303.


18. Ben Hill and Cascade United Methodist Churches invite the community to be revived at joint services, Sept. 18-20, 7 p.m. nightly, at Ben Hill UMC, 2099 Fairburn Road, Atlanta 30331. Bishop Violet Fisher, Wilmington, will preach on Sunday; Dr. David G. Latimore, Mt. Zion Baptist, Joilet, on Monday; and Rev. Javon Jackson, Holsey Chapel CME in Columbus on Tuesday. 


19. Whiteside Lecture: Preaching Anti-Racism Amid the Backlash and Resistance of White Moral Injury? Sept. 21, 11:00 a.m., Candler School of Theology, Room 252.  Free; registration required. Guest lecturer Dale P. Andrews is Distinguished Professor of Homiletics, Social Justice, and Practical Theology at Vanderbilt Divinity School. Register by visiting and navigating to September 21. Candler School of Theology is located on the campus of Emory University at 1531 Dickey Dr., Atlanta 30322. 


20. St. Anne’s alerts us to a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! The Rev. Dr. Lucas John Mix, biologist and Episcopal priest, will be at the church, 3098 Northside Parkway, Atlanta 30327, at 6 p.m.  Sept. 22 to speak on Astrobiology and the Meanings of Life. Astrobiology is the study of life as it happens to planets. As we continue to discover more and more planets (3500+) and more and more diversity in Earth life (e.g., radiation and vacuum resistant bacteria), should we start to think differently about the definition and meaning of "life"? Dr. Mix will talk about the diverse and changing ways we think about life and why it matters to Christians. Rev. Dr Lucas John Mix studies life-concepts in biology and theology. He has served as an inner-city pastor, college chaplain, and professor.  He consults for NASA on interdisciplinary communication in the search for life in the universe and wrote a popular book Life in Space: Astrobiology for Everyone.  Find out more at here. Find directions and more about St. Anne’s at


21. For any who may be interested in obtaining a Mental Health First Aid certification and learning the basics of mental health and mental illness, there will be an 8 hour certification training at The Greater Piney Grove Baptist Church, 1879 Glenwood Ave. S.E., Atlanta 30316.  The training will be from 7 to 10 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 23, and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The cost of the training is only $20 per person.  Seating will be limited; contact Pastor Herman Haynes right away to register or ask questions, (404) 517-6261,   Beginning Sept. 9 you can register at 


22. John Dominic Crossan will be at Sandy Springs Christian Church Sept. 23-24. Tickets for the lectures are available through the church office at (404)256-2582 or website at  A renowned theologian with a charming Irish brogue, Crossan has published over 25 bestselling books and has been a featured speaker all over the globe.  All the details are here.


23. C.H.O.I.C.E.S for Kids announces the 3rd Annual Panthers Tackling Childhood Obesity Field Day. Sports activity zones with GSU athletes at the Panthers Football Practice Facility on Saturday, September 24, at 10:00 a.m. Free Registration here.


24. Office Hours is a free webinar series featuring Candler School of Theology faculty addressing practical, relevant issues in ministry. During the one-hour program, participants view a live presentation, ask questions, and engage in dialogue with the presenting faculty member.  Sept. 28 at noon, Brent A. Strawn, professor of Old Testament and director of Candler’s Doctor of Ministry degree program, will present. Registration is required; once registered, participants will receive an email with information about how to join the webinar. Register  here. For more information, contact


25. Georgia is working to rescue children from sex trafficking! Find out more about how you can make a difference when you vote in the November 8 General Election. The Archdiocese of Atlanta and All Saints Catholic Church invite you to join us as we learn from a panel of experts about the current problem and the proposed amendment to the constitution. Panel experts include Safe Harbor Task Force Members, state legislators, local law enforcement officers and survivor advocates. Wednesday Sept. 28, 7-9 p.m., Parish Social Hall. Voter registration will be available. Hosted by All Saints Catholic Church 2443 Mount Vernon Road, Dunwoody 30338.


26. American Baptist Historical Society presents Dr. Deborah Van Broekhoven speaking on New Era Baptist Institutes: A Nineteenth-Century Path Toward Cooperation.  Dr. Van Broekhoven will explore the challenges experienced by black and white Baptists who cooperated to sponsor New Era Baptist Institutes, short term schools for African- American church leaders. Conceived by Northern and Southern Baptist leaders after their Fortress Monroe meeting in 1894, these schools across the south provide a rare example of black and white leaders working together. Friday, Sept. 30, 7 p.m. Mercer University-Atlanta Campus, Atlanta Administration and Conference Center Auditorium (2nd floor) 2930 Flowers Road South, Atlanta 30341. Reception following this event is free and open to the public. Dr. Van Broekhoven, immediate past Executive Director of the American Baptist Historical Society, has a longstanding interest in the history of race relations, beginning with her book The Devotion of These Women: Rhode Island Women in the Antislavery Network.


27. The Georgia Chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention will present a safeTALK suicide alertness training on Saturday, Oct. 8, 9:00 a.m. – noon, Powder Springs First United Methodist Church, 4329 Marietta St., Powder Springs.  This training prepares anyone over the age of 15 to identify persons with thoughts of suicide and connect them to suicide first aid resources. Registration fee is $15 and includes materials and light refreshments. Online registration at Email or call (770)843-3836 if you have questions. 


28. Action Ministries, a Georgia nonprofit dedicated to leading people out of poverty, invites congregations to reserve a table at its second annual Rise and Shine Life-Changers breakfast on Oct. 14 at the Georgia Railroad Freight Depot in Atlanta. The morning’s format will include a heartwarming and personal exchange between Action Heroes who have dedicated their careers to changing the stories of Georgians in need. Contact Keya Hillman, senior director of development operations and annual fund, at or 404-881-1991 ext. 5622 or visit the website at for more information.


29. Unfinished Worlds: Jürgen Moltmann at 90Candler will host world-renowned theologian Jürgen Moltmann for a two-day conference, Oct. 19-20, on issues of contemporary theology, the contemporary church, and the contemporary world, as seen through the lens of his highly influential work. Presenters include Moltmann and 12 other scholars and practitioners, including the Rev. Raphael Warnock, senior pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church. There is a $30 conference fee; registration is required. Register at

Check out our website at and remember we will be happy to put your announcements of special musical events, educational opportunities, volunteer needs, etc. in the newsletter. Just send announcements in the body of your email, no attachments please; be sure to include all contact information and pertinent links.


Ethel Ware Carter

The Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta, Inc.

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