Church Action eNewsletter Week of September 26 , 2011

God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.

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Welcome Zion Hill Baptist Church, new member of the Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta. Read more at

1. Global Music Master Class at Central Presbyterian Church, 201 Washington Street , Atlanta. On Saturday, October 1, 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. with Michael Hawn. Cost including registration and snacks is $35.00 per person. Singing a 21stCentury Faith: Strategies for the Integration of Worship and Music, sponsored by Arts of the Spirit. Michael Hawn is Professor of Sacred Music at Perkins School of Theology at S.M.U. He is an outstanding clinician and expert on global music, and a prolific author. Register online at or Contact David VanderMeer at or 404-601-3138.

2. Don’t miss Reel Abilities, the first annual Disability Film Festival, For these six days in October the community will gather to learn, laugh, cry, be inspired, and be challenged by the lives of people with disabilities in shorts, feature films, documentaries, and performances. Visit The experience starts Saturday. What a great outing for any congregational group!

3. Hillside International Chapel and Truth Center will culminate its 40th anniversary celebration with a musical drama, The House That Faith Built, on Saturday, October 1, at 7:00 p.m. Written, directed and performed by members of the congregation, this production portrays the challenges and triumphs in the life of the founder, Bishop Dr. Barbara L. King, and in Hillside’s historic journey over the last 40 years. It is a spiritual message about the power of faith that speaks to all people for all times. The production will be held in Hillside’s sanctuary at 2450 Cascade Road, SW, Atlanta 30311. This will be a red carpet, black tie event that is open to the public without an admission fee. A love offering will be received. Doors will open for red carpet photos and refreshments at 6:00 p.m. Bishop King will greet the audience after the production. To obtain complimentary tickets, register at For more information, please call the church office at 404-758-6811 or email the anniversary committee at

4. Warren Memorial United Methodist Church invites to community to its Sunday, October 2, Worship Service when the Rev. Dr. Albert D. Mosley, President/Dean at Gammon Theological Center will be the guest preacher. Warren is located at 181 Joseph E Lowery Blvd. S.W. Atlanta, Ga 30314 and the Rev. Donald K Reed, Jr, is Senior Pastor.

5. Top seminaries will converge on Atlanta this fall in search of their next incoming classes. Come for a Joint Information Session with five theological schools on Oct. 3 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Emory University. Prospective students for master-level and doctoral-level programs are invited to hear presentations by admissions officers, with plenty of time for questions and conversation. Participants include Candler School of Theology, Harvard Divinity School, Union Theological Seminary, University of Chicago Divinity School, and Yale Divinity School. Miller-Ward Alumni House, Governors Hall, 815 Houston Mill Rd., Atlanta 30329. Register online by Friday, Sept. 30 at

6. And don’t forget this opportunity to explore theological education. Encourage interested members of your congregation to sign up for First Tuesday at Candler for prospective students on Tuesday, Oct. 4, 6:30-8:00 p.m. Visit Candler’s campus for a casual dinner with Dean Jan Love, members of the Admissions team, and current students. Dr. Carl R. Holladay, Charles Howard Candler Professor of New Testament Studies, will present “Deepening the Church’s Sensibilities: Reflections on Acts." Register by Friday, Sept. 30 at

7. Don’t miss the Faith Alliance of Metro Atlanta special interfaith panel discussion and lunch coming up next week, Wednesday Oct. 5, noon to 1:30 p.m., Shambhala Meditation Center of Atlanta, 1447 Church St., Decatur 30030. Cost is $15 for lunch; R.s.v.p. if you plan to eat. Inner Faith and Inter-Faith: How does the interfaith journey affect one's personal faith? Panel members from four faiths include :
Mark Crenshaw, Center for Leadership in Disability, Georgia State University
Imam Plemon El-Amin, Imam Emeritus, Atlanta Masjid
Shelley Rose, Associate Director, Anti-Defamation League
Gareth Young, Red Clay Sangha
To R.s.v.p. please visit where you can register and reserve your lunch through Paypal or email

8. Tastes and Talents of Two Capitol Hill Churches annual fundraiser is October 8, from 5 – 8 p.m. This Italian food and wine tasting event is sponsored by the Catholic Shrine of the Immaculate Conception and Central Presbyterian Churches in conjunction with Hands Around the Hill, a non-profit organization committed to enhancing the lives of those who live and work on Capitol Hill. This event features a live auction, talent competition, and raffles. This event will be held at Central Presbyterian Church with free parking located in the underground parking facility on Central Avenue. Childcare will also be provided for a small charge. All proceeds will benefit Central OAC and the Outreach Programs at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Tickets are $35.00 (wine included) in advance and $40.00 at the door. Tickets (without wine tasting) are $30.00 in advance and $35.00 at the door. Find out more at or by emailing the Catholic Shrine at

9. Friends of L’Arche Atlanta ( which seeks to provide loving and inclusive housing for persons with disabilities invites you and your congregation to their October community event on Sunday, October 9 from 4 to 6 p.m. at 305 Mead Road, Decatur 30030. This will be a family friendly, fun, and ecumenical celebration of the Jewish Festival of Tabernacles. Come participate in the building of a Sukkah and hear about this Jewish holiday of thanksgiving. L’Arche is thrilled that Sammy Rosenberg from the Marcus Institute and Rabbi Derek Lemen from Takvit David Messianic Congregation will be leading the group in the Festival of Tabernacles. Come and be encouraged to embrace our opportunities for community -- for living together in unity… strong and stronger, bright and brighter, fragile and more fragile. This will be a wonderful event and meal. A love offering will be taken to support the ministry of Friends of LArche Atlanta. Do bring something natural (leaves, flowers, branches, greens, etc.) to help decorate the Sukkah. The event will be cancelled if raining. If you have any questions, contact Shelly Dollar at 404-358-7960.

10. Baptist Center for Ethics is pleased to present a screening of Gospel Without Borders at Smoke Rise Baptist Church in Stone Mountain on October 11, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. This documentary brings more light and less heat to the issue of immigration. It separates myth from fact, examines what the Bible says about treatment of the "stranger," shows the experiences of documented and undocumented immigrants, and provides handles for Christians to advance the common good. Come for the screening and a panel discussion with faith leaders from a number of denominations: Luis Zarama, auxiliary bishop, Roman Catholic Diocese of Atlanta; Timothy McDonald, pastor, First Iconium Baptist Church, Atlanta; Mimi Walker, co-pastor, Druid Hills Baptist Church, Atlanta; Lesley Ediger, program manager, Refugee Resettlement and Immigration Service of Atlanta; and Robert Parham, executive editor, Here is a link to more information documentary page.

11. The Baptist Studies Program at Emory University’s Candler School of Theology is celebrating its 20th anniversary October 11, at 5:30 p.m. The event includes dinner and a conversation led by former Baptist Studies Program Director Scott Hudgins about the future of Baptist life. Read all about it at . If you have any questions or would like more information about the Baptist Studies Program or this event, contact April Bogle in Candler School of Theology at 404-727-4023 or

12. Peachtree Road UMC is pleased to host The Unbroken Circle: A Workshop Offering Comprehensive Care and Hope During Illness, End of Life, and Grief on Thursday, October 13 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Join clergy, lay people, chaplains, caregivers, and faith community nurses to explore ways to provide sustainable and effective support to people during serious illness, end of life, and grief. Learn about resources, tips, and tools for extending community to people during all seasons of life in integrated ways—including through worship, education, congregational care, and hospitality. This interdenominational workshop will be led by Rev. James Brooks, a national leader in end of life care. $30 registration includes lunch. Register online by October 3 at PRUMC is located at 3180 Peachtree Road NW, Atlanta 30305.

13. October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Partnership Against Domestic Violence (PADV) and others from Fulton and Gwinnett Counties are calling for an end to violence against women. Silent No More Candlelight Vigil with inspirational domestic violence survivor stories, live performances, and a candlelight vigil in remembrance of victims in Georgia will be on Thursday October 13, 6:00 - 7:30 p.m., at Peachtree Presbyterian Church’s Lodge Café, 3417 Roswell Road, Atlanta 30305. Free and open to the public, light refreshments.

14. Saints Raphael, Nicholas and Irene Greek Orthodox Church of Cumming announces its annual Greek Festival, October 15 and 16, - 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Saturday, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Sunday. New this year!!! Drive through food service for those on the go. An entertaining Greek village will be found on the 15 acre church property, 3074 Bethelview Road, in South Forsyth County. The scent and sounds of authentic Greek food and music will fill the air, creating a festive atmosphere. The event offers visitors a unique opportunity to share in the rich history of the Greek culture and it's beautiful traditions, dancing, music, art, jewelry, kids area, and culinary treasures. For more see .

15. Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, Covington, and St. Ann Catholic Church, Marietta, will offer one-day Spiritual Healing Retreats for Veterans in conjunction with The retreats will be October 15 at Good Shepherd and October 29 at St. Ann. The ecumenical retreats will include workshops on anger, grief, forgiveness, and centering prayer. The retreats will offer a Spouses Roundtable and conclude with a Healing Ceremony. The retreats will include participation by the sponsoring church’s clergy, Military Chaplains, and counselors experienced in working with veterans. The retreat is free for veterans, and their spouses - who are encouraged to attend. For registration information contact Good Shepherd Episcopal Church at or 770-786-3278 and

St. Ann Catholic Church, or 770 642-0811

The retreat is designed to help veterans of all generations, who suffer from PTSD, and their spouses, to re-integrate into community, work, church and family. Retreat information is at

16. Spiritual Care Ground Rounds coming in October. Preregister at the Atlanta VA Medical Center Chaplain’s Office 404-321-6111 extension 6870, for this training, October 26, 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. Presenters include LTC Donald A. Gajewski, MD, Orthopaedic Surgeon and Director of the “Intrepid” Rehabilitation Center, Brooke Army Medical Center, Texas, and Katherine S. Jones, Ph.D., Atlanta VA Clinical Psychologist, Trauma Recovery Program, Iraqi War Veteran. Continuing Education 3 contact hours awarded.

17. Sacred Safe Space, November 8, 2011 Interfaith Domestic Violence Response Training Breakfast, co-sponsored by the Georgia Commission On Family Violence and the Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence. This training is for clergy and lay leaders, non-profit agencies, healthcare professionals, and people of faith who want to explore the role of faith communities in comprehensive domestic violence response. This free event will be held on Tuesday, November 8 from 7:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Save the date and we will have registration information out soon. If you have questions email .

18. Join presenters of the National Black Arts Festival Education and Public Programs division annual exploration of Gullah Culture on the Annual NBAF Penn Center Study Tour. Depart by coach on Thursday evening, November 10 and spend Friday and Saturday, November 11 and 12 on St. Helena Island, South Carolina at Penn Center’s Annual Heritage Days Celebration. Sunday is a visit to the Jonathan Green Studios in Charleston. The cost of the Annual NBAF Penn Center Study Tour is $250 per person which includes transportation and housing only. Five (5) Professional Learning Units (PLUs) are available through the Georgia Department of Education. Pre-registration is required. For additional information, contact Dr. Collette Hopkins at or 404-224-3464, or visit

19. Georgia Interfaith Power and Light is working hard to finish Dirt Wise: A Gardening Guide for Congregations. It will be available in October, and you can pre-order yours online here. With your order, you will receive a digital download of Dirt Wise and a copy of the film Nourish for use in small group sessions. There are only 50 copies of Nourish so preorder if you want one.

20. A reminder of a great opportunity for congregational members and church staff, anyone who meets the public, to become certified in Mental Health First Aid, learn skills to help someone who is developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. Fall courses will be held on Oct. 11 & 13, and Oct. 27 & 28, and Nov. 8 & 10 from 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. at Kirkwood United Church of Christ. For more information or to register for a course, go to or contact Kathryn Bryan at or 404-919-5179.

21. Two thousand years after they were written and decades after they were found in desert caves, some of the world-famous Dead Sea Scrolls went online for the first time on Monday in a project launched by Israel's national museum and Google. Read the story at Go to the Dead Sea Scrolls website

22. Take a look at this Peace Plan violence prevention video sent to us by Dr. James P. Griffin, Community Health and Preventive Medicine, Morehouse School of Medicine. Dr. Griffin is the original convener of the Metropolitan Atlanta Violence Prevention Partnership (MAVPP).

23. Do you know about Farmers and Hunters Feed the Hungry? In this faith-based ministry hunters deliver harvested surplus deer and other big game meats to participating meat processors in each county. Donations from churches, clubs, businesses, and individuals cover the costs of processing, packaging, and freezing the meat. The frozen meat is then available free of cost for pick-up by a nearby food bank or feeding program. This nutritious, low fat, high protein meat is distributed and/or cooked by hundreds of community agencies such as church pantries, church feeding ministries, Salvation Army, community food banks, emergency assistance programs, Rescue Missions, children's homes, etc. Read about it at

24. Newly updated, A Time to Speak from the Religious Institute aims to support and encourage the efforts of congregations of faith in giving comprehensive information about sexuality to young people. It affirms the unique role of congregations in providing sexuality education and includes an extensive listing of denominational statements on sexuality education and a thorough guide to sexuality curricula available from many denominations. The Religious Institute wants to distribute this resource to as many people as possible so the first 50 requests for single copies will be complimentary. Go to to order your copy.

Reformation Day is coming up next month, more at

Atlanta Interfaith Broadcasters seeks your Soul Stories! E mail or call Audrey Galex, 404-892-0454.

The U.S. S. B.A. disaster assistance for those affected by the recent tornado

Biblical Greek at the Cathedral of St. Phi l ip,

Join Twitter and follow us as we tweet the Bible one chapter at a time -- just started Nehemiah .

Our magnificent mailing list services are now kindly donated by

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