Church Action eNewsletter Week of November 2, 2015

                                                         God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.

                                                           Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta

                                                     Church Action eNewsletter Week of November 2, 2015



We have begun to collect announcements of Lessons & Carols and other Advent and Christmas music concerts at


Mental Health Help for Older Adults is a new feature of the CHIP Georgia Tool Box for Mental Health Ministry. Visit; look at the bottom of the main menu or check the Creating Compassionate Congregations Prepare page under Have Resources at Hand. 

A partner has also sent new resources for families raising children with autism; look in the main menu for “Autism Resources.”


1. The Interdenominational Theological Center book signing and panel discussion will feature seven ITC professors and scholars who have published books, articles, or book reviews this year. The center celebrates these accomplishments and welcomes the public to come out and meet the authors. Thursday, November 5, 11:00 a.m., the ITC Chapel, 700 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr., Atlanta, 30314.


2. How Safe Are Your Teens? The much anticipated Southside event, Saturday, Nov. 7, at the Delta Flight Museum talks safety with middle and high schoolers and includes information on driving safety, bullying, sports safety, and how to thrive in high school. Read all about it or get your $10 ticket now at 


3. “Faith and Science in the 21st Century” continues on Day 1 Sunday, Nov. 8, with Dr. Tom Long, professor emeritus at Candler School of Theology. Find out when you can hear “Numbering Our Days” on your local station at


4. An Action Ministries Dine Out fundraiser is coming to four cities in north Georgia – Athens, Covington, Rome, and Gainesville -- on Thursday, Nov. 5. Participating restaurants will donate 10 percent of their proceeds to support Action Ministries’ mission of leading people out of poverty in Georgia.     Participating restaurants can be found on the flyers posted here.


5. Church of the Misfits welcomes everyone to join in on Nov. 7 for a potluck meal with our friends experiencing homelessness. Find out how you can help.  Read all about it here.


6. November is Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Month. Gateway Center invites you to join them on Nov. 8 by using the hashtag #care4gateway on social media and praying for those experiencing homelessness globally and in Atlanta. Find out how your church or organization can help; connect with Bec Cranford,


7. A reminder of Cognitively-Based Compassion Training: Implications for Mind, Body, and Heart, Sunday, November 8, 3:00 – 5:00 p.m., Emory Presbyterian Church, 1886 North Decatur Road, N.E., Atlanta 30307. There is no charge for attending; all are welcome.


8. Trinity Presbyterian Church Fall Music Festival Messiah by George Frederick Handel presented by the Trinity Chancel Choir and soloists and chamber orchestra, Sunday, Nov. 8, 11:00 a.m. The Program will feature the Advent/Christmas portion of Handel's masterpiece plus the "Hallelujah" chorus under the baton of Norman Mackenzie with members of the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra.


9. Making Space is a writing group for those who work or spend time serving others through human service and community professions (psychologists, educators, social workers, etc.). Here you can use writing as a means of deepening understanding of your private and public journeys. This is a Charis Circle From Margin to Center Literary Program. The suggested donation is $10. Monday, Nov. 9, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Charis Books, 1189 Euclid Ave NE, Atlanta 30307.


10. Canadian-Israeli journalist and filmmaker David Sheen will be in Atlanta Wednesday, November 11, to speak about Israel/Palestine. In 2012, Sheen authored a report on racism in Israel for the United Nations, and he is currently writing a book about African immigrants to Israel and the struggles that they face. This visit is cosponsored by Jewish Voice for Peace-Atlanta Chapter, Joining Hands for Justice in Israel and Palestine, Peacemaking Partnership, Interfaith Peace Builders, Students for Justice in Palestine-Emory University, NAACP-Emory University, and Black Student Alliance-Emory University.

Clairmont Presbyterian Church at 12:30 p.m., Nov. 11, Lunch and Presentation, 1994 Clairmont Rd. Decatur, Middle Eastern lunch $8, Please R.s.v.p. to

Emory University, 7:00 p.m., Nov. 11, White Hall Room 112


11. With Open Heart Interfaith Day of Reflection, Wednesday, Nov. 11, 9.30 a.m. – 3 p.m., encounter The Divine in new ways as we explore The Holy through the voice of the 3 Abrahamic Faiths using sacred texts, prayers and story. Presenters for this special Day of Reflection will be Samia Abdullah, Rabbi Rachael Bregman and Kimberly Broerman. Registrations online.    Ignatius House, 6700 Riverside Drive NW, Atlanta 30328. Any questions? Contact Marian Monahan at


12. The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Georgia will host an ecumenical community forum Friday, Nov. 13, 1:30-3:30 p.m., “Developing Protocol for Social Justice Disasters.”  In the aftermath of recent tragedies including the nine killings at Mother Emmanuel AME Church in Charleston, the church may be caught off guard or slow to act in a responsive way of care, justice, and peace. We need a collective and proactive response to social justice disasters which cause such damage in our communities just as we have protocols to address natural disasters.  Facilitator for the forum is the Rev. Dr. Dietra Wise Baker, senior pastor of Liberation Christian Church (DOC) in St. Louis. Dr. Baker led the faith community in St. Louis in developing a protocol following the events surrounding the death of Michael Brown. The forum will be at First Christian Church of Atlanta, 4532 LaVista Rd., Tucker 30084.  To confirm your attendance, email


13. Remember that “Sharing Your Faith” is coming up at Powder Springs UMC on Nov.  14. All the details.  


14. “22 with 22 for the 22” Walk to raise awareness and funds to impact the 22 Veteran suicides in the United States each day. The walk is 22 kilometers carrying 22 pounds (optional) to raise awareness over the 22-A-Day Veteran suicide rate. The ruck march will begin at Meehan’s in Sandy Springs. Purple Heart recipients and Wounded Warriors will lead off. Open to the Public. Saturday, Nov. 14. All proceeds will be donated to organizations that assist in raising awareness and treating this issue – Shepherd Center, Epic Veteran Ride Foundation, Catalyst Sports Here's the info.


15. Expo Mujer 2015, Saturday, November 14, 2014 10 a.m. - 5: p.m., Infinity Energy Center (old Gwinnett Center) 6400 Sugarloaf Parkway Duluth 30097. This full-day family event is completely free and dedicated to Latinas where they will find resources, services, product, fun, fashion, beauty, and health information.


16. The King Center presents Utilizing the Arts to Promote Nonviolence 365: An Entertainment Tribute Celebrating the 60th Birthday of Yolanda Denise King, Saturday, Nov. 14, 7:00 p.m., 449 Auburn Ave., Atlanta 30312. Featuring: Johnathan Slocumb; Milkshake; Theresa Hightower; Cle Thompson; Ballethnic; Juandalyn Abernathy;  Dawnn Lewis; Ted Lange; Bernice A. King; Dexter King; Martin L. King, III; and Yolanda Renee King. Tickets are $15.00 in advance and $20.00 at the door. If you have questions call (404)526-8900. Tickets online here.


17. Renowned composer/performer Ken Medema in concert, Sunday, Nov. 15, 4:00 p.m., Peachtree Presbyterian Church, 3434 Roswell Road, Atlanta 30305. Doors open at 3:30, tickets $10.00 GET TICKETS Join Ken Medema in an afternoon of stirring music and your stories of love/life/faith made into improvised songs. Though blind from birth, Ken sees and hears with heart and mind. Ken custom designs every musical moment through improvisation and new composition to bring each event to life.


18. The Gateway Center is celebrating 10 plus years of serving the needs of Atlanta's Homeless population. You can help celebrate at their signature event "Human Clay" on November 17 at White Oak Kitchen and Cocktails. There will be a silent auction with lots of fun Atlanta neighborhood experiences, attractions, and art work.  Find out more here.


19. From Lake Oconee Community Church, Why Adults Need Fairy Stories with Pete Candler, novelist; fellow, the Fujimura Institute; former professor of theology, Baylor University in the Lake Room, the Landing Clubhouse, Tuesday, November 17, 7:00 p.m., call (706)467-1111. Reynolds Plantation, Eatonton. 


20. The 5th Annual Georgia Supportive Housing Conference is November 17 & 18 at the State Bar of Georgia Conference Center, Atlanta. Find out about this valuable opportunity to learn more about needs, policy, and the value of supportive housing to our community at Program Information


21. Silent Dialogues: Its's A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, November 19, 7:00 - 10: p.m. You can reserve your tickets here. This is an interactive art show with you as the co-creators. Doors open at 7:00 and spoken word artists will begin at 7:30. Support the accrediting of Reclaim It Atlanta's job training program by purchasing signature series artwork, t-shirts, and prints. A paint by numbers mural will be set up for community art interactivity… draw, paint, tweet, blog, and post about it. $25 entry includes complimentary drinks and food. $75 VIP includes one t-shirt and one print.


22. The Atlantic institute is hosting their second annual Giving Thanks Dinner this year. Guest speakers for this event will be announced very soon, Friday, November 20, 7:00- 9:00 p.m., Istanbul Cultural Center 591 N Main St., Alpharetta 30009. Admission is free. Space is limited so if you plan to go register here.


23. The 2015 World AIDS Day Mass of the Archdiocese of Atlanta will be celebrated by Archbishop Wilton Gregory on Tuesday December 1 at 7 pm at Immaculate Heart of Mary (IHM) Church.  The Mass remembers all those who have died of AIDS and those living with HIV/AIDS, their families, friends and caretakers. It also prays for those working to find a cure and those providing programs and support systems to those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS.   IHM is located at 2855 Briarcliff Road, NE, Atlanta, GA 30329.  A reception hosted by the IHM AIDS Ministry will immediately follow the Mass.  All are invited.  For more information, call Kathy at (404)634-5595.


24. A Liturgy of Repentance and Reconciliation for the sin of racism -- and a class to help prepare individuals for it -- will be offered this fall by the Episcopal Church of the Epiphany, Atlanta. The liturgy is Thursday, Dec. 10. Two options for the two-hour preparation class are 6-8 p.m. Nov. 18 and Saturday, Dec. 5.  "We will define and discuss how racism and white privilege affect each of us," says the Rev. Sharon Hiers, associate rector and organizer of the class. Learn more here>


25. Each November, Emmaus House sponsors a Thanksgiving at Home program for neighbors in Peoplestown. They provide 350 households with turkeys and groceries so that they can have a Thanksgiving meal to prepare and enjoy at home with their families. Would you like to help? Find out more>>


26. In partnership with Artworks for Freedom, the International Human Trafficking Institute is hosting Freedom Expressions ATL. This is a series of events at local educational institutions and other venues throughout November to raise awareness about human trafficking. Find out more here.


27. The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship 2016 Georgia Youth Choir Festival will take place January 15-17, 2016, at the Calvin Center in Hampton and at Vineville Baptist Church in Macon.  For more information about the event, contact Martha Kate Hall at or visit


28. The Center for Lifelong Learning at Columbia Theological Seminary will offer Grounded: Exploring the Sense of the Sacred within Us and the World, January 19-21, 2016. Join Diana Butler Bass and members of the Columbia Theological Seminary faculty in exploring the contours of what Bass terms a spiritual revolution.  Early registration is $ 230 through Nov. 21; after Nov. 21, $280. Complete details and registration information are accessible at this link.


29. In the 1970’s, fewer than 350,000 people were in U.S. prisons. Today, more than 2 million people are in our prisons with poor and racial minorities disproportionally represented. Upon release, individuals face the daunting task of rebuilding their lives when employment opportunities are scarce, housing is competitive, and participation in civic life is limited. Such an unyielding environment leads to high recidivism rates. The New Baptist Covenant Justice Equality initiative has produced an interfaith guide and toolkit for creating Healing Communities. Have a look at this wonderful resource for your congregation. Justice Equality

30. Emory University online course focuses on civil rights and nonviolence, taught by activist and former Candler School of Theology distinguished scholar-in-residence Bernard LaFayette Jr. “From Freedom Rides to Ferguson: Narratives of Nonviolence in the American Civil Rights Movement” offers learners an inside look into LaFayette’s experiences and highlights his lifetime mission of institutionalizing and internationalizing the nonviolent principles and strategies promoted by Martin Luther King Jr. The open online course is available at no charge to learners. It will be an on-demand course. The class is accessible through Emory's page on the Coursera website. Full story at »

31. In fact, for the first time since World War II, there are more than 50 million refugees around the world.  The ELCA offers resources for any congregation that might want to designate a Sunday as Refugee Sunday.  Read more at Refugee Sunday


32. As the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship observes Pastoral Care Week they offer meaningful reflections from some chaplains and pastoral counselors.

At the heart of transformation by Terry J. Tatro, Chaplain

Pastoral Care to Chaplaincy Students by Chaplain (MAJ) B. Dean Akers

Experiencing God through prison chaplaincy by Susan Barnett, Chaplain

Difficult transitions by Cassandra Wilson, Chaplain

Helping students locate themselves in Christ by James Touchton, Chaplain

Nurturing spiritual well-being takes a team by Danny Garnett, Pastoral Counselor


33. Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, home to the second largest Lutheran library in North America, is making its vast trove of theological and scholarly resources available to people around the world. Users now have three new choices to get the seminary’s rich content, two websites and a mobile app. They can access classes on Greek or Hebrew, Bible studies and other helps for biblical interpretation, podcasts, academic papers, journal articles, videos and more. Read all about this here.



Ethel Ware Carter

The Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta, Inc.

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