1. Odyssey Networks' Bible themed game show,America's Bible Challenge, is moving forward as a series for the Game Show Network (GSN). GSN and RealitivityReal will be holding casting sessions in Atlanta on May 25 and 26. Please contact Annie Kate Pons right now if you would like to audition for a chance to be a contestant on a wonderful show that celebrates the Bible and provides fun for the whole family. Contestants will play for the chance to win some money for a worthy cause/mission close to their hearts. Contact Ms. Pons at akpons@gmail.com.
2. Community planning for the 9th Annual Walk/Run for a Cure HIV/AIDS will begin tomorrow, May 24, at 6 p.m., at The Greater Piney Grove Missionary Baptist Church, Room 207, 1879 Glenwood Ave., S.E., Atlanta 30316
3. The Auburn Avenue Research Library will host the photographic exhibition Resettled: Clarkston, Georgia, Monday, May 21.-Sunday, July 29. This exhibition is part of a long-term documentary project by renowned photographer Bryan Meltz. It chronicles the life of Arbai Barre Abdi and her family since their resettlement in Clarkston from a Kenyan refugee camp in 2004. Curated by Julie Delliquanti, the exhibit also features an illustrated time-line and info-graphic designed by Atlanta-based illustrator Blue Delliquanti. The library is at 101 Auburn Avenue NE, Atlanta 30303.
4. AIB presents Art and Soul, Dr. Dwight Andrews takes us behind the scenes to view the Talladega murals created by the late Hale Aspacio Woodruff. The High Museum of Art in collaboration with Talladega College in Alabama embarked on a two-year project to restore, research, and exhibit Woodruff’s Talladega murals. The murals will be on view at the High Museum of Art from June 2 – September 2, 2012. The murals consist of 6 panels that vividly portray scenes related to the Amistad revolt, the Underground Railroad, Registration at Swayne Hall, and the construction of Slavery Library. AIB Presents – Art and Soul aired Monday, May 21 at 7:00 p.m. You can see an encore presentation on Thursday, May 24, at 9:00 a.m. and Saturday at 12:30 p.m.
5. AMERIGROUP Community Care presents Atlanta Fire Rescue Child Safety Seat Program, Thursday, May 31, 3:00 – 6:00 p.m., Wal-Mart, 6149 Old National Hwy, College Park, 30349. Free car-seats while supplies last. Health Screenings, Give-A-ways, Games, and much more! Fun for the entire family. Call (678)587-4898 to let them know you will attend.
6. Georgia Center for the Book presents The Good Food Revolution: Growing Healthy Food, People, and Communities. As a son of a sharecropper, Will Allen never thought that he would one day become a farmer himself. After an athletic and business career, Allen built an urban farm on two-and-a-half acres in a Milwaukee food desert. A pioneering urban farmer and MacArthur "Genius Award" winner points the way to building a new food system that can feed--and heal--broken communities. Allen will be at the Decatur Library for a book signing on Monday, June 4, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.
7. Decatur UCC will host Wine and the Word, a time to explore a book. In June, four Thursday evening, the group will take a closer look at the Biblical story of Jacob’s children and read the best-selling novel The Red Tent reflecting on what the story might help us understand about the literature of our faith. Dates are June 7, 14, 21, and 28. Place TBA. Call them to get the location 404-373-2933.
8. Dr. Davis Chappell, senior pastor of First United Methodist Church, Lawrenceville, is the featured preacher June 10 on “Day 1” with host Peter Wallace, the nationally syndicated radio program also accessible online at Day1.org. Chappell has served churches in the North Georgia Conference for the past 29 years and has been at Lawrenceville First since 2001. His message for June 10, based on Acts 15:1-31, is entitled “A Good Church Fight.” “I love a good church fight,” he says. “Church fights are not always bad. It depends on what you’re fighting for…. Sometimes a good dispute properly addressed can lead to new insight and understanding.”
9. NAMI Basics to be offered in Cumming this summer. The new signature education program is for parents and other caregivers of children and adolescents living with a serious mental illness or emotional disturbance including ADD or ADHD with or without a formal diagnosis. The course is taught by trained teachers who are parents or caregivers of individuals who developed emotional problems prior to the age of 13 years. The course consists of six classes each lasting for 2 ½ hours. All instruction materials are FREE. Click here for video and additional information about the NAMI Basics Course. Cumming class will be Mondays, July 2 - August 6, 2012, 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. Preregistration is required. Seating is limited. Register by E-mailing Faye Taylor @ faye.m.taylor@gmail.com or calling 770-781-8325. For more about NAMI Forsyth Dawson Lumpkin visit NAMI(National Alliance on Mental Illness)
10. Every three years, all of those diverse L’Arche cultures of the International Federation of L’Arche Communities come together for a week to share, provide mutual support, and deepen and renew a sense of mission and solidarity. This gathering of delegates from countries around the world aims to celebrate the diversity of the Federation and to create a sense of one body. From June 1- 10, 2012, over 500 women and men (100 of whom will be persons with an intellectual disability) will come together in Atlanta at Agnes Scott College in the Decatur for this unique assembly. L’Arche communities provide residential homes, work programs, and a network of long-term friendships that enable persons with intellectual and development disabilities to contribute creatively to their own society. If you are interested in volunteering housing for some visitors, please contact Isaac Baroi at isaac.baroi@att.net Find out more about L’Arche here…
11. A communion service will be held at the Cathedral of St. Philip, 5:30 p.m., Thursday, June 7, as a part of the L’Arche Assembly. Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori will preside at this service. All interested people are invited to the worship service. The church is in Buckhead at 2744 Peachtree Road.
12. Effective, July 1, new changes to the mandatory reporting law will take effect. On May 2, 2012, Gov. Deal signed into law a criminal justice reform bill. In addition to many reform measures, the bill also expanded the pool of those mandated to report suspected child abuse to a broad range of people who work with children or volunteer with programs or organizations that serve children. Faith communities, including clergy, were not excluded from this expansion. Penalties for not reporting suspected child abuse range from fines to jail time. Interfaith Children’s Movement will offer two trainings in the metro area on how these changes will affect the faith community. You can register for one at the links below. Contact Pamela Perkins Carn at Interfaith Children's Movement with any questions. June 7 - College Park, GA College Park City Hall 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
June 19 - Atlanta, GA Druid Hills United Methodist Church 5:30 PM - 7:00 p.m.
14. C.S. Lewis on Stage in just a couple of weeks at The Balzer Theater at Herren's, 84 Luckie St., NW, Atlanta 30303. Check out the schedule or BUY TICKETS ONLINE or call 1-877-725-8849.
15. The Job Networking group that meets at Roswell United Methodist Church held its fourth Mini-Job Fair on May 14. Twelve local employers brought a combined total of 200+ employment opportunities to the 225+ job seekers in attendance. Employers who wish to attend the next 50-minute Mini-Job Fair on Monday, June 11, should contact Katherine Simons at lovingyourneighbor@gmail.com. The meeting will be sponsored by the Roswell Rotary Club. See www.rumcjobnetworking.com for the complete program.
16. World Refugee Day is June 20. RRISA(Refugee Resettlement and Immigration Services of Atlanta) urges churches to celebrate on any Sunday close to that day. The 2010 Global Trends report shows that 43.7 million people are now displaced worldwide – roughly equaling the entire populations of Colombia or South Korea, or of Scandinavia and Sri Lanka combined. You may want to use a special prayer or liturgy in your worship service or maybe plan something educational. See some resources .
17. July 22 – 27 Immersion Experience: An Invitation to a Deeper Spiritual Life (CSF) at Columbia Theological Seminary. This course will explore the origins of the Christian Spiritual Tradition. Participants will study the formative elements of Biblical Spirituality, Monastic Spirituality, and Reformed Spirituality. This course is the starting place for the Certificate in Spiritual Formation. Participants not enrolled in the Certificate in Spiritual Formation are welcome! Read More…
18. Covenant House Georgia announces the launch ‘Homestyle Team’ Meal Donation Program! Volunteers bring, serve, and share a meal with the CHGA youth! Meals can be prepared at home, in the shelter, or dropped off. Dinner is from 6 - 7p.m., Sunday through Friday and food should be provided for 25 youths. This is a wonderful opportunity for families, corporate groups, church groups and individuals to impact the lives of homeless teens. Sign-up once a month, once a week, or even one week a month (great for large groups)! So far the program has received rave reviews from the volunteer chefs and youth. Contact Volunteer Coordinator Jessica Parks at 404-589-0163 Ext 103 or JParks@covenanthouse.org Find out more about Covenant House here
19. The 5th Annual Run for Recovery at KSU is planned for September 22, 8:00 a.m. Registration is now open at Active.com There will be cash awards and sponsorship opportunities are available. The Hope Homes Collegiate Run for Recovery 5k at Kennesaw State University is a run to heighten community awareness about those recovering from alcohol and drug addiction and to raise funds to support the Hope Homes Collegiate Scholarship Fund. The run has attracted runners from all over the country. Over 400 runners last year enjoyed a scenic 3.1 mile run on the campus of KSU. If you are interested in being involved in the Hope Homes Collegiate Run for Recovery 5k at Kennesaw State University, contact Kelly Moselle at Kelly.moselle@hopehomesrecovery.org For more information about Hope Homes Collegiate visit www.Hopehomesrecovery.org
20. A thoughtful reflection on the church musician as theologian is on the Duke Divinity website. If theology is mostly dried ink for a dusty classroom, then we may never learn to see musicians as theologians. But if one of the purposes—indeed, the chief purpose—of theology is doxology (the praise of God), then it is easier to see how the church musician does function as a practical theologian, complementing the theological role of the pastor. Read more
21. Read Conduits of Christ, a reflection on Reinhold Niebuhr’s most famous work, by Kadri J. Webb, AoP '12 at Academy of Preachers and look around the site for more news of the Festival of Young Preachers.
22. If your congregation operates a food pantry you should know that changes in the dates of food stamp issuance this coming August and September may cause a gap in assistance for some people and increasing requests for help. Informational flyer
Ethel Ware Carter
Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta
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