Church Action eNewsletter Week of March 15, 2021

Church Action eNewsletter Week of March 15, 2021
The Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta, Inc. 

God calls us to some things we cannot do alone. 

Dear Friends, we welcome announcements from all area congregations. Send them to

1. AIB Keynotes features Dr. Mark Ellingsen’s remarks about finding happiness in a “flat” world as he speaks of his new book “Finding Peaks and Valleys in a Flat World” Monday, March 15, at 6 p.m. The show will re-air, Tuesday at 2 p.m., Thursday at 11 p.m., and Sunday at 6 a.m. AIB programming appears on channel 295 on Comcast, and on
2. Many houses of worship are participating in American Red Cross blood drives. This is a crucial time to give blood. We have put a list of locations all around the region on our website. See American Red Cross Blood Drives - Regional Council of Churches of A...

3. Georgia Justice Project Talk Justice Tuesday, March 16, 9:30 – 11 a.m. Looking Back and Looking Ahead.  For more information, see Justice Reform Partnership website

4. Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Conversation, how worship, missions, and justice can interface and benefit local congregations with special guests the Rev. Dr. Christian McIvor, Greystone Baptist Church, Raleigh, N.C. and Laura Nelson of Greystone’s Spirit of Justice team,  joined by CBF Advocacy’s John Mark Boes and Ellen Sechrest of CBF Global Missions. March 16, 2 p.m. Tune in on Facebook Live or YouTube. There will be time for questions. Learn more about CBF Conversations and find past episodes at

5. Interfaith Atlanta weekly contemplative practice features Rabbi Josh Lesser, Congregation Bet Haverim, Wednesday, March 17, 12 – 12:30 p.m., https://us02web.zoom/j/88627008776 . Passcode 060135.

6. Kessler Conversation with Esther Chung-Kim, associate professor of religious studies and associate director of The Gould Center of Humanities at Claremont McKenna College, addressing “Care of the Poor During the Reformation.”  March 17, 1:00 p.m. Learn more and register.

7. Center for Lifelong Learning, Columbia Theological Seminary, reports that signups will be open thru Friday, March 18, for “The Church and People with Intellectual Disabilities.” Does your faith community want to empower staff and volunteers to think and act more broadly when it comes to welcoming people with intellectual disabilities to worship, church school, and fellowship? Register for this five-week, April 11 – May 14, asynchronous course. While the course is designed from a Christian perspective, leaders from any faith tradition are welcome and will add to the diversity of discussion.

8. Are youth in your congregation puzzled about college? Mental Health American Georgia is offering a workshop for those considering college but unsure of where to start, Thursday, March 18, 3:30 – 4:00 p.m. REGISTER HERE

9. This week the Cathedral Bookstore “March for Our Mental Health” features Dean Kate Moorehead author of “Healed: How Mary Magdalene Was Made Well.”  March 18, 6:00 p.m.  All segments are free and virtual. To participate go to . If you would like to order the book see HEALED: HOW MARY MAGDELENE WAS MADE WELL.

10. Ignite the Church Conference – March Webinar – Hybrid Community.  Need some help adapting to the new reality you find yourself in? “Hybrid Community: Virtual & In-Person,” March 18. Please go to for more information and to register. 

11. The Rev. Talitha Arnold, minister of the United Church of Santa Fe, N.M., is the Day1 preacher March 21 on WSB News95.5 and 750 AM at 7:05 a.m. and also accessible online at and by podcast. “Seeing Jesus” is based on John 12:20-33, verses that tell of some Greeks who approach the disciples with a request to see Jesus. For more information and many audio, video, and text resources, check the program’s website,

12. A dialogue between religious activists in the movement against the American war in Vietnam and interfaith leaders in contemporary struggles for economic and racial justice, free Zoom Webinar March 22, 7-9 p.m. The Vietnam Peace Commemoration Committee invites you to an online webinar. Register here. For more information email

13. NAMI FDL will hold a Virtual Family Support Group and new families are welcome. Tuesday, March 23, 7 p.m. If you have questions or to attend virtually, email Linda at Click here to send an email to register. Register soon as the meeting is limited to 24 attendees.

14. Atlantic Institute invites you to Dr. Jon Pahl's talk, "Why A Muslim Cleric Matters to the World, The Life of Fethullah Gulen". Dr. Pahl is the first American author to pen a detailed biography of Fethullah Gulen, event will take place at YouTube, Tuesday, March 23, at 7:00 p.m.  Click here for live stream

15. Georgia Supportive Housing Association statewide meeting to discuss zoning regulations across the state that impact the development of supportive housing. Wednesday March 24, 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Email for the zoom Link.  If you have any questions, contact Mariel Sivley at or 404-713-5970.

16. Join the North Fulton Mental Health Collaborative, Fulton DeKalb Hospital Authority, and Fulton Commissioner Bob Ellis for a community conversation “Stop the Violence.” Zoom event, March 25, 9-10 a.m. Free and open to the public. Register here FDHA Community Conversation on Mental Health and Violence Preventio...

17. There will be food distribution from Interfaith Collab, Baha’is of Atlanta and Big Bethel AME Church, every second and fourth Thursday at Big Bethel AME Church at 1 p.m.
18. Civic Dinners “Voice of Women: a conversation about women’s rights, equality, power, and femininity, Thursday, March 25, 7 p.m. Visit for more information.
19. Concerts @ First and the Emory Chamber Music Society of Atlanta present “Bach’s Lunch,” Friday, March 26, at noon. The Dynamic Duo of violinist David Coucheron and pianist William Ransom joins forces to perform the first two of Brahms’ beautiful sonatas. View Livestream
20. “The Songs of Lent,” Sunday, March 27 at 7:30 p.m. This concert, featuring Baroque instruments such as the harpsichord and traverso explores early eighteenth-century expressions of lament appropriate for the season, including the poignant “Lamentations of Jeremiah” as set by François Couperin. This concert from All Saints’ Episcopal Church will be available as a Watch Party on Facebook and Vimeo at start time. Each performance will remain available to watch on Vimeo after the initial broadcast. Watch on Facebook; Watch on Vimeo

21. From Lifelong Learning at Columbia Theological Seminary, “Deep Calls to Deep: The Psalms in Transformative Dialogue” April 5 - 17. Listen to the ancient, diverse voices of the Psalms and nurture your spiritual life through dialogue, reflection, and worship. Read More.

22. Light of Hope Presbyterian Church presents a project of inspiration, storytelling & music with a message of hope, comfort, and encouragement entitled, "For Such A Time As This."  This program features 23 storytellers and musicians, among them are members of the Cobb County Storytellers, Kuumba, and the Southern Order of Storytellers. The presentation runs weekly from January to June and videos are here  23. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Ad Hoc Committee Against Racism issued “Open Wide Our Hearts.”Read it here “Open Wide Our Hearts” 

24. Northside Drive Baptist Church hosted a discussion with Professor Marilyn McEntyre, whose book “Where the Eye Alights: Phrases for the Forty Days of Lent” is being used by many for Lenten study.  She shared her views on the power of poetry and language in spiritual formation. If you are interested in seeing this session visit. Visit this link.

25. March is Women's History Month, commemorating and encouraging the study and celebration of the vital role of women in American history. Pitts Theological Library invites you to explore the influence of women from ancient biblical times to the modern day with a variety of new acquisitions to the library collection. Subscribe to the monthly New Acquisitions Newsletter for monthly highlights of new books, or find titles in the library discoverE catalog. And, take advantage of curated research guides like Women in Early Christianity and Feminist Theology

26. Georgia Catholics Against the Death Penalty seeks participation of interested people in contacting Georgia House members to urge them to push for a hearing in the House Judiciary Non-Civil Committee of HB 485. Everything you need to participate can be found at  A bipartisan group of legislators introduced House Bill 485. If enacted, this bill would repeal the death penalty in Georgia and replace it with life without parole.

Visit our website for a tool box for mental health ministry, and more . . . 

Ethel Ware Carter

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