Check the community calendar on our website Underlined words are live links Find Lent resources and services, series, and music.
1. “Jane Gunter: Not Just Another Woman on the Bus”. Most of us know the story of Rosa Parks, but few of us know about her connection with Jane Gunter a white mother-to-be who offered Ms. Parks a seat . Some four decades later, Ms. Parks and Jane Gunter would meet and compare their recollections of that day. Jane Gunter is best known in metro Atlanta as the founder of Family Life Ministries in East Point. This premieres tonight at on AIB at 7 p.m. and encore presentations can be seen on Friday at 1:30 pm, Saturday at 4:00 pm, Sunday at 9:30 am and Monday at 12:00 pm. AIB can be viewed on Comcast channel 5, AT&T U-verse channel 6. Programming can also be viewed on Video on Demand at
2. Tune in to AIB for “She is the Pastor”, a documentary produced for AIB by Columbia Theological Seminary professor Dr. Ralph Basui Watkins. Dr. Watkins speaks with 5 female pastors about the special gifts they bring to spiritual leadership and the challenges they face. The women are as diverse as their ministries, traditional, contemporary and in-between , and include Bishop Barbara King, Hillside International Truth Center, Teresa Angle-Young, Sacred Tapestry, Sonya Williams, Restoration Inclusive Ministries, Toni Belin Ingram, Greater Smith AME Church. This aired on Monday but encore presentations can be seen on Thursday at 9:00 a.m. and Saturday at 12:30 p.m.
3. St. Ann’s 33rd Annual Garage Sale, March 14-15, 9 a.m.-6 p.m., and March 16, 9 a.m.-2 p.m.; St. Ann Church, 4905 Roswell Road, Marietta. The sale will include seasonal items, office goods, flat-screen TVs/PCs, furniture (no mattresses), books, clothes, housewares, toys, baby items and more. If you have questions call 770-552-6400, ext. 6116.
4. Atlanta Jewish Music Festival starts Thursday, March 14, read more>>
5. Remember that the Saturday Children program at Big Bethel A.M.E. is every Saturday. Read more>>
6. St. John Neumann School Market Day is Saturday, March 16, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., 791 Tom Smith Road, Lilburn. This event is an outdoor spring artist/crafter market that will showcase local artists and craft vendors and their beautiful one-of-a-kind creations. There is no charge for admission. Food and beverages will be available for purchase. If you have questions email
7. Perennial herbs and perennial flowers, including several varieties of hosta, will be on sale Saturday, March 16, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Friendship Center at Holy Comforter Episcopal Church, Atlanta. For early-bird shoppers there will many heirloom tomatoes, eggplants and peppers, including Yolo, the sweet forerunner of California Wonder. Annual flowers and beautiful hanging baskets and container plants will also be on sale.
8. United in Prayer Day will be celebrated from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., this Saturday, March 16, at St. Patrick's Episcopal Church, Dunwoody. The morning includes centering prayer, a video featuring the Rev. Thomas Keating, and discussion. Sign-in begins at 9 a.m. R.s.v.p. to Al Cedarholm,
9. Traditional St. Patrick’s Day Dinner, Saturday, March 16; 5:30-8 p.m.; Killian Hall, 908 Killian Hill Road, Lilburn. Sponsored by Knights of Columbus Council 7923, the event is open to the public. The dinner includes corned beef, cabbage, and potatoes, and will feature live entertainment. Also available will be homemade desserts and a cash bar with soda, beer, wine and cocktails. Read more>>
10. Don’t forget the Yale Women's Slavic Chorus at 5 p.m. Saturday, March 16 at St. Bede's Episcopal Church, Atlanta. The program will highlight the chorus's extensive Bulgarian repertoire and feature folk dancers from the Atlanta Bulgarian School. Admission is $5 students, $10 adults.
11. The New Era Missionary Baptist Convention of Georgia will have their Convention Planning Session beginning Monday, March 18 through Wednesday, March 20 at the Midway Missionary Baptist Church in College Park, where Rev. Edward Reynolds serves as pastor. For more information about this session, please send email to
12. First Presbyterian has the pleasure to be involved again in the Phoenix Flies Spring Series, a series of programs and tours offered by the Atlanta Preservation Center. On Wednesday, March 20, at 10 a.m., William Lyons will be discussing the early history of the church and the stained glass windows by Tiffany and other artists. Phoenix Flies information>> First Presbyterian Windows website>> Location and parking.
13. “Diary of a Mad Black Woman: Intersectionality, Divine Revelation, and the Institutionalization of Black Women” Brown Bag Lunch Discussion with Dr. Vanessa Lovelace, Assistant Professor, Hebrew Bible, Area I, Wednesday, March 20, 12 -1:00 p.m., The Interdenominational Theological Center, Franklin Auditorium, Classroom Bldg. , 700 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, Atlanta 30314 Event is free and open to public.
14. Two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Gabrielle (Gabby) Douglas will sign her book, Grace, Gold & Glory: My Leap of Faith, at the Shrine of the Black Madonna Cultural Center and Bookstore, 946 R.D. Abernathy Blvd, SW. Atlanta. The event will take place March 22, 2013, at 6 p.m. Your purchase of her book is your ticket to this event. All books must be purchased at the Shrine of the Black Madonna Bookstore. For more information, 404 549-8676.
15. CareGivers' HOPE, a faith-based non-profit, is hosting the Annual Growing Awareness CareGiving Summit for Pastors, March 23, Clark Atlanta University Thomas Cole Research Building from 9 a.m. - 11a.m. The theme is "The Faith Community's Response... Helping CareGivers Preserves Families".The event is free and a hearty breakfast will be served. Space is limited and prior registration is requested. If you have questions. email Registration and more>>
16. Walk for the Congo Women on March 23 in Atlanta. Congolese and concerned citizens of many nationalities will join together to make the world aware of what is happening to our sisters in Congo. Click on the link for more information>>
17. Atlanta History Center Free Genealogy Program, Working Together for the Good: How Written and Oral Sources Support the African American Story, Saturday, March 23, 1 – 3:30 p.m. This program is held in conjunction with the traveling exhibition “Slavery at Jefferson’s Monticello:How the Word is Passed Down.”This is a free lecture, open to the public, but reservations are required -- is a quick form that simply asks for name and a point of contact (e-mail or phone or both) or you may call 404-814-4150.
18. Coro Vocati, a new Atlanta professional chamber choir, will present a concert titled "The Sacred and Profane: Part II" at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, March 23, at St. Catherine's Episcopal Church, Marietta. The free concert will feature works by Brahms, Kodaly and others.>>
19. McDonald Lecture in Christianity and Law, The Power of Mercy in Biblical Law by Michael Welker, Professor of Systematic Theology, University of Heidelberg, and Alonzo L. McDonald Distinguished Fellow in Law and Religion, March 27 at 12:30 p.m., Candler School of Theology, Rita Anne Rollins Building, Room 252. Free lunch for those who sign up by March 22. SIGN UP BY MARCH 22 FOR LECTURE AND BROWN BAG LUNCH Sign up here>> blocked::
20. Being a parent is life’s most important job. It can be life’s most rewarding commitment – and sometimes it can be life’s most challenging, as well! Come learn strengths-based parenting techniques side-by-side with other parents in a supportive, caring environment: A six-week Active Parenting Now Workshop for parents and guardians of children 4-12 years old. Hosted by the Lake City office of the Care and Counseling Center of Georgia, the workshop will meet Saturdays, April 6, 13, 20, 27, May 4, May 11, from 1-3 p.m. at Jones Memorial United Methodist Church. Parents who attend all six sessions receive a completion certificate. Registration deadline is 5 p.m., Monday, March 25. For more information about tuition or to register, call Lea McLees, MS, NCC, LAPC at 404.636.4157 ext. 418, or e-mail her at
21. Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University will be offered at Roswell United Methodist Church on Sundays beginning April 7 (6-8 p.m.), and on Wednesdays beginning April 10, (7-9 p.m.). Cost for the nine-week course is $105. The average family completing the course pays off $5,300 and saves $2,700 in just 90 days! Information/registration. Contact Kay Holmquist, or 770-261-1766.
22. Lecture and Book Signing -- Gospel of Freedom: Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Letter from Birmingham Jail and the Struggle That Changed a Nation April 10, 7:00 .p.m., Theater at the Carter Presidential Library and Museum, 441 Freedom Pkwy., Atlanta. Join author Jonathan Rieder as he discusses Gospel of Freedom, his new book delving deeper than anyone before into the letter-illuminating both its timeless message and its crucial position in the history of civil rights. This event is free.
23. Rock Paper Scissors Family 5 K coming up on Saturday, April 20. The run will begin and end at Rock Spring Presbyterian. Register and read more>>
24. Million March Against Child Abuse, USA, is coming up on April 22. Contact Lin Seahorn, National Walk Founder, at 404-474-4020 or MACA is a is a non-partisan, grass roots, nationwide effort to raise awareness of the magnitude of child abuse and ask our lawmakers for tougher sentencing in violent crimes against our children. Walks will take place in many cities across the U.S. Those in the Atlanta area who would like to walk may register by sending your name, phone, and email to" href="mailto:MACAatlanta@gma.... For the MACA Atlanta page click blocked:: For more information on MACA, visit the Washington, D.C. page>>
25. Partners in Policymaking is an innovative leadership training that empowers people to become better advocates for individuals with disabilities. Volunteers are needed to help with registration, set up breakfast and lunch, and clean up. Volunteers are also welcome to take part in the training, The April training is April 26-28, 7:15 a.m. to 5 p.m. AADD,125 Clairemont Avenue, Suite 300, Decatur 30030. Click here to sign up to help and learn.
26. Enjoy Atlanta's beloved bluegrass band Hicks with Picks and eat barbecue (chicken and vegetarian options available) with friends from around the world, celebrating 35 years of ministry with international students through AMIS, Sunday, April 28, 6 p.m., blocked:: Fellowship Hall, 4400 Peachtree Dunwoody Rd, NW, Atlanta 30342. Suggested donation: $12/person; $6 for children under age 10 and international students. blocked::
27. The theme of this year's Pro Ecclesia Conference, Center for Catholic and Evangelical Theology, is "Heaven, Hell,...and Purgatory?" The conference is June 10-12 at Loyola University Maryland. Speakers will include David Yeago, Ralph Wood, Isabel Moreira, and others. The 'last things' will be addressed from various angles, drawing from Lutheran, Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican, Methodist, and other traditions. Pastors are especially invited to attend this conference. Further information can be found at the Center website. Click here to register online.
28. Peacebuilders Camp at Koinonia Farm is an overnight camp in June dedicated to bringing together a diverse group of campers to live in community, learn ways to create peace and justice in the world, and have fun. Camp registration is now open. The number of campers for each session is limited to 12 so look now to see dates and scholarship information if you are interested. Click here to learn more and register for camp!
29. Remember the New Congregational Resource for Earth Day "Sunday Morning Sustainability: Eco-Justice Impacts and Opportunities," to help congregations lead worship and adjust routines to create smaller ecological footprints is available in several denominational versions here as a pdf--you will need to provide your basic information to sign in to the National Council of Churches' website if you’ve not done it before.
30. From a church of the SE synod ELCA a beautiful story of welcome>>
31. “The Theological Turn in Youth Ministry” by Andrew Root and Kenda Creasy Dean’s is a guide for engaging youth ministry in practical theology. Youths often ask the same questions that once were posed by great theologians, and Root and Dean offer a textbook-like format for youths to dive into. It brings to light how essential theology is to youth ministry. It can be purchased online.
32. Each month, the Women of the ELCA publishes an online magazine for young adult women. Café incorporates a Lutheran perspective for any woman who is interested in how faith relates to the issues that women face today. Click here to view this month's issue or to subscribe.
33. If your congregation or group is interested in learning Spanish or English you will want to know that several more classes are opening this spring at the Latin American Center. This is a unique language learning experience that focuses on fluency. In both Spanish and English classes, student encounter an environment where they are comfortable and excited to learn. LAA offers the unique experience of Intercambio (Interchange). During this time, students from Spanish and English classes meet and talk with each other about various topics and things they are learning. This is a great way to increase fluency and learn from someone and help them learn as well. Learn more or sign up today.
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