Church Action eNewsletter Week of June 29

God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.

Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta

Weekly Church Action eNewsletter

Week of June 29, 2015


This is the time of year when the eNewsletter usually takes a break. This year the month of June has been tumultuous and we had some timely resources to get to you.


Webinar: Houses of worship prepare for emergencies. This webinar is a collaborative effort between the DHS Center for Faith-based & Neighborhood Partnerships, a center of the White House Office of Faith-based & Neighborhood Partnerships, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency to help connect faith-based and community organizations with tools, resources, and partners to help prepare their houses of worship for all hazards, including active shooter incidents.  Wednesday, July 1, 2015, 2:00 - 3:15 p.m. (EDT)

How to Join the Webinar:

  • This webinar will offer closed captioning.


2. Local clergy respond to the shootings in Charleston. Find this article, a new sermon, and preaching reflections from ON Scripture on our website.


3. The United Methodist News Service published a short history of Atlanta’s Day 1, formerly The Protestant Hour, which celebrates its 70th anniversary on the air this year. Read the story on our website here.


4. Dr. David W. Key is director of Baptist studies at Emory University’s Candler School of Theology. Religion News Service published his commentary on the SCOTUS same sex marriage ruling. Read it here.


5. Eucharist for International AA Gathering, Saturday, July 4, 5:00 p.m., All Saints’ Church, 634 West Peachtree, Atlanta. All Saints’ Atlanta and All Saints Warner Robins welcome alcoholics in recovery who make their way to Atlanta for The 2015 International Convention of Alcoholics Anonymous, in its 80th year. Twelve Step Eucharist in the church followed by a fried chicken supper. Please share this news with friends in recovery of all types. See more here.


6. Sunday, July 5, on Day 1, hear longtime Protestant Hour and Day 1 favorite Dr. Thomas Lane Butts of Monroeville, Ala. in a continuation of the special 70th anniversary series. Visit Day 1 to find your station, read timely blogs, and read or hear the sermon.


7. Emory Continuing Education, the American Idol - Faith and Fame in the Modern World Tuesdays, July 7-August 11, 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. This six week course will examine how and why fame has become one of the most important developments of modern life. We'll examine the life and careers of four show business icons of the last hundred years; Charlie Chaplin, Frank Sinatra, Barbra Streisand, and Oprah Winfrey. Through an examination of their public performances on stage, screen and the electronic media of our time we'll look at how stars are born, nurtured and influenced by the moral and political environment of contemporary American spiritual and cultural life. Classes will meet at Holy Innocents Episcopal Church and Temple Sinai, both in the Sandy Springs area. Registration information here. Deadline is July


8. The Wildgoose Festival is still in need of volunteers. Would you like to hear dynamic voices sharing about peace making, #blacklivesmatter, food justice, prison reform, indigenous equality, and the rights of all humans? Volunteer and be part of the movement July 9-12, Hot Springs, N.C. Read more>>


9. Learning the WAY: Understanding that in the 21st century, Christians are formed, not born is coming up on July 18. This is for Christians of all denominations. Lutheran Church of the Messiah, 465 Clairemont Ave., Decatur 30030. Sponsored by Lutheran Theological Center in Atlanta. While the workshop is open to anyone, the presenters encourage congregations to send a team consisting of pastor/clergy and three or more lay persons. Registration, which includes lunch and materials, is $20 per person. Register online at


10. Get your running shoes ready and freedom gear on!  Since 2009, the number of youth referred to Georgia Cares has tripled.  As the referrals increase, so does the need to be able to provide services and supports to these survivors of trafficking and exploitation. By running in the Color Me Free 5k at Jim Miller Park on July 26, donating funds, volunteering time, or becoming a sponsor, you are directly helping serve victims in Georgia. Money raised will connect youth to resources such as residential services, educational supports, therapy, and daily needs that so many of our youth lack. Check the Georgia Cares website for more information. Click here to register!

11. Cedar Grove United Methodist Church, 3430 Bouldercrest Road, Conley, Annual Women's Day Prayer Breakfast is Saturday, August 1, at 9 a.m. Guest speaker is  Minister Harriet Gordon of Light of the World Christian Tabernacle International. Full breakfast served, $12 donation requested. To reserve your seat or table of 8 please contact Jacque Johnson Smith (678) 429-7730 or


12. Make plans to attend the Meridian Herald Campground Service, Saturday, August 15, 6 -8 p.m., Epworth Church, 585 Madola Rd, Epworth 30541. With prophetic preaching, prayer, singing, and music, this camp meeting service will be held outdoors on Epworth's historic meeting grounds. Steven Darsey and the Meridian Chorale will provide music. Epworth is located nine miles northwest of Blue Ridge and 101 miles from Atlanta via I-75 and I-575. The service will proceed rain or shine. We’ll move into the Epworth School auditorium in case of rain. Click here to let them know you are coming.  More about


13. New at Center for Life Long Learning at Columbia and now open for registration, Learning to Read the Signs of Church Conflict Before It Reaches the Point of No Return, Sept. 15.  This one day seminar is led by experts on church conflict from the Ministering to Ministers Foundation, Dr. Charles Chandler and Dr. Beverley Buston. Details and Registration.


14. The Gateway Center is looking for groups to commit to purchasing, preparing, and serving a healthy meal to 100-300 men experiencing homelessness. The commitment would be for one night a month for three months. Would your group be interested in changing lives and ending homelessness in Atlanta? Contact Bec Cranford-Smith to find out more at or visit the website 



Ethel Ware Carter

The Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta, Inc.


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