Church Action eNewsletter Week of June 28, 2021

Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta, Inc.

Church Action eNewsletter Week of June 28, 2021

God calls us to some things we cannot do alone. 

         1. Virtual book launch from the Cathedral Bookstore of “Eternal Heart: The Mystical Path to a Joyful Life”            by Carl McColman is tomorrow at 7:30 p.m.  More information and registration is at Meeting Registration - Zoom.

  1. We Can Do This: Faith Leader Toolkit from HHS Partnership Center, Tues., June 29, 1:00 - 1:30 p.m. Register here for this virtual review of User Guide for Faith-based Leaders Toolkit. Guidance and tools to help faith-based organizations make decisions, communicate with their communities, and protect their employees during the pandemic.
    3. Shallowford Family Counseling Center “Bringing Our Best Selves to This Time ... a Practice Circle,” Wednesdays, 1 – 2 p.m. via Zoom. Set aside time in community with Robby Caroll, SFCC director, and Kay Stewart, SFCC director of Mindness & Education, for a regular rhythm of practice -- a safe place of refuge to slow down and listen deeply to ourselves and each other. Weekly practices include meditation, mindful dialogue, gentle chair yoga, and poetic inquiry.
    Register here.Submit questions to
    4. A government’s budget is a moral document revealing values and priorities. Georgia Budget & Policy Institute's annual Georgia Budget Primer for the 2022 fiscal year will be released Thursday, July 1. The Primer easily explains where Georgia's funding comes from, how lawmakers invest these dollars and how our state's budget affects you and every Georgian across the state. Look for the Primer on Thursday.
    5. On July 2 at 6 p.m., First Congregational Church’s First Friday at First presents its Video Jazz Concert featuring Karla Harris, a powerful jazz vocalist. Accompanying Karla Harris will be Tyrone Jackson on piano, Chris Burroughs on drums and Craig Shaw on upright bass. You must register ahead for online access to this concert here.
    6.  The Rev. Dr. Charles Qualls, senior pastor of Franklin Baptist Church in Franklin, Va., is the featured preacher July 4 on “Day 1,” the nationally broadcast ecumenical radio program also accessible online at and by podcast. Before accepting the call to Franklin in 2017, Qualls was associate pastor of Second-Ponce de Leon Baptist Church for 16 years. “Day 1” has been broadcast every week for 76 years. It is currently distributed to more than 200 radio stations across America and overseas. Hear it in Atlanta on WSB News 95.5 and 750 AM. For this sermon and many other resources see  
    7. Monthly Interfaith Prayer Vigil for Peace is Monday, July 5, at 6 p.m., hosted by the Hindu Community in Atlanta and led by Sucheta Kamath. The link is here. Please consider wearing a yellow ribbon. The “Add Yellow Campaign” is to encourage people across the United States to add yellow wherever they are on July 4 or July 5 in solidarity with those whose lives were taken or forever changed by COVID-19.
    8. Charis welcomes Kendra Allen in conversation with Kiese Laymon for a celebration of The Collection Plate: Poems. A joyful debut poetry collection from an exciting new voice. This event is co-hosted by the Auburn Avenue Research Library on African American Culture and History. July 6, 7:30 p.m. Find out more and register at The Collection Plate: Kendra Allen in conversation with Kiese Laymo...
    9. 14th Annual Flower Festival to be held at St. James Episcopal Church in Clayton, July 9 and 10, 9:30 a.m. - ­ 4:00 p.m. Enjoy flower displays celebrating Honey Bees, Ducks on the Lake, Mountains, Sunrise, the Galaxy - just to name a few of God's creations.  You will be surprised with many more delights and the lovely gardens. Floral related demonstrations will be held Friday and Saturday at 10:30 a.m. Friday:  Forging the Forest Apothecary with Cara-Lee Langston; Saturday:  A tisket,  A basket ­with Bev Mannes.  260 Warwoman Dr., Clayton, GA 30525; 706-782-6179;
    10. Take a course in the community with a short course from the Candler Foundry “Reading in Place: The Bible, Identity, and Social Location” with Donghyun Jeong, July 10-11. Sat., July 10, 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. EDT; Sun., July 11, 4:00-7:00 p.m. EDT. Register
    11. Spanish-language Retreat: Tomar decisiones centradas en Dios, July 9-11. ¿Suena fácil verdad? ¿Cómo sabes si estás tomando la mejor decisión? ¿Cómo sabes si tu decisión es lo que Dios quiere de ti?  Es bueno ser espontaneo(a) y creer en la libertad del Espíritu, pero por otra parte, las decisiones en la vida requieren más consideración, discernimento, oración y consulta, sino seremos personas frustradas viviendo los resultados de una pobre decisión. Aquí, el discernimiento comienza. El costo con descuento para este retiro de 2 noches es de $200 e incluye habitación privada y baño privado; reflexiones guiadas durante todo el fin de semana; Misa católica y brunch de clausura, e uso de 20 acres y 1.5 millas de sendero cerca del río Chattahoochee.
    12. GoodR, Wellstar Health Systems, and community partners will host mobile markets with free groceries in Roswell, Powder Springs, Douglasville, downtown Atlanta, Hiram, and Lagrange. Registration is required. Visit to see locations, dates (July 10 is first), and to register.   
    13. Introduction to Centering Prayer Workshop, Sunday, July 11, 1 – 4 p.m., Zoom event. Registration is $50; limited number of scholarships available. Introduction to Centering Prayer Workshop - St. Mary's Sewanee (
    14. Unity Atlanta hosts “Adult Education: Public Prayer and Meditation Practices 201” with Rev. Larry Bergmann, via Zoom, a six-week class to develop and improve your skills for leading prayer and/or meditation groups. July 11 – August 15,  from 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. Participants (LUTs, LUT candidates, potential ministers, and anyone wishing to improve their skills) will develop skills and practice to create and lead prayer and meditation for groups  – both small and large, public and private and  will have the opportunity to create and lead prayer and meditation.
    15. The Academy of Preachers announces a wonderful opportunity to learn new preaching skills and polish current skills during the week of July 26-31 in a preaching camp with online and in person elements.  A registration fee of $125 covers a week of instruction and support in sermon development and meals and other costs for the on-campus events. Lodging is not included and must be secured individually. The registration fee will increase to $150 on July 15. Academy of Preachers | Identify. Network. Support. Inspire.
    16. Save the date for the Intersection of Church & State for Sustainable Communities Regional  Town Hall presented by the Ministers for Healthy Communities Project, hosted by the Forest Park Ministers Association. Information about the project and complimentary event registration Complimentary guest registration. Saturday, July 31,  virtual streaming, Facebook live, and at STARR Park behind the Forest Park City Hall. More information will follow.
    17. Third week of the 2021 Pitts Summer Reading Blog features Caitlin Soma, Pitts' Acquisitions, Serials, and Assessment Librarian. Who better to ask for reading recommendations than the person who selects the books for Pitts' general collections? Check out Caitlin's recommendations, which include Padma Lakshmi's memoir, a cook book, and a new Pulitzer Prize winning novel. Stay tuned to the Pitts blog for weekly recommendations from faculty and staff at Candler.
    18. The Center for Lifelong Learning, Columbia Theological Seminary, will offer an online course in “Christian Education in the Smaller Church” August 30 to October 2, 2021. In this five-week course participants will explore the issues of teaching, learning, formation, and planning. Read more here.
    19. Alliant Health Solutions offers QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer), a suicide prevention virtual training. July classes are full.  This is a 1.5 hr. on-line interactive instructor lead training offering 1 continuing education unit (CEU) through the National Board for Certified Counselors.  If you would like to schedule a training for your organization, email
    20. Many of the courses at McAfee School of Theology, face to face as well as online, taught by exceptional faculty, can be audited. Here are a few: The Art of Prophetic Preaching, Otis Moss III, with Greta Fowler as professor of record; Social Justice & the Old Testament, Dave Garber; The Bible and Critical Theories, Angela Parker; Spiritual Care through the Interpretation of Dreams, Denise Massey ; Why Can’t We All Just Get Along? Interreligious Dialogue and Christian Faith, Rob Nash; The Death of Christ in Contemporary Theology, Graham Walker. For a full list of classes available for audit, see the following link. If you are interested, email or call 678-547-6474.
    21. We have word from Lake Oconee Community Church that support groups there are now meeting in person. Dementia Caregivers Support Group meets second and fourth Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. For details, contact Linda. Support Group for Families Dealing with Addiction meets every other week, 6:15 – 7:45 p.m. For details, contact Larry
    22. From the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Podcast, “Whether confronting a pandemic or tackling the realities of everyday existence, the internet is a wonderfully powerful, dangerous tool,” said Dr. Douglas Bursch, author of “ Posting Peace: Why Social Media Divides Us and What We Can Do About It” and  co-pastor of the Evergreen Foursquare Church in Auburn, Washington. Find it here CBF Podcast: Why Social Media Divides Us  
    23. The Carter Center is seeking part-time, senior consultants in Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Florida to lead community outreach, around violence mitigation, in these states. Ideal candidates would be respected, and have a range of contacts, on both sides of the aisle. They seek civic, religious, and private sectors community leaders. Contact Nathan Stock, Conflict Resolution Program, (716)410 2154  
    24. The Youth Theology Network is a place where young people can explore questions about their faith, purpose, and call to ministry in the world. YTN is a national network of colleges, universities, and theological schools funded by Lilly Endowment Inc. to identify, ignite, and cultivate the gifts of a new generation of Christian leaders. As a partner, the Forum for Theological Exploration  supports, resources and promotes this national network of theology programs for high school students. If you work with youth check it out Youth Theology Network
     25. Churches Uniting in Christ, a dialogue among 10 Protestant faith communions in the U.S., announces the release of new ecumenical resources. The resources, available here, are designed to help churches experience Juneteenth, July Fourth, and Labor Day, through the lens of racial equity. Created by teams that include teachers and preachers from across the member communions, the resources include refreshed lyrics to a familiar hymn tune, a sermon, a litany, and other poetic works. All  may be offered during virtual, hybrid, or in-person worship services. For information and archives see

    Remember: volunteers are needed every Thursday through the end of July to sort, pack, and deliver food to Westside residents. Shifts are 9 a.m.-1 p.m. or 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Lunch will be provided. Sign up at or email

    Community members can text their zip code to GETVAX (438829) in English or VACUNA (822862) in Spanish to find out where #COVID19 vaccines are available nearest them.  Learn more at

    Visit our website for a clergy tool box for mental health ministry, and more . . . 

Ethel Ware Carter

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