Church Action eNewsletter Week of June 16

God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.

   Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta 

Weekly Church Action eNewsletter

Week of June 16, 2014




1. Will you be celebrating Refugee Sunday this weekend? Read “Borderless Welcome” by Abigail Konig, Lutheran volunteer and community outreach coordinator, Lutheran Services of Georgia and former Southeastern Synod Lutheran Corp Volunteer.  This piece vividly depicts Abi's experience as a Saturday visitor to the Stewart County Detention Center in Lumpkin, GA. Click here to read the article.

2. The Episcopal Church of the Holy Cross, 2005 S Columbia Place, Decatur 30032, starts a weekend of 60th anniversary celebrations with a jazz concert on Friday night, June 20. The whole community is invited to share in this celebration of 60 years of continued ministry in south DeKalb.  For tickets and details call the church at (404)284-1211; Paula Murray Kruegger at (770)314-4666 or

3. The Jung Society of Atlanta presents Lucie Magnus, Birmingham based Jungian Analyst in “The Alchemy of Eros: Lust and Longing, Love and Loss,” Saturday, June 21, 7:30 pm, Trinity Presbyterian Church, 3003 Howell Mill Rd., NW. Visitors - $20; Students - $10; JSA members – free. More information is at Visitors welcome.

4. Remember the “Sweet Auburn Living Beyond Expectations” events scheduled Saturday, June 21, through Sunday, June 22, in downtown Atlanta. The Sweet Auburn transformation is the culmination of a multi-year project that Atlanta Regional Commission initiated to answer the question: What does it take to actually build a community that appeals to older adults and Millennials? more information.

5. Join “Polly, Friends and Family,” a musical tribute of classical, traditional gospel, and show tunes performed by renowned members of metro Atlanta choruses including members of the DeKalb Choral Guild, June 28, 5 p.m.   The fundraiser is hosted by Mt. Zion African Methodist Episcopal Church, 2977 LaVista Road, Decatur 30033.  Tickets are $10.  Light refreshments will be served following the performance.  Call (404) 633-2288 for information.

6. Greater Mountain Baptist Church, Rev. Douglas Demetrius Prather, Senior Pastor, will hold its 2014 Youth Day Celebration on Sunday, June 29, at 11 a.m. The theme is, "Struggling to Live in God's Image” and the guest speaker will be Minister Wayne Martin. Greater Mountain Baptist Church is located at 3346 Martin Luther King, Jr. in the chapel of the historic Herschel Thornton Mortuary. For more information please contact 404.583.9566 and visit the church website at

7. The Africa Initiatives Ministry (AIM) of Zion Hill Baptist Church will host the third annual “Global Praise” Service, Sunday, June 29, 5 p.m. This event invites people across cultures, denominations, and congregations to gather to take praise to a higher level. All are invited to experience what Zion Hill likens as a prelude to the heavenly worship experience —the eternal hope of all Christians.  Admission is free and there is plenty of free parking. Several churches from the metro Atlanta representing various denominations, cultures, and countries will bring their unique offerings of singing, dancing, and scriptures in their different languages -- all with a common goal of demonstrating the unity of the Spirit of God.  Zion Hill Baptist Church, 6175 Campbellton Road, SW, Atlanta. Get details at 404-691-8025 or go to

8. Lake Oconee Community Church Children’s Fine Arts Camp - exploring the folk music and folk art of Georgia, Monday – Friday, July 7-11, 9 a.m. – noon. There are just a few spots left. Click here for the pdf flier  or click to contact" href="" target="_blank"... or" href="mailto:hemmingway0978@gmail.....

9. FAMA Interfaith Immersion Weekend 2014, July 11, 12, and 13.  Join members of the Faith Alliance of Metro Atlanta in a faith-filled weekend. Experience a variety of faith and worship services on July 11, 12, and 13.  More details  here.

10. Mark your calendar for Mental Health In The African American Community, Inc.'s First Annual Mental Health Fair, Saturday, July 12, 2014, from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m., at Club e, 3707 Main Street, College Park 30349. Look for more information later.

11. It’s a Low Country Boil, but it’s more than that; it’s also a silent auction.  But it’s even more than that. This annual event is the major fundraiser for Lutheran Campus Ministry Atlanta; your support is needed.  Unlike a congregation where members contribute to the program, campus ministry is for students, who generally have no income and they are only around for 4 years. Support this important ministry by enjoying a scrumptious meal and a fun evening of fellowship with students and members of congregations in the Atlanta area. Saturday, August 23, at Living Grace Lutheran Church in Tucker, 1182 Cooledge Rd., 4:00 p.m. Tickets are $50 per person, and anyone under 21 is admitted free! Tickets are available on line at the LCM Atlanta webpage ( or call or email Dave Smith (; 404-486-0405) or Gary Gimmestad (; 404-493-1331) We are announcing this early because there are some others ways to help. Can you donate an auction item?  … a weekend at your vacation- get- away, your theatre tickets,  an interesting antique?  If so, please contact Evelyn Cannon at

12. Atlanta faith leaders gathered at a luncheon hosted by Bishop Rob Wright at the Episcopal Cathedral of Saint Philip this week to welcome Dr. Valerie Montgomery Rice, new President of Morehouse School of Medicine, and Dr. Meria Carstarphen, incoming Atlanta Public School Superintendent. Ambassador Andrew Young was among those speaking words of welcome. Following inspirational words by both honorees, the Rev. Walter Kimbrough asked God’s blessings on these two women as they undertake community changing work.

13. The Cathedral Book Store, 2744 Peachtree Road, will be hiring an Assistant Manager. See all the details here>>

14. Emory Interfaith Health Program is excited to announce the launch of an online Forum. The purpose of the Forum is to be a tool for those with an interest in public health and faith to share model practices, engage in thoughtful discussion, upload resources, and stay connected with each other.  The forum should serve as a valuable resource to the global public health and faith communities in helping to promote this vital work. Register for the Forum>

15. Atlantic Institute Ramadan 2014 Family Iftar-Fastbreaking Dinners Program invites the community the supper. Read more>>

16. Looking for a meaningful way to serve this summer? In Georgia, more than 800,000 children receive free or reduced-price lunches at school during the school year. In the summer, this important meal disappears, leaving parents scrambling and kids hungry. Action Ministries’ Smart Lunch, Smart Kid program provides sack lunches to thousands of North Georgia children every week in the summer through Aug. 15, and they need volunteers to help. This is a great opportunity for kids to serve other kids! Churches and distribution centers in South Fulton, the Cascade corridor, College Park, Jackson, Carrollton, Fayetteville, Stone Mountain, Tucker and more are hosting Smart Lunch, Smart Kid (2014 SLSK Locations).  Learn more about Smart Lunch, Smart Kid and sign up to volunteer online by visiting If you can’t volunteer but would still like to help feed kids this summer, text LUNCH to 41444. Contact Rachel Ruckart, lead SLSK coordinator, at 404-593-8190 or


There are always events of interest to those who work in counseling, mental health ministry, and pastoral care on from the Community Health Interfaith Partnership.



Watch the special program about Central UMC on AIBTV, June 22, 8:30 p.m..

 “Pilgrimage Celebration” to remember and celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act, Saturday, June 28, 3:00-4:30 p.m., at First Congregational Church, 105 Courtland Street 30303. If you will be present for this celebration please R.s.v.p. to

Benefit Concert for Veterans, Sunday, June 29, 7 p.m. with American patriot music performed by Jens Korndorfer, First Presbyterian Church, 1328 Peachtree Street, NE Atlanta 30309. If you have questions call (404)892-8461.

 “Living with Loss as You Journey toward Acceptance and Hope,” July Wednesday sessions, 1 – 2 p.m., Care and Counseling Center of Georgia, 717 Mimosa Boulevard, Roswell 30075. Contact Dr. Hamilton at

Flea Market! United Methodist Children’s Home Auxiliary, July 11 - 12, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., 500 S Columbia Drive, Decatur 30030. The sale supports the mission of the United Methodist Children's Home Read more>>

The New Baptist Covenant Luncheon will feature Dr. Allan Boesak, the Desmond Tutu Chair of Peace, Global Justice, and Reconciliation Studies at Butler University and Christian Theological Seminary. Friends and colleagues are invited to hear him address the role of the faith community in the work of reconciliation. June 26, 11:30 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Register or call the NBC office at (335)213-2353. 


Ethel Ware Carter

The Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta, Inc.


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