Week of January 9, 2012God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.So sorry the sending of the newsletter from a remote location did not work. Since there is much going on about MLK celebrations and other things you may want to read about we are trying again.1. New Year’s Special reduction on classes at Columbia Theological Seminary Center for Life-Long Learning expires on Friday. Read about it at rccatl.org2. Stop by the Georgia WAND office to help make signs and drums for the MLK Day march! They provide the materials, you bring the creativity! Thursday, January 12, 1:00-300 p.m., 250 Georgia Avenue SE, Suite 202, Atlanta, GA 30312.3. Come out to the Cathedral of St Philip for a book signing by Fr. Richard Rohr, the well-known Franciscan priest, author, speaker and founder of the Center for Action and Contemplation, sponsored by the Cathedral Book Store on Thursday, January 12 at 6:30 p.m. for a book signing of his latest book, Falling Upward. The event will include a lecture by Fr. Richard as well as an open question and answer discussion. There is no charge for this event, but please R.s.v.p. to the Cathedral Book Store at 404-237-7582 or cbs3@mindspring.com. Read an interview with Rohr on our website4. 20th Anniversary of “A King Celebration”, Featuring Yo-Yo Ma will be held at the Atlanta Symphony Hall, Memorial Arts Building at Woodruff Arts Center on Thursday, January 12 at 8 p.m. Single tickets for these performances are $55 to $125. All single tickets are available online at http://www.atlantasymphony.org, or by calling 404-733-5000. Tickets may also be purchased at the Woodruff Arts Center Box Office, located in the Woodruff Arts Center at 15th and Peachtree Streets.5. The Catholic Archdiocesan Martin Luther King, Jr. Weekend Celebration will include the 28th annual Mass celebrating the life and legacy of King on Saturday, January 14, and a youth celebration on Sunday, January 15, as well as a new partnership this year—a food drive sponsored by the archdiocesan Office for Black Catholic Ministry together with the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Atlanta. The Mass, Saturday, January 14, will be celebrated by Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory, at 1 p.m. at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, 48 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, SW, Atlanta. The guest homilist for the Mass is the pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Dominican Father Jeffery Ott. Please visit this link for times and locations of all events.6. Alliance for Truth and Racial Reconciliation gathering will be in Newnan on April 20-22, 2012. Proposals for the conference will be accepted until January 15. If you are interested in submitting a proposal, visit the website for contact information. Early registration is appreciated for planning purposes and there are still travel scholarships available for two members from each group as well. The registration form is at www.atrr.org.7. Atlantans of all faiths are invited to participate in a Multifaith Worship Service and Candlelight Vigil, involving Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish and Muslim faiths. The theme is community service. Participants will have an opportunity to open the door to peace and understanding as embodied in the life and work of The Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., on Sunday, January 15, 6 p.m. at the Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel, Morehouse College Campus, 830 Westview Drive SW, Atlanta, 30314. This is a FREE event. No need to R.s.v.p. For more information, call 404-215-2608. Throughout January Morehouse College will celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., one of her most distinguished sons. Read about the visit of Dr. Eboo Patel and the interfaith service, community service project, music, and more at Morehouse.edu8. The Rev. Dr. Sharon E. Watkins, head of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), is the featured preacher January 15 on “Day 1” with host Peter Wallace, the nationally syndicated ecumenical radio program also accessible online at Day1.org. Watkins’ sermon, airing the day before the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, is based on John 1:43-51, is entitled “Where Earth and Heaven Meet.” For more information, call toll free 888-411-DAY-1 or check the program’s website, http://day1.org.
9. March with the Georgia WAND contingent in the MLK Day parade. Meet at the corner of Auburn and Peachtree, in front of Starbucks. Georgia WAND usually marches near the end of the parade, so you'll have the chance to see other marches as they pass by! Monday, January 16, <>12:30 pm10. Emory University’s King Week, the annual campus celebration of Martin Luther King Jr.’s life and work, is set for January 15-24. The schedule is packed with panel discussions, readings, exhibits, worship and opportunities for service. For a full list of calendar events, go to: http://www.emory.edu/MLK Highlights include:
Emory’s Day On, January 16, Emory volunteers will plant trees, paint arts facilities, and sort medical supplies for overseas clinics.
King Week Keynote Speaker Melissa Harris-Perry, professor of political science at Tulane University, MSNBC contributor, and columnist for “The Nation,” will speak at 4 p.m., Tuesday, January 17 in Emory’s Cannon Chapel, 515 South Kilgo Circle. Her address will focus on "King’s Legacy and the New Civil Rights Frontiers."
Jazz Vesper Service: Emory music professor Dwight Andrews will lead this popular celebration of King’s life with the Atlanta Jazz Chorus at 7 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 19 in Emory’s Cannon Chapel, 515 South Kilgo Circle.
11. Wednesday, January 18, at 7 p.m. the Rev. Douglas Demetrius Prather will be the guest preacher at the Dodd-Sterling United Methodist Church Wednesday Night Worship and Praise service. The Church is located at 3272 Browns Mill Road, Atlanta 30354 and the Pastor is Rev. Robert Melson. For more information please contact 404-361-4135. www.Dodd-Sterlingumc.org12. Monthly Atlanta Interfaith Broadcasters Executive Producer Audrey Galex hosts an engaging discussion with rotating groups of scholars, journalists, editors and others, reflecting on faith and religion issues as a part of the local, national and international cultural and social scene. The premiere episode of Religion Roundtable, January 19, at 6:30 p.m., includes guests Gary Laderman, Editor, Religion Dispatches, and Chairman, Emory University, Dept. of Religion, Sheila Tefft, Emory University Journalism professor, and John Blake, CNN Belief Blog. Topics include concerns raised over Mormonism as a Christian religion, end-of-times predictions, and the role of clergy in movements like "Occupy Atlanta".13. American Friends Service Committee, in partnership with Atlanta Friends Meeting, invites you to the 5th Annual King Peace Program celebrating the Peace Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. "Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community" on Thursday, January 19. Includes A Clothesline Art Exhibit and an evening filled with Conversations and Performances (6:30pm-7pm Children’s Program, 7 pm-8:30 pm program, 8:30pm-9pm reception. At the Atlanta Friends Meeting house 701 West Howard Avenue, Decatur, 30030. For additional information or to volunteer, contact Alice Lovelace, 404-819-7863 or alovelace@afsc.org.14. Prison Issues Roundtable, Atlanta Friends Meeting, Sunday, January 22, 11:45a.m.-1 p.m. Special guests include Stacey Abrams, Democrat, GA House Minority leader. We live in Georgia, a state where we spend over $1 billion on the corrections system and the inmate population has doubled over the past 20 years. Since Governor Deal took office, there has been discussion of a shift in emphasis toward alternatives to prison time for nonviolent offenders. In the past year, state created Special Counsel on Criminal Justice Reform. Debate moves to the General Assembly in early 2012. Quakers have historically worked for more humane treatment of prisoners, where will we stand today. There will be ample time for additional questions and open discussion. Please contact John Roberts jdr325@comcast.net for more information.15. Atlanta Interfaith Broadcasters Presents 10 Commandments - A Sermon Series, beginning Monday January 23 at 7 p.m. Join for a sermon series with spiritual leaders from different faith traditions. Rev. Christopher Henry of Shallowford Presbyterian Church begins the series with the 1st Commandment.16. Christianity after Religion:The End of Church and the Birth of a New Spiritual Awakening, January 24‐26, 2012, featuring Diana Butler Bass at Columbia Theological Seminary with denominational perspectives, panels, and small group discussions. What does the future hold for people of faith? Information and registration http://www.ctsnet.edu/Events.aspx17. The Center for the Study of Law and Religion (CSLR) at Emory University Spring Lectures begins January 25 with the "When Law and Religion Meet Lecture Series." The series runs January-March. All lectures begin at 12:30 p.m. in Emory Law's Tull Auditorium. CSLR Director John Witte, Jr. leads off the series with a presentation on “Shari`s in the West? What Place for Religious Family Laws in America and Other Western Democracies?” The lectures are FREE and open to the public. No registration is required.18. Join the Quakers for Movie Night at the Atlanta Friends Meeting Friday, January 27 at 7p.m. This is an incredible movie about a revolution accomplished by nonviolent resistance - Gandhi. The movie will be shown on the big screen in the Meeting Room. Attendees will be asked to donate whatever admission price they can afford and feel to be appropriate. Free popcorn! You are also welcome to bring snacks and drinks. Atlanta Friends Meeting is located at 701 West Howard Avenue, Decatur, 30030.19. Sing the Wind—Folk Songs with Steven Darsey will be presented Saturday, January 28 at 4:00 p.m. in the Atlanta History Center’s Kennedy Theater. Steven Darsey is a singer, collector, and scholar of folk song; he strives to make these real for contemporary hearers. Between songs, he shares southern wit and wisdom. Admission is free and open to all audiences. Donations will be accepted to support Meridian Herald. Free parking is available at the Atlanta History Center, 130 West Paces Ferry Road, Atlanta, 30305. For more information visit www.meridianherald.com.20. Mark your calendars to come to a special event on Saturday, January 28 from 6:30–8:30 p.m. at the Friends School of Atlanta. Building on the human rights panel discussion of last January, FSA will convene a panel of activists, politicians, and experts on immigration reform to once again ask the hard questions designed to provoke thought and action in the FSA community's ongoing efforts to build Beloved Community. Buy tickets for $10 on the FSA website www.friendsschoolatlanta.org. For more info, contact nancy.bent@friendsschoolatlanta.org, or call at 404-373-8746 x8135.21. Holy Comforter will be holding a seed and fruit scion exchange, Sunday, January 29 from 1- 4 p.m. Read all about this unusual opportunity, learning event, and social occasion at Holy Comforter.22. Stop Violence Against Women Day 2012 will be held on February 2, at the Georgia State Capitol from 8:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. For more information or to get involved, you may RSVP at svawday@gmail.com. Central Presbyterian Church 201 Washington St, SW Atlanta, 30303.23. Atlanta Interfaith Broadcasters began airing in January three documentaries produced by EthicsDaily.com, an imprint of the Baptist Center for Ethics (BCE). The AIB airing will mark the broadcast debut of a documentary featuring historian and Pulitzer Prize nominee Wayne Flynt and tax expert Ralph Martire. The three documentaries cover Baptist-Muslim relationships, faith and taxation, and faith and immigration. "Different Books, Common Word: Baptists and Muslims," aired on Jan. 6. "Gospel Without Borders," a documentary on faith and immigration released on DVD in late August, will air Feb. 3 and Feb. 4 at 10 p.m. Lastly, "Sacred Texts, Social Duty," will air March 2 and March 3, also at 10 p.m.24. The Atlanta Jewish Film Festival box office is open!! The Atlanta Jewish Film Festival returns to screens February 8-29. Enjoy the online sneak preview of this extraordinary showcase of world cinema. The new launch date gives everyone a chance to receive a program guide, browse the offerings, and make selections before tickets go on sale. Tickets can be purchased at www.ajff.org or by calling the box office at 866-214-2072. Plan to order early; screenings will sell out! The official 2012 Program Guide is available at participating theatres. Join the mailing list at AJFF.org25. Christ the King Lutheran Church is hosting a Love & Respect Marriage Video Conference, with Dr. Emerson and Sarah Eggerichs, Friday, February 10, from 6:45 -10:15 p.m., and Saturday February 11 from 8:45 a.m.-1:45 p.m. Cost is $15 per person through January 30. They will present a dynamic, high energy, and practical two-part video seminar to help couples achieve the relationship of their dreams. Go to www.loveandrespect.com for more information and to register. Childcare is offered. Email childcare reservations to loveandrespect@ctklutheran.org. Christ the King Lutheran Church, 5575 Peachtree Parkway, Norcross 30092.26. The Care and Counseling Center of Georgia offers a monthly workshop for engaged couples called Preparing for Marriage. Each couple will receive a notarized certificate, which entitles them to a reduction in the cost of their marriage license if married in Georgia, along with a free one-year marital check up. For information contact registrar@cccgeorgia.org or call (404) 636-1457, ext. 0. Visit http://www.cccgeorgia.org/marriage.htmlfor more information.27. Performers needed for a fabulous African American history program -- amateurs are welcome. Everyone will be represented--from African dancers to Paul Robeson to Civil Rights workers to Ike and Tina Turner. Performers sing, lip-sing, dance, perform spoken word, play instruments and more. Interested? Come to at least one rehearsal. Rehearsals are every Wednesday at 6 p.m. at Allgood Road Methodist Church, 640 Allgood Road in Stone Mountain. The performance will be held on February 25, 2012 at Freedom Middle School 505 S. Hairston Road in Stone Mountain. Hope to see you there!28. Georgia Alliance To End Homelessness Annual Conference and Learning Institute Innovations Forum 2012 the theme is “Working To End Homelessness and Hunger” is February 28, 29 and March 1. Visit the website for registration information and conference details.29. For clergy, staff, and other church leaders, several events are coming up in the next few months that offer great opportunities to strengthen your mission and ministry.“Rekindling the Fire of Worship: Tapping into our People's Gifts” with Cláudio Carvalhaes, February 23, 1:30 – 4:00p.m., Claudio is a sought-after speaker, writer, performer, and consultant. He is Associate. Professor of Worship and Preaching at LPTS, where he is known for his ability to "rekindle the fire of preaching and worship." Reserve your spot by emailing phill@atlpcusa.org Clairmont Presbyterian Church, 1994 Clairmont Road, Decatur, 30033.“Take Your Church’s Communication to the Next Level” with Kem Meyer, March 17, 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Life is hard and people are bombarded and skeptical. We simply don’t have the margin for more; we yearn to focus on what matters. The church should make it easy for people to find that. Enliven and simplify your ministry. Equip your church for more effective discipleship. And identify simple mistakes we make all the time that prevent people from connecting to church. Reserve your spot now by emailing contact@tpncdc.org. Shallowford Presbyterian Church, 2375 Shallowford Road NE, Atlanta, 30345.30. Make your reservations today for a 2012 Winter Spirituality & the Arts Retreat at St. Mary’s Sewanee –these retreats are opportunities for a brief and powerful experience in the beautiful Tennessee mountains just north of Chattanooga. Visit StMaryssewanee.org for details on upcoming events on writing, Rumi, C.S. Lewis and more.31. "Look! I am making all things new!" Isaiah 43: 18-19. As the new year begins, Atlanta Friends Meeting Bible Study will be looking at Bible sources on "new beginnings," Tuesday nights at 7:30 p.m. in the Meeting's Library. Bring your favorite edition/translation of the Bible and any other sources you would like to share with the group. Please contact Julia Ewen at jewen@bellsouth.net or 404-534-3043 if you are interested in joining this group.32. Support the Church of the Common Ground! Deacons from the Diocese of Atlanta are selling barbecued pork butts this month for the Super Bowl weekend hoping to raise $5,000 for Church of the Common Ground, an Episcopal ministry with and for the homeless of downtown Atlanta. For their "Holy Smoking BBQ" the deacons plan a Feb. 4 delivery of orders placed before Jan. 27. And there are many ways to help the cause -- even for vegetarians. If you prefer, you can pick up your order at Holy Innocents Episcopal Church, 805 Mt. Vernon Highway, Atlanta 30027. In case of inclement weather, the BBQ will be cooked the following weekend, Feb 10 - 12. Read more about the "Holy Smoking BBQ" and place your order now at http://holysmokingbbq.blogspot.com.33. Georgia Supportive Housing State Action plan is on our website and a message from the Georgia Supportive Housing Association about ways you can effectively help with the efforts to provide housing for our neighbors who need special services. Read this at RCCAtl.orgPeace,Ethel Ware CarterThe Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta, Inc.
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