God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta
Weekly Church Action eNewsletter
Week of January 26, 2015
1. The Big Read 2015 Lecture, tonight, Wednesday, Jan. 28, 7:00 p.m., Decatur Library Auditorium, featuring the award-winning playwright, Sarah Gubbins (who will join the discussion via closed circuit television) and members of the cast and crew of her new play. The discussion for the evening will center on the lasting influence of Carson McCullers' work and literary legacy. 7 Stages will premiere Sarah Gubbins 'play, How Carson McCullers Saved my Life, this February. Inspired by Georgia native McCullers' The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter.
2. Armed Forces Mission presents suicide prevention workshops in faith communities for people from all walks of life teaching skills that can make the difference for those a risk. These workshops build community within your congregation and bridges of hope for your greater community. Visit the website and consider hosting an I Will Interveneworkshop in your house of worship. www.iwillintervene.org.
3. Church organizations/medical mission teams are welcome to visit MedShare’s Distribution Center in Decatur for supplies for medical mission trips abroad. MedShare is a dedicated to the efficient recovery and redistribution of the surplus of medical supplies and equipment to those most in need. Teams outside Atlanta can order at the online system. For walk-in appointments, MedShare asks a donation of $75.00 for up to the first 50 pounds and $2.00 each additional pound. Online orders have a $3.00 donation per pound, plus shipping cost. Contact Kim Lawson, (404)537-5086 or klawson@meshare.org for more information, or go to www.medshare.org.
4. Black or White, opening Friday, Jan. 30, is the story of a grandfather (Kevin Costner) who is suddenly left to care for his beloved granddaughter. When the little girl’s paternal grandmother (Octavia Spencer) seeks custody, a legal battle ensues that forces the families to confront their true feelings on race, forgiveness, and understanding. Based on real events, the movie is a look at two seemingly different worlds, in which nothing is as simple as black or white. Allied Faith and Family has prepared a faith-based family discussion guide to accompany this film and they have graciously sent it to us to share with you. You can find the faith-based discussion guide here. A link to the trailer is here if you would like a sneak peek.
5. The Rev. Canon C. K. Robertson, Ph.D., Canon to the Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church, headquartered in New York, NY, is the featured preacher on Day1 this Sunday. Visit Day1.org to find your local broadcaster, listen, read the transcript, or explore the blogs, conversations, and other resources.
6. Empowerment Resource Center Joins Streetz 94.5 for a Health & Wellness Event at Greenbriar Mall, January 31, making healthcare resources more accessible and available. ERC will provide free HIV testing services. Counselors, doctors, dentists, health insurers will be on site. Come to Greenbriar Mall for the food, fun, and festivities and we party with a purpose. Noon to 5 with nutrition and weight loss help, screenings, physical fitness, prevention strategies, emotional health help, child/teen/family health.
7. Are you interested in making peace posters? One Billion Rising Art Workshop at East Lake Commons, Jan.31-Feb.1, will produce posters to be taken to the National Mall and displayed the weekend of July 4. Based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the posters will find a home here in Atlanta between the Carter, King, and Center for Civil and Human Rights. If you or any groups are interested in this valuable project, please contact Diane at 678-918-1945 to register. For additional information, go toOnebillionrisingatlanta.net.
8. For seven years the Annual Atlanta Catholic Business Conference has offered an amazing outlet for connecting faith and work, St. Peter Chanel Catholic Church on February 7, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Conference Theme for ACBC 2015 is “Living in the Trenches of Faith at Work.” Register here.
9. Recycling at Second Ponce de Leon Baptist Church, 2715 Peachtree Road NE Atlanta on Feb. 7, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. electronics, metals, latex paints, visitwww.keepatlantabeautiful.org for more.
10. The Church Women United in Atlanta will celebrate Black History Month during the meeting on Friday, February 5, 9:45 a.m., at the Peachtree Christian Church, 1580 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta 30309. The celebration will consist of a panel discussion on urgent topics of race relationships and the state of the family in America and is based on the new film, “Black or White” by Kevin Costner, opening January 28. For more information contact Mrs. C. Rainey, Vice President, at (770) 964-2912 or R.s.v.p. tocrainey01@bellsouth.net. Come One, Come All. CWU is a movement and membership is open to all Christian women.
11. Georgia WAND, The Real State of the Union, Feb. 5, 6:30 p.m. reception, 1 p.m. event, Ben Hill UMC, 2099 Fairburn Rd. SW, Atlanta 30331, with Janice Mathis, Jay Bookman, Aurielle Marie Lucier, and Brittany Curry. How can we stop systemic and environmental violence at the root. R.s.v.p. to Johnna@georgiawand.org with "RSVP REAL State" in the subject.
12. First Friday at First resumes on Friday, February 6, at 6:00 p.m. at the First Church Commons. Guest artists will be renowned jazz pianist, Geri Allen “Side by Side” with Dwight Andrews. Tickets are $10 per person and can be purchased at the door. Plan to come to First Friday at First for an evening of fine music, food, and fellowship! First Congregational Church of Atlanta, 105 Courtland Street NE, Atlanta 30303.
13. “Old Style Fish Fry” Mount Zion African Methodist Episcopal Church will present a benefit Fish Fry on Saturday, Feb., 7, from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., at 2977 LaVista Road,Decatur 30033. For $10, you’ll receive three pieces of delicious fried fish, two side items (green beans, potato salad, or cole slaw) and bread. Drinks and baked goods are $1.00 each. Call (404)633-2288 to pre-order meals by Feb., 1 for your family or group. Visit www.mtzionamec.org.
14. A Ladies Afternoon Tea is scheduled from 2 to 4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 7, at Church of the Annunciation, Marietta. In addition to tea, the event includes entertainment and a gift shop. Tickets are $15. For details, click here.
15. Faith Alliance of Metro Atlanta invites people of all faiths and traditions to a celebration of diversity and harmony in Atlanta as the 5th World Interfaith Harmony Week designated by the UN General Assembly draws to a close. The festivities will include music, food, and an international marketplace. Sunday, Feb. 8, from 3:00 – 5:30 p.m.,Temple Sinai, 5645 Dupree Drive, Sandy Springs 30327. $20 suggested donation. Register here.
16. Maria Valdes, a former staff soloist for All Saints' Episcopal Church, Atlanta, now with the San Francisco Opera, will perform at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 9, at All Saints' Atlanta. Tickets are $15 and $10 for students and seniors. For details and to purchase advance tickets, click here.
17. GALEO & the GALEO Latino Community Development Fund continue accepting applications for the GALEO Institute for Leadership, Class of 2015. The seminars are open to all persons, regardless of their racial or ethnic background. Diverse participants (18 years of age and older) are encouraged to apply. The sessions will be conducted in English. Participants will be selected based on their potential for leadership and their eagerness in implementing community projects and initiatives. The deadline to apply is Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015, at midnight. Application. Limited scholarships are available. Contact samuel@galeo.org for more information on the scholarship. This leadership program is made possible in part by the Sapelo Foundation, University of Georgia-Fanning Institute, Georgia Power, and GALEO.
18. DMST Lobby Day, Join Georgia Cares, Street Grace, Wellspring Living, and youthSpark to raise a collective voice in the fight to end Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking. This year's legislative agenda will include advocating for the passage of a Safe Harbor Law. Thursday, February 12, 8:00 a.m., The Historic Freight Depot, 65 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive SE, Atlanta 30303. Register.
19. Diversity in Disaster for Metro Atlanta Communities, presented by American Red Cross and Joseph’s Network with FAMA and TDG, join leaders from diverse faiths and civic groups to learn about the first 72 hours in response and how communities can work together across faiths to respond most effectively. February 12, 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., TheTemple, 1589 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta. Please register for this free event at www.thefirst72.org . Lunch by Maggiano’s.
20. Vanderbilt University professor author Amy-Jill Levine will be in Gainesville Feb. 13-15 for a series of lectures. She will discuss her recent book, Short Stories by Jesus: The Enigmatic Parables of a Controversial Rabbi. The event will be held at Brenau University and is sponsored in cooperation with Gainesville's First Baptist and Grace Episcopalchurches. For more information and to register, click here.
21. The Natural Spirituality Regional Gathering is Feb. 13-15 in Toccoa. Participants from across the Southeast will gather to explore the intersection of dreams, synchronicity, and "the downward path of our walk with God," according to Darby Christopher. "We have fun while paying attention to the interconnected web of life. Lectures and workshops are geared toward both newcomers and old timers." For more information visit naturalspiritualityregionalgathering.com.
22. Renewal of Vows - Say “I do” again, February 14, 11 a.m., St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 306 Peyton Road Atlanta GA 30311. Light lunch reception to follow. Children are welcomed to accompany parents. Please R.s.v.p. to admin@stpaulsatl.org by Feb 10.
23. “Silent Sky,” Atlanta native Lauren Gunderson’s riveting exploration of the life and career of celebrated astronomer Henrietta Swan Leavitt (1868-1921) takes us on a humorous, heartwarming and motivating journey as this one-of-a-kind superstar fearlessly asserts herself in the turn-of-the-century world of Harvard’s male-driven observatory, ultimately touching the wondrous outer reaches of our universe – proof that the human mind and heart truly knows no limits! Opening at Theatrical Outfit on Feb. 14. Call the Box Office for ticket information (678)528-1500.
24. Beginning in 2007, Baptist Women in Ministry invited Baptist churches to participate in Martha Stearns Marshall Month of Preaching by having a woman preach during the month of February. This annual event has been a deeply significant source of joy and discovery for many churches as they have celebrated the giftedness of women. This annual preaching month is named for Martha Stearns Marshall, an eighteenth-century Separate Baptist woman. Northside Drive Baptist Church will welcome Paula Clayton Dempsey, Director of Partnership Relations for the Alliance of Baptists, during the 11 a.m. service on Sunday, February 15. Dempsey has degrees from Meredith College and Southeaster Baptist Theological Seminary. She has served as a local church pastor, a director of Christian social ministries, a college chaplain, a hospice chaplain, coordinator of a spirituality center, and studied with Contemplative Outreach and The Shalem Institute.
25. Be on the lookout for more information on “Remembering the Shout” featuring the McIntosh County Shouters, on February 28, 6:00 p.m. at Hillside, 2450 Cascade Road, SW, Atlanta 30311. Central United Methodist Church and Hillside International Truth Center are bringing this treat to Atlanta.
For more information, call 404-758-6811 or email mgamble@hillsidechapel.org or visit www.HillsideInternational.org.
26. More of us are living longer than ever before. This creates unique challenges and opportunities for congregations around issues of transportation, affordable housing, services, support for caregivers. Come to an Atlanta Regional Commission event, Live Beyond Expectations, to share your ideas and learn from others, Thursday, March 5, 9 a.m.- 3.p.m. The Loudermilk Center for the Regional Community, 40 Courtland Street NE, Atlanta 30303 Register.
27. The Roswell United Methodist Church Preschool and Kindergarten semi-annual children’s consignment sale is Friday, March 6, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m., and Saturday, March 7, 8 a.m. - noon. There will be three overflowing rooms with more than 200 consignors and great prices on gently worn spring and summer children's clothing and accessories (newborn - size 14), as well as maternity clothing, baby equipment, nursery décor, play sets, books, videos, DVDs, toys, and much more. The sale is now accepting all major credit cards with a $3 processing fee. All consignors must pre-register, even those who have consigned before. Click on www.rumc.com/rumck to register to consign or volunteer.
28. Candler continues the yearlong celebration of its 100th birthday with “Prophetic Voices: Confronting Theological Challenges of the Next Century,” an academic conference, March 18-20. “Prophetic Voices” brings together a dozen renowned theologians from Candler and beyond, discussing theological imagination and the issue of secularization, the image of God in contemporary society, creation and care of the earth, and the kingdom of God and global pluralism. Featuring Candler’s Luke Timothy Johnson, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Marilynne Robinson (Gilead, Lila), Cambridge University’s Janet Soskice, and Duke University’s Norman Wirzba, among others. The event is open to the public, but advance registration is required here.
29. Opening New Worlds: A conference for individuals with developmental disabilities, their families and congregations, March 21, 9:30 a m -4:30p.m., First Baptist Decatur, 308 Clairemont Avenue, Decatur, 30030. $20.00 Registration includes workshops and lunch; Registration deadline is March 11, 2015. Register here. This conference offers something for everyone: Individuals, Families and Congregations! For more information visit www.ddmga.org or www.wesleyglenministries.com Co-Sponsored by Developmental Disabilities Ministries, Inc. and Wesley Glen Ministries
30. Newnan First United Methodist Church will host the 3rd Annual I WILL INTERVENE CHALLENGE on March 23. This one day workshop is open to individuals from all walks of life and offers CE credit for mental health professionals. Thanks to the sponsor NFUMC registration has been greatly reduced. Suicide takes more lives each year than automobile accidents and is the third leading cause of death among teens. You can make a difference. Learn the skills that can save lives. In 2014 more than 1200 individuals accepted the challenge. Learn more or register today at www.iwillintervene.com.
31. Georgia Supportive Housing Association has sent a budget update. Find it here.
32. Peacebuilders Camp at Koinonia Farm is a unique overnight summer camp in rural south Georgia where youth ages 11 to 14 spend a week together learning how to work toward peace and justice. Campers enjoy farm life, play games and sports, go on field trips, learn about human rights, make new friends, and explore the stories of peacemakers past and present. Peacebuilders Camp registration has just opened for 2015! It is open to all middle schoolers! Session One (July 13-18) is for 11- and 12-year-olds. Session Two (July 20-25) is for 13- and 14-year-olds. Peacebuilders Camp operates on a sliding scale and strives to raise money to ensure that all campers can participate, no matter their family's financial situation. Click here to register!
33. The Center for Lifelong Learning is accepting applications for the 2015 Guthrie Scholars Cohort. This is an opportunity to engage in five days of independent study among a small group of clergy, educators, and church leaders on the campus of Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur. Those selected are invited to pursue a topic of their choice that engages a pressing issue of the church from a Reformed perspective. Scholars are provided with a guest room and meals in the campus dining facilities, and will have access to the seminary library, chapel services, and fitness room. The dates are September 21-25. Applications must be make at the link below. They will be reviewed as they are received and the application process will close when the available spaces are filled. For additional information and the link to the application form, see the Guthrie Scholar Brochure or contactSarah Erickson (404)687-4526.
34. Do you know about Family Promise of Cobb County,a non-profit that uses a network of 13 interfaith congregations (churches, temples, mosques) to house homeless children and their families? Each congregation pledges to host up to 4 families (14 people) for one week, 4 times each year. The hosting congregation provides dinner at the house of worship and food for lunches and breakfasts. They also provide space for families to sleep on network-provided beds. Families move from one hosting congregation to the next on Sunday afternoons. This helps families, who find themselves temporarily homeless, to stay together and receive help and support within their own communities. Find out morewww.familypromise.org As is true of many affluent areas there is very little affordable housing available in Cobb County once the families have secured jobs (or higher-paying jobs) and saved for a security deposit. Family Promise is interested in finding out if anyone knows of affordable rental units or of a building/house/old church parsonage that could be rehabilitated by Family Promise volunteers and used as transitional housing for a family until they can find permanent affordable housing. Please contact Julie Binney, Family Promise of Cobb County, jabinney@gmail.com.
Ethel Ware Carter
The Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta, Inc.
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