God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.
Remember that all events listed in the eNewsletter are placed in the Community Events Listings on our website . Newsletters are archived there at eNewsletters --- with the most recent featured below the slide show of member churches on our home page under Featured RCCA Activities.
1. “Do You See What I See?,” an exhibit featuring the work of photojournalist Erin Dunigan, opened Tuesday, January 24, in the Harrington Center at Columbia Theological Seminary. See some images
2. Scottish Heritage Sunday: Kirkin' o' the Tartan at St. Luke’s Presbyterian Church, 1978 Mount Vernon Road, Dunwoody 30338. Sun, Jan 29, 11:00 a.m. This unusual event features a blessing of the tartans with the St. Andrew's Society. learn some history as shared by Beadle Alan Miller, and listen to the skirl of the bagpipes. If your family has a tartan wear it! There will be a reception following in the Great Hall. Everyone is welcome! Contact Clair Maxwell at 770-393-1424 or clairmaxwell@slpres.org for more details.
3. The National Black Arts Festival Education and Public Programs division is proud to present “A Conversation with Houston Baker, Jr.” in partnership with the Auburn Avenue Research Library on Sunday, January 29, from 3:00-5:00 p.m. at the Auburn Avenue Research Library. Houston Baker, Jr. is a Distinguished University Professor of English at Vanderbilt University and winner of the American Book Award for his book" Betrayal: How Black Intellectuals Have Abandoned the Ideals of the Civil Right Era." This event is free and open to the public and preregistration is required. If you are unable to attend, but would still like to participate, this will be streamed live on Ustream. For additional information and to register, contact Dr. Collette Hopkins at chopkins@nbaf.org or 404-224-3464 or visit www.NBAF.org.
4. Friends of L'Arche Atlanta will meet from 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 28, at St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church, Atlanta. This month's social event for adults with and without disabilities is a potluck and family movie night featuring "Dolphin Tale." All are welcome. Find out about Friends of L'Archeand and view your invitation.
5. Concerned Black Clergy of Metropolitan Atlanta, celebrating over 28 years of community service, invites the community to the 2012 Installation Ceremony of President, Officers, and Board of Directors, Monday, January 30, at 10 a.m. The event will take place at the Community Church of God, 834 Cascade Road, SW, Atlanta 30310. The Rev. Frank C. Brown will be installed as President. You may call 404-755-4900 for information or visit www.concernedblackclergy.org.
6. Memphis The Musical. Broadway in Atlanta and Allied Faith & Family have a special offer for the Christian community. Get a discounted ticket for this 2010 tony Award winner. The Broadway “Best Musical” will be at the Fox from January 31 through February 5. This fabulous, soulful musical has a Gospel core promoting love, forgiveness, and racial harmony. Visit our websiteto download a special discussion guide for Christian groups. We have some hardcopies of Memphis Discussion Guide here and I will be happy to mail you one; let me know at ecarter@rccatl.org. You will find access there to the website with reviews, photos, a taste of the music, and ticket information as well. Use the code FAITH for a $10 discount on your ticket for Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. You may email HStarks@alliedim.com for further information.
7. FAMA (Faith Alliance of Metro Atlanta) in partnership with Morehouse College is hosting an Interfaith Harmony Week Luncheon on February 1, 12:30 – 2 p.m. in the African American Hall of Fame, Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel, Morehouse College, 830 Westview Drive, Atlanta 30314. Interfaith Legacy of a Man of Peace is the theme and the panel discussion features Janice Rothschild Blumberg, Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na’im, Uma Majmudar, and Vincent Harding moderated by Imam Plemon T. El-Amin. Information and registration.
8. The CEO Roundtable on Cardio-Metabolic Syndrome planned for February 2, has been changed to a planning meeting, a work group discussion on how a CEO Roundtable can be made effective and sustainable. This discussion will take place in the Klamon Room at the Rollins School of Public Health from 2–4:45 p.m. on February 2. Faith leaders who are interested and able to attend are encouraged to register at CMSDiscussion.
9. Agnes Scott welcomes New Testament scholar Amy-Jill Levine as guest speaker for the Faith and Learning lecture. Levine will present “Agreeing to Disagree: How Jews and Christians Read Scripture Differently” at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, February 7. The lecture will be held in Gaines Chapel, Presser Hall. Levine is the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Professor of New Testament at Vanderbilt University Divinity School. This event is free, but you will need to reserve a ticket by calling 404-471-6430. Levine is a popular speaker in Atlanta so call early. Find out a bit more at our website.
10. “Is Immigration Part of Your Life,” a seminar exploring the historical, social, and biblical aspects of immigration, will be offered Saturday, Feb. 11, beginning at 8:30 a.m., at Christ Church Episcopal, 400 Holcomb Bridge Road, Norcross. This seminar is open to everyone but space is limited and prior registration is required at this link. Carlos I. Díaz of Marietta, a member of Holy Innocents’ Episcopal Church, Atlanta, will lead the program. The Rev. Martha Sterne, associate rector at Holy Innocents’, said, “Carlos…a longtime leader in the Latin American community, pioneer in Hispanic broadcasting, and faithful member of Holy Innocents’ Episcopal Church, teaches as if everyone in the room matters—our roots, our stories, our concerns, and our hopes—because to Carlos everyone in the world matters.”
11. Atlanta Jewish Film Festival 2012 presents The Rescuers. A Holocaust historian and a Rwandan anti-genocide activist search the past for solutions to current ethnic persecutions in this Atlanta documentary debut. Panel discussion Q & A will follow the film at both screenings at Lefont Sandy Springs Theatre on February 12 and 13. Advance ticket sales are advised. Purchase tickets at www.ajff.org.
12. Project Extend will be hosting its First Quarter Clean-Up Day on Saturday, March 24, for senior citizens in south Atlanta from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Breakfast will be provided. The project consists of interior painting, minor carpentry, yard work, and cleaning gutters and roof. Please contact Yvette Foucha, Program Coordinator, Wesley Community Centers, Inc., at 404-872-0086 or email yvette@wesleycenters.org to sign up. Deadline for signing up is March 16, 2012. Quarterly clean up days are planned for June 23 and September 8. This is a great community service project for all kinds of church groups. If you have questions email Yvette at the above address or call 404-872-0086 ext.12. Visit www.wesleycenters.org for more about Wesley Centers.
13. Did you know that there are more than 200 videos on CBF’s YouTube Channel? Go online to view videos about the Fellowship’s mission and ministries all over the world.
14. If you are interested in the Screen-Free Week, April 30 – May 6, you can download a free kit which includes everything you need to plan a fun-filled week away from the television. Click here to download yours today! Anyone can be a Screen-Free Week organizer for any kind of group—from families, to schools, to places of worship, libraries, and whole communities.
15. Imagine a world where religious leaders speak as influentially on the environment as they do on other issues; houses of worship use renewable energy, produce no solid waste, press for clean-ups of local toxic sites and lead community efforts for environmental sustainability; religious educators teach children that caring for the earth is an ethical obligation - just like feeding the hungry. GreenFaith’s Fellowship Program trains leaders to make this a reality. Read more.
16. Read about Wisdom of the Christian Mystics being offered at Columbia Theological Seminary February 16-19 at www.ctsnet.edu
17. Dunwoody United Methodist Church opened its new Counseling Center several months ago. The center, under the direction of Dr. Pete Hutchings, is located at 5054 Nandina Lane, Suite B, Dunwoody 30338, and serves clients on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Members of the church and community may make appointments by calling the Center or by requesting a referral from the Dunwoody UMC clergy staff. The Center is a Christian-based center offering individual counseling for depression, anxiety, grief, and substance abuse issues. Family and couples counseling, and group counseling, is offered. Fees for services are based on a sliding scale. Telephone number is 770-542-0838.
18. If members of your congregation need help with heating bills remember that the Fulton Atlanta Community Action Authority is offering help for qualified individuals as of January 23. For appointments the number is 404-320-6715 or 404-320-0166. More information
19. Emmaus House, a ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta, is now accepting applications for five college students to create an intentional, Christian, living and learning community. Interns will support the summer programs of Emmaus House through service work, and engage in opportunities for spiritual growth. Read more
20. Find out about Theatrical Outfit’s Southern Writers Onstage which presents the lives and work of Richard Wright, Zora Neale Hurston, William Faulkner, Eudora Welty, Flannery O’Connor, and other southern writers to the public through a variety of presentations: lecture, music, readings, dramatizations, discussions at TheatricalOutfit.org
21. Remember the Cathedral Antiques Show benefiting All About Development Disabilities opens this weekend. Read more.
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Ethel Ware Carter
Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta
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