God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.
Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta
Church Action eNewsletter Week of January 18, 2016
Visit our website for more information and resources including lobby days at the Capitol, community calendar, and mental health ministry resources.
1. Community Assistance Center is seeking volunteers to help low and moderate income earners prepare their income tax return forms for free through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program. Get free training and help your neighbors in need for the 2016 tax season. Tax preparers must complete a training class and test. All training sessions are free. Training can be done online or at CAC in January. Visit the United Way VITA website to register as a VITA volunteer and select CAC as your VITA site. Then, contact Carlos Diaz at CAC at vita@ourcac.org to arrange for training.
2. Second-Ponce de Leon Baptist Church is pleased to offer Life Line Screening, a leading provider of community-based preventive health screenings. They will host their affordable, non-invasive, and painless health screenings on Friday, Jan. 22, in the Fellowship Hall. For more information on the five screenings offered and to register, call 1(888)653-6441 or visit: www.lifelinescreening.com/community-partners. Register for this event and receive a $10 discount off any package priced above $129.
3. A Solarize Athens Workshop, Georgia Interfaith Power & Light, Oconee Library in Watkinsville, Jan. 22, 6:30 p.m., to help local citizens explore solar as a viable option for their energy needs, whether it be home or business application. This workshop will go into more details regarding financing options for your solar installation.
4. Sisters in the L.I.T.E. (Lifestyle Intervention Teaching Exercises) will host two Lunch & Learn sessions each month, typically be on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays, a healthy lunch and fitness fun. The new program fee is just $5 per person, per workshop (scholarships are available if assistance is needed). Saturday, Jan. 23, is the time to come and find out about volunteering at the center if you think you might be interested. Free Open House, 9-11 a.m., C.H.O.I.C.E.S. Center at First Congregational Church, 125 Ellis Street NE, Atlanta 30303. Please R.s.v.p. to SLITE@choiceforkids.org
5. The Atlanta Muslim Community has organized a city-wide #VisitAMosqueATL day, Saturday, Jan. 23; area mosques will open their doors to the general public. Although most mosques are always open to the public, this is a chance for individuals and groups to join Muslims from their neighborhoods in a casual setting, Saturday, Jan. 23, 4-6 p.m. For a list of the participating mosques and information, click here.
6. The Jung Society of Atlanta presents a lecture, “C.G. Jung and Howard Thurman Speaking on Dismantling Inner Oppressors to Create Outer Liberation” by Catherine Meeks, Ph.D., retired Clara Carter Distinguished Professor of Socio-cultural Studies and Social Science at Wesleyan College in Macon and author, journalist, and community activist who is involved with prison work including working for the abolition of the death penalty and with homeless issues. Location is the Fellowship Hall of Trinity Presbyterian Church, 3003 Howell Mill Rd., N.W., Atlanta 30327. Jung Society membership is open to everyone, and this lecture is free to members; $20 for the public; $10 for students. Saturday, Jan. 23, 7:30 p.m. Additional information is at www.jungatlanta.com .
7. Dr. Diana Butler Bass is the featured preacher Sunday, Jan.24, on Day 1. Her sermon The Power of Today is drawn from the story of Jesus’ first appearance in the synagogue found in Luke 4. Find your local station or hear and read the sermon now at Day1.org.
8. Georgia Interfaith Power & Light and Trees Atlanta invite you to plant for the community and the earth on January 24. Select following links for more information. Tu B'Shvat tree planting in Kirkwood in the morning, and Orchard Planting honoring founding GIPL Board members at Marcus Jewish Community Center in Dunwoody in the afternoon.
9. Central Atlanta Progress and Am Yisrael Chai! continue the Downtown Daffodil Project part of the worldwide project to build a living holocaust memorial by planting 1.5 million daffodils around the world to remember and represent the one and a half million children who died in Nazi occupied Europe. You are invited to help Jan. 24, 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. at the Center for Civil and Human Rights, where you will also have the opportunity to meet Thomas Buergenthal, human rights attorney, judge at the International Court of Justice in The Hague, law professor, and Auschwitz survivor. Bring gloves and hand shovels, rain or shine. Volunteer registration will be at the entrance of the Center for Civil and Human Rights, facing Pemberton Place. If you would like to attend Am Yisrael Chai's Courage and Compassion event at 6:30 p.m. featuring Mr. Buergenthal as keynote speaker, please register www.courageandcompassion.eventbrite.com.
10. Vocation Conversations: Renew Your Life with Kai Nilsen at North Avenue Presbyterian Church, this Sunday, January, 24 5:45 p.m. Kai’s book Renew Your Life: Discovering the Wellspring of God’s Energy describes the seven ways that God has been renewing life from the very beginning (Genesis 1:1-2:3) through the creative energies of Grace, Possibility, Paradox, The Natural World, Relationships, Fruitful Work and Rest. Come to this talk and learn about renewing your life with Christ. You can learn more about his book by watching his video here: www.napc.org/kainilsen
11. Lake Oconee Community Church presents a special evening with Bobby Jo Valentine, Sunday, Jan. 24, 6 p.m., cabaret style with tables of four, 1001 Village Park Drive, Suite 107, Greensboro 30642. R.s.v.p. at www.locc.co, $10 at door.
12. Cobb Faith Partnership Community Lunch Forum, Wednesday, Jan. 27, 11:45 a.m. – 1 p.m. Karen Carter, E.D. of the Cobb Community Collaborative, will speak on connecting with resources to be prepared for effective service outreach. Turner Chapel A.M.E. Church, 492 North Marietta Parkway, Marietta 30060. Find out more at www.cobbfaithpartnership.org or call (678) 757-4592.
13. "A Celebration of Children" conference, Thursday, Jan. 28, at Marietta First United Methodist Church, featuring keynote speaker Tom Rawlings, attorney, former juvenile court judge and director of Georgia's Office of the Child Advocate. Sponsored by the Interfaith Children's Movement, the event is open to all who register, and display space is provided to those interested. Cost is $10. Details and sign-up here.
14. Caron Atlanta, a nonprofit leader in addiction treatment, offering resources for professionals, the recovery community, and Caron alumni in the Atlanta region, is hosting a workshop for parents and family members of adolescents and young adults who struggle with addiction and recovery, Saturday, Jan. 30, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., lunch provided. This workshop is open to the community. Georgia Public Broadcasting Boardroom, 260 14th Street, Atlanta 30318. Parking is free. Cost: $75 for individual, $125 for 2 or more. Finances should not prohibit attendance - Caron has scholarships available for ANY family that would like to attend. This is a great education opportunity for parents whose child or loved on is currently involved in a treatment program, was recently in treatment, or needs to be in treatment. Questions? Email NZintak@caron.org or KGrant@caron.org.
15. The Society of St. Anna the Prophet invites friends to join them at their annual convocation Eucharist celebrating the Feast of the Presentation on Saturday, Jan. 30, at 10:30 a.m. at the Church of the Epiphany, 2089 Ponce de Leon Ave., Atlanta. Women over the age of 50 who are interested in intentional community and ministry with elders are particularly invited to come and learn about the society. Questions about the Eucharist or about the society may be directed to the Rev. Nan Baxter.
16. There was a missing link for the Interfaith Harmony Celebration: Turn Toward Your Neighbor from Faith Alliance of Metro Atlanta, Interfaith Community Initiatives, and Neshama Interfaith Center, Sunday, January 31, from 2-5 p.m., Mercer University Cecil B. Day Hall, 3001 Mercer University Drive Atlanta 30341. Free and open to all. Parking is free. R.s.v.p. here.
17. Cumming First United Methodist Church, 770 Canton Highway, will welcome Dr. Thomas Elliot, Jr., Candler School of Theology, to speak on What It Means to Follow Jesus, Wednesday, February 3, 7-8:30 p.m., in the sanctuary.
18. Second-Ponce de Leon Baptist Church Women’s Ministry Conference. The IF:GATHERING gathers, equips, and unleashes this generation of women to live out God’s calling in their lives. Women of the church, neighborhood, and city are invited to come on Friday and Saturday, February 5–6, to join thousands of women around the world for a live simulcast from the If:Gathering in Austin, Texas. Gather in fellowship to explore: IF GOD IS REAL then we want more than anything TO LIVE LIKE IT. Speakers you do not want to miss. Child care and lunch on Saturday will be provided. To sign up and for more information, visit ifgathering.com. To R.s.v.p. for childcare, lunch, or if you have questions, contact Becca Jones at bjones@spdl.org.
19. The 14th Annual REAL State of the Union, with Jay Bookman, the investigative journalist who started it all, Janice Mathis, president of the National Council of Negro Women, and Nelini Stamp, community activist, Tuesday, Feb. 9, reception at 6:30 p.m., program 7-8:30, Ben Hill United Methodist Church, 2099 Fairburn Road SW, Atlanta 30331. Suggested donation $10. R.s.v.p. to johnna@georgiawand.org. Read full event details on the website.
20. Kick off the season of Lent and join the conversation on race at a Jim Wallis book signing at the Church of the Epiphany at 3 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 10. Wallis will do a reading from his new book, America's Original Sin: Racism, White Privilege and the Bridge to a New America and sign copies. Wallis is founder of Sojourners, an international community committed to social justice and radical evangelical Christianity. This event is sponsored by The Cathedral Bookstore, Church of the Epiphany at 2089 Ponce De Leon Ave., Atlanta, The Open Door, and the Beloved Community: Commission for Dismantling Racism. For additional information, contact Dr. Catherine Meeks.
21. In The Name of Love, an evening of dancing, good food, games, fun, and love, to support the Barbara L. King Scholarship Fund, a nonprofit that awards scholarships to college-bound high school students, Saturday, Feb. 13, 7-11 p.m. Tickets at blksf.net.
22. Spirituality in the Smart Phone Age , Feb. 16-18, centered on developing a theological grounding to navigate the joys and perils of this continually-evolving digital age, and practical wisdom to apply in the context of various ministry settings, The Center for Lifelong Learning at Columbia Seminary. Details and Registration.
23. Come dance with your L'Arche friends on Saturday, February 20, 5:30-8:00 p.m., Emory Presbyterian Church, a family-friendly Valentine's Dance. Suited for all ages and abilities! Parking is off Westminster Way, to the right of the church, if you are facing it on North Decatur Road. Bring a savory finger food to share (desserts will be provided). If you know you are coming, please R.s.v.p. at larcheatlantaevents@gmail.com. Find out more about L'Arche Community. This is one of a series of community events for adults with intellectual disabilities and all who enjoy these times together.
24. Interfaith Immersion Program, March 4-6, a three-day weekend experience of the worship, learning, and culture of faith communities in our area. Visit Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, and others for study, prayer, food, and fellowship. Space is limited and registration is required. Visit the Interfaith Community Institute or contact Jan Swanson at worldpilgrims@bellsouth.net to find out more.
25. Last year, the Hunger Walk/Run raised more than $928,000 to help the Atlanta Community Food Bank and five other local charities feed hungry neighbors in our community. 2016 event is March 13. Registration is open. Register for Hunger Walk/Run 2016 today!
26. Atlanta Children’s Shelter is looking for volunteers to help with the day care program and 2016 events. Check out a full schedule of opportunities here.
Ethel Ware Carter
The Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta, Inc.
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