Church Action eNewsletter Week of February 8, 2021

Church Action eNewsletter Week of February 8, 2021
The Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta, Inc. 

God calls us to some things we cannot do alone. 

1. The month of February celebrates Baptist Women in Ministry preaching. Read more at | Baptist Women in Ministry (BWIM).

2. Georgia Justice Project offers virtual events designed to education and engage advocates and community members on a variety of criminal justice reform issues in the Talk Justice Tuesday Series:  9:30 - 11 a.m. Coming up,  Feb. 9: Pre-Trial Detention and Diversion ;  Feb. 16: Criminal Sentencing .  For more information, see Justice Reform Partnership website
3. Remember the blood drive at Northside Baptist Church, Wednesday, February 10, from 3 to 7 p.m. in the fellowship hall. Blood donations go to the American Red Cross, which is in critical need to replenish its blood supply. All blood donations will be tested for COVID-19 antibodies, and they will help the Red Cross support hospitals and patients in need during this difficult time. For safety please make an appointment here -- type in "northsidedrivebaptist."
4. If you are interested in the affordable housing issue, note that “Our Homes, Our Children: 2021 Virtual Housing Day” at the Capitol, is Wednesday, February 24, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00. Click here to register. It will be preceded by an Advocacy Training Webinar, Wednesday, February 10, Noon  Click here to register

5. Restorative Justice Advocates of Georgia meets Wednesday, Feb 10, at 7 p.m.  Tarek Maassarani, co-founder of Restorative DC, will share from his experience, with a focus on the use of restorative justice in the Parole System. Passcode is 800260 and here is the link  

6. Online silent quilt auction "Winter Quilts. World Relief." featuring 100 quilts, hangings, and table runners to benefit the ministries of Mennonite Central Committee is Feb. 11-20. This benefit is a celebration of God’s gift of creativity. The website includes details on how to register, view photos of the quilts, how the bidding process works and pick-up and shipping information. View the Quilt Auction Catalog. Questions? Email or call 267-733-7589.  

7. PTN will engage political theologies of loss every other Thursday starting Feb 11 at 5:30-7:00 p.m. The current moment is one of acute, intersecting, and compounding losses. This discussion group centers on both classic and new works on grief, grievance, and loss, paying particular attention to structures of race, sexuality, and nation.  Contact Kris Trujillo to join the PTN discussion group at  February 11, Judith Butler, “Melancholy Gender—Refused Identifications” and Sigmund Freud, “Mourning and Melancholia.”

8. Church Women United of Georgia 23rd annual awards celebration February 13, at 11:00 a.m. The guest speaker will be former president of Church Women United of Georgia, Barbara Leath. The theme for this year is “Becoming One in 2021.”Tickets are available at CWU in Georgia Woman of the Year 23rd Awards Celebration - A Virtua... For more information email

9. The Rev. Dr. Christopher P. Thomas, pastor of First Baptist Church of Wilson, N.C., is the preacher Feb. 14 on “Day 1,” the nationally broadcast ecumenical radio program also accessible online at and by podcast.  “An Unveiled Gospel,” Thomas’s sermon for Feb. 14, is drawn from 2 Corinthians 4:3-6. “Day 1” has been broadcast every week for more than 75 years. For resources and more information, check the program’s website,  Hear it in Atlanta on WSB, News 95.5 and 750 AM.

10. The Political Theology Network presents the 2021 Winter Workshop Series online Mondays from January 4 to March 1, 4:30 – 5:50 p.m. Zoom link to the meeting circulated by email. Email or for more information or to join the email list. February 15, Kristyn Session, Villanova University, see more Political Theology Network.

11. Journey to the Cross, Lenten season devotions, will begin February 17 on d365 from CBFblog.

12. Enjoy a silent day of reflection on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 17 from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., led by Andy Otto, MA, at Ignatius House, 6700 Riverside Dr. NW, Atlanta 30328. Ashes are a sign of our own mortality and a cry to be redeemed from sin and death. And they point to a day of resurrection. $65 includes light breakfast, lunch, use of 20 acres, and concludes with Mass and distribution of ashes. Limited to the first 22 registrants for appropriate social distancing.

13.  “The Black Church and the Sacred Music Tradition” Feb. 18. Candler’s Black Church Studies Program presents a panel moderated by Assistant Dean of Worship and Music and Assistant Professor in the Practice of Worship Khalia J. Williams and featuring multiple Candler alumni. This discussion is part of a series of events celebrating the 30th anniversary of Black Church Studies at Candler. Learn more and register.

14. Adults are invited to a three-night Lenten silent weekend retreat, Feb. 18-20, led by Fr. Peter Fink, SJ, at Ignatius House, 6700 Riverside Dr. NW, Atlanta 30328. Rest and renew heart, mind and soul as you spiritually prepare for Easter, using the prayerful techniques of St. Ignatius of Loyola. $395 includes private room and bath, all meals, use of 20 acres and Sunday Mass. Limited to the first 22 registrants for appropriate social distancing.

15. Join Park Avenue Baptist Church, Saturday, February 20 at 11a.m. for "Know the Law, Know Your Rights" with a panel of Georgia experts and professionals to equip you with the information you need to advocate for yourself in today’s world. Streamed live to the Facebook page and YouTube channel (@Park Avenue Baptist). Park Avenue Baptist Church | Facebook  Panel guests are Christopher Campbell, Defense Attorney; Kianna Chennault, Attorney; Gregory Digsby, Tax Expert; April Robertson, Tax Expert, Terrance Bradley, Defense Attorney.

16. The mission of the Center for Lifelong Learning is to equip church professionals and laypeople to be forerunners in discipleship. Learn more. about upcoming programs and remember that “The Sense of Wonder: An Online Day Retreat” is coming up on February 20. It explores the work of poets, theologians, mystics and artists bearing witness to the Mystery. Read More.

17. The Atlanta Jung Society presents a lecture Rebecca Armstrong “Deep Mythologies of Love and Why We Resist Them.” Armstrong has recorded a video for the society about her lecture, which you can watch here: Rebecca Armstrong: Deep Mythologies of Love Promo. Saturday Feb 20, 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Zoom Program. Members: Free, Non-Members: $20, Students: $10, CEU's: $25 For more information and to register go to

18. The Candler Foundry and First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta will host a fresh round of TheoEd Talks on Sunday, February 21, featuring presenters Olu Brown, Neichelle Guidry, Doug Shipman, and Chanequa Walker-Barnes. The online event is free and open to the public with advanced registration encouraged. Read more.

19. Beginning February 24 at 7:00 p.m. and for the following four Wednesdays, Peachtree Baptist Church offers a study of the new book by Vince Bantu titled “A Multitude of All Peoples.” Bantu’s research reveals the diverse identity of the early church despite the common perception that Christianity is a “Western” religion.  The study will also be recorded via zoom and made available to watch anytime.

20.  “Grace in the Wilderness” an online course led by Fr. Mark Michael explores the traditional Lenten disciplines of fasting, prayer, and almsgiving, at a time of profound change in the church and wider society. Course participants are invited to engage in guided practice during the weeks between class sessions, and clergy are invited to bring members of their congregation for a congregational Lenten study. Learn more & register Starts on Feb. 24, Wednesdays at 7:30.

21. Dinner and Dialogue, a diverse and dynamic group focusing on race and racial justice, virtually this Spring. Join Chris Holmes of First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta and Iyabo Onipede of Compassionate Atlanta for discussion and fellowship on Zoom. Exploring Anneliese P. Singh’s book, The Racial Healing Handbook: Practical Activities to Help You Challenge Privilege, Confront Systemic Racism, and Engage in Collective Healing. You can purchase the book here. Contact Chris Holmes for more information. Third Sundays, 5:00–6:15 p.m. on Zoom, 4 sessions, Feb. 28, March 21, April 18, May 16.

22. Candler School of Theology has received a grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. to establish an initiative to support congregations in implementing new approaches to theological exploration, community engagement, and collaborative leadership. The project will be situated within The Candler Foundry, Candler’s public theological education arm that launched in 2020. Read more.

23. “The Youth Theology Network exists to see the next generation thrive and serve God,” said Jodi Porter, the coordinator for the Network. “Between navigating high school, being begged to clean their room, and exercising their driver’s license, students are asking big questions like, ‘What is God’s Will for my life?'”  Find out about this new initiative from the Forum for Theological Exploration at Creating a Healthy Space for Youth Vocational Discernment: A Conver...

24. Department of Public Health produced a series of videos covering key vaccine topics, including vaccine safety, the development process, and minor side effects. The videos can be found on DPH’s YouTube channel. They contacted us to ask that we urge you to join in this effort to educate Georgia residents on the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine by posting these videos on your social media channels and website to broaden the reach.  Visit the COVID-19 Vaccine Partner Toolkit for resources such as fact sheets, FAQs, posters, and presentation materials. Materials will to be updated to reflect the latest guidance. 
Visit our website for a tool box for mental health ministry, and more . . . 

Ethel Ware Carter
Copyright © *

Our mailing address is: 2715 Peachtree Road, Atlanta 30305

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