1. Concrete Jungle, a small nonprofit that harvests local fruits and vegetables to serve Atlanta's homeless and hungry, is seeking office and storage space. If your church would be willing to rent a small room and/or kitchen storage space, please reach out to Katherine at katherine@concrete-jungle.org
2. The Phoenix Flies: A Celebration of Atlanta’s Historic Sites, March 3- March 25, a program of Atlanta Preservation Center, is 15 years old this year. Once again many historic churches are featured in free tours and open houses. Starting this week
Saturday, March 3, with Glenn Memorial UMC Schutze Fellows Lecture at 10 a.m., Reservations required at here .
On Saturday there will also be a tour of St. Mark UMC at 11:30 a.m., 781 Peachtree St, Atlanta 30308.
Sunday, the Log Cabin Community Church will hold an open house from 12 – 3 p.m., 2699 Log Cabin Drive, Vinings 30339 www.logcabinchurch.com
Thursday, March 8, Northside Drive Baptist Church stained glass tour with historian Jordan Clark, 3100 Northside Drive, Atlanta 30305, R.s.v.p. to the church at (404)237-8621.
Friday, March 9 visit The Training and Counseling Center at St. Luke’s for a guided tour of Gay House at 10; a stained glass and nave tour of the church at 11 a.m., 435 Peachtree Street, Atlanta 30308.
3. The DeKalb Choral Guild, now in its 40th season, presents “The Poet Sings” on Saturday, March 3 at 7:30 p.m. The program features Frostiana by Randall Thompson and settings of poetry by William Shakespeare, John Donne, and James Agee. Avondale Estates First Baptist Church, 47 Covington Hwy., Avondale Estates 30002. Tickets are $5 each. For more information, see www.dekalbchoralguild.org or contact Keith Walker, khwbari@gmail.com, (706)831-4948.
4. Walter Brueggemann, McPheeters Professor of Old Testament Emeritus, Columbia Theological Seminary, is the featured preacher on Day 1 this week, March 4. Hear “Strategies for Staying Emancipated” or read it at day1.org. There are many text, audio, and video resources on the site. In the Atlanta area Day 1 always airs at 7:05 a.m. on News 95.5 and AM 750 WSB.
5. Disabilities Ministry Faith & Sharing Gathering, 5 p.m., Sunday, March 4, the Chancery in Smyrna, The Grace of Christ – A conversation with John Foppe. Born without arms, Foppe once led a dependent and limited life. Today, he is the E.D. of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul – St. Louis Council, a nonprofit Catholic lay organization that helps neighbors in need. As someone with a disability, he has always had a heart for those who struggle or feel marginalized. He learned that a person’s ability to do something has more to do with a personal sense of value and ability to create a vision, than having time, mone, or physical abilities. Doors open at 5 p.m. There will be time for art and music. 2401 Lake Park Drive, S.E., Smyrna 30080-8862
6. Sharing Women's Wisdom Tuesday, March 6, 11 a.m.- 2 p.m., Register here to join Candler's Women, Theology and Ministry certificate program in the annual Sharing Women's Wisdom program: more For information about this event or the WTM certificate program contact Ellen Shepard at ellen.shepard@emory.edu. Candler School of Theology, Emory University, 1531 Dickey Drive, Atlanta, GA 30322.
7. Prospective student dinner and lecture by Dr. R. Scott Appleby: "Integral Human Development: Pope Francis’s Comprehensive Vision of Peace" Wednesday, March 7, 5 p.m. Enjoy dinner with other Candler prospective students and the admissions team then attend the 7 p.m. lecture. Dr. Appleby is the Marilyn Keough Dean of Notre Dame's Keough School of Global Affairs. His research examines the various ways in which religious movements and organizations shape and are shaped by national and global dynamics of governance, deadly conflict, international relations, and economic development. Register at .candler.emory.edu/ . For more information, contact candleradmissions@emory.edu or call (404)727-6326.
8. Dr. R. Scott Appleby will present "Pope Francis's Comprehensive Vision of Peace," the Second Annual Consistent Ethic of Life Lecture sponsored by the Aquinas Center, March 7 from 7-8:30 p.m. Appleby is the Marilyn Keough Dean of Notre Dame's Keough School of Global Affairs. For more information, contact Alice Cameron at alice.cameron@emory.edu. Candler School of Theology, Emory University, at 1531 Dickey Drive, Atlanta 30322. Location: Rita Anne Rollins Building 102
9. Pausing to Remember: A Lenten Prayer Experience, March 7-28, Second-Ponce de Leon Baptist Church, 2715 Peachtree Rd, Atlanta 30305. The community is invited to this three-week, self-guided prayer experience — a pause to create holy space during Lent. New themes and prayer stations will be introduced each Wednesday morning which will run throughout the week, open on Sundays 9 a.m.-2 p.m. and weekdays between 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. with extra hours on Wednesdays between 4-8 p.m. Drop in once or come each week to experience the complete set of themes. Sneak away during your lunch hour or come on Sunday morning or Wednesday evening. Week 1: March 7-13, Week 2: March 14-20, and Week 3: March 21-28. Questions, contact Karen Harwell at kharwell@spdl.org.
10. John Tibbetts, praised for his mature voice and sensitivity in the arena of concert and opera alike will be in concert at All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Sunday, March 11, 3:00 p.m. His recital will include Broadway, opera and classical repertoire. Purchase tickets at the door or online at allsaintsatlanta.org. Contact Ray Chenault at raychenault@allsaintsatlanta.org for more information.
11. Jazz Sextet from Emory faculty hosted by ConcertsAtFirstPresAtl/ , First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta 1328 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta 30309, Sunday, Marcy 11, 7 – 9 p.m. The sextet led by program director Gary Motley is comprised of artist-educators whose backgrounds provide a wealth of industry experience and expertise. Their mission is to educate students about the rich tradition of American jazz while providing insight into the creative process through performance and analysis.
12.You are invited to a unique celebration of the Jewish holiday of Passover, which tells the story from the book of Exodus of the Israelites’ journey out of Egypt, from slavery into freedom. This year, a Unity Seder will be conducted by Rabbi Loren Filson Lapidus at the Temple on Tuesday, March 13, beginning at 6 p.m. with participants representing Atlanta's diverse religious and ethnic communities. The evening is designed to introduce the powerful story shared every year in Jewish homes around the world and to share diverse experiences with each other. Tickets are $36 per person, $18 for students and young professionals. Register onlinehere or call (404)233-5501. Post Seder cabaret with Lior Ben-Hur.
13. Premarital Workshop, Wednesday, March 14, at 6 p.m., Care and Counseling Center of Georgia, 1814 Clairmont Rd., Decatur 30033. This workshop will be facilitated Gayle Benator, associate therapist at Care and Counseling Center of Georgia. Spend two intense evenings with each other… preparing for the rest of your lives together. Click here for more info.
14. End New Jim Crow Action Group welcomes stories of those caught up in the system and those who work to help them. Mark your calendar for next meeting on March 14 at 7 p.m. at Atlanta Friends Meeting. Contact Dr. Jean Kennedy at drjeankennedy@yahoo.com if you'd like to have your story highlighted at a future meeting.
15. Seedtime and Harvest Gardens and Greenhouse of Holy Comforter Church, 737 Woodland Ave. SE, Atlanta 30316, first plant sale of the season is Saturday, March 17 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thirty varieties of heirloom tomatoes, all sizes and colors – red, yellow, green, purple, pink, and striped. Sweet peppers, hot peppers, eggplant. Seven varieties of basil. Perennial herbs and flowers, shrubs and trees. All organically grown. Just in time for Good Friday planting. Grow your own produce and flowers for pollinators. Support your local growers and help the environment. If you’d like to order ahead, call (404)627-6510 or email maycbrown@gmail.com and your plants will be ready.
16. Dinner and performance of the “Lamb of God” in celebration of Easter, March 24, Dinner at 5 p.m. – Performance begins at 6:30 p.m. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 1947 Brockett Rd., Tucker 30384.
17. Alliant Health Solutions is offering free Mental Health First Aid training courses to organizations. The training course is 8 hours in length delivered over the course of one day with a maximum class size of 30 participants. MHFA teaches laypeople what the signs and symptoms of mental illness look like and how to respond and provide basic support should you come across an individual experiencing an emotional crisis. To find out more, contact Ashley Washington, MentalHealthFirstAid@AlliantHealth.org.
18. Georgia State University School of Music presents the Three Choirs Concert, 7-9 p.m., Thursday, April 5, Peachtree Road United Methodist Church, 3180 Peachtree Road NE Atlanta 30305, with University of Georgia Hodgson Singers, Emory University Concert Choir, and Georgia State University Singers. There is no ticket charge for this concert. A little more... here.
19. To the Promised Land: Martin Luther King and the Fight for Economic Justice, by Michael Honey, former civil rights organizer, professor at University of Washington Tacoma, Guggenheim Fellow, and Robert F. Kennedy Book Award recipient for Going down Jericho Road, explores Martin Luther King’s commitment to the poor and working class and expresses disappointment that King’s campaign for economic justice has stalled. He challenges us to think about what it would mean to fulfill King’s legacy. Talk and signing, 8:00 p.m., April 5, Atlanta History Center.
20. Save the date for the 40th anniversary of Atlanta Ministry with International Students! AMIS Day 2018 - Celebrating 40 years of international friendships will be April 22 from 3-5 p.m. at St. Martin in the Fields Episcopal Church, 3110 Ashford-Dunwoody Road NE, Atlanta. For more information, contact office@amis-inc.org.
21. Beside Still Waters- A Contemplative Retreat, from Lifelong Learning at Columbia Seminary April 30 - May 4. Using readings from the Psalms, the saints, and the Desert Fathers and Mothers, this retreat will consider the dimensions and themes of contemplative prayer. The venue, Sacred Heart Monastery in Cullman, welcomes participation in its services. The leaders, Debra Weir, who leads the Spiritual Formation Program, and Chris Glaser, author and blogger of "Progressive Christian Reflections," will offer insights and spiritual exercises. All are welcome to participate. here.
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