God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.
Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta
Church Action eNewsletter Week of February 20, 2017
1. Judy Marx, Executive Director of the Interfaith Community Initiatives and daughter of a Holocaust survivor, is the next leader in Atlanta to share why the Atlanta Interfaith Manifesto is important. “The Atlanta Interfaith Manifesto is a sign to the world that we will not depend on luck to survive. We will depend on each other.” Read the full article here.
2. Columbia Theological Seminary announces an exhibition featuring photographs by Khayla Johnson, an M.Div. student. The photographs in Broyles Leadership Center explore themes of community, difference, and the significance of visual imagery in story-telling and future-making. On display now through the spring term. The campus is at 701 S. Columbia Drive, Decatur. The event is open to the public. For information on Columbia visit www.CTSnet.edu.
3. The Rev. Matthew Wright is an Episcopal priest, writer, and retreat leader, and an emerging teacher in the renewed Christian wisdom tradition. He currently serves at St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church in Woodstock, NY. He lives with his wife alongside the brothers of Holy Cross Monastery, an Episcopal Benedictine community. There will be two opportunities with Rev. Wright at Mary and Martha’s Place, A center for spiritual growth, 4393 Garmon Road, Atlanta 30327. (404) 239-9382.
4. Cathedral Choir in concert on Friday, Feb. 24, 7:30 – 9:00 p.m., Cathedral of St. Philip, 2744 Peachtree Rd NW, Atlanta 30305. This performance is a preview opportunity as the choir prepares to sing daily services in residence this summer at two cathedrals in England. This sampling will include the first performance in the American Southeast of Herbert Howells’ beautiful Sarum Service, written for Salisbury Cathedral. General Admission: $15 in advance / $20 day of concert; Seniors & Students: $10 in advance / $15 day of concert; Buy tickets here, or at the Cathedral Book Store (404) 237-7582. For more information call (404) 365-1050.
5. Mini-Retreat Rootedness in Anxious Times, Saturday, Feb. 25, 10 – 1:30, Amerson House Spirituality Center, facilitated by Kimberly Broerman, Spiritual Director, Deep Waters Center for Prayer and Exploration. During challenging times, how do we stay rooted in and nourished by God’s love, mercy, and wisdom, so that we can stay healthy and strong, offering ourselves faithfully in the days to come? $35 includes brunch. To reserve your place, contact Kimberly at kgbroerman@yahoo.com or (404)275-3328.
6. The School of Fine Arts, First Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, will hold Music Appreciation and History Lecture Day, Saturday, Feb. 25, 10:30 a.m. hosted by Jens Korndoerfer and Katie Patterson. Come enjoy cookies and coffee and learn about the crossovers of different music genres throughout history… from opera to musical theatre and sacred to secular. Email kpatterson@firstpresatl.org to reserve your spot today.
7. The Atlanta Women’s Chorus in Life’s Journey is a beautiful musical tribute to all that makes us unique and special. Druid Hills Presbyterian Church, 1026 Ponce de Leon Avenue, Atlanta 30306, at 2 p.m. and at 8 p.m. on Saturday, February 25. Tickets available at the door or at www.eventbrite.com. The concert will support liveSAFE Resources. You can contribute by donating items, needed are new clothing, new toiletries, new towels/linens, gift cards, and canned foods. liveSAFE Resources is a nonprofit whose mission is to provide safety and healing to those impacted by domestic violence, sexual assault and elder abuse.
8. Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey Transfiguration is the Rev. Matt Rawle’s sermon featured on Day 1 this Sunday, Feb. 26. Hear it in the Atlanta area at 7:05 a.m. on News 95.5 or AM 750 WSB. Visit Day1.org the find other stations and many text, audio, and video resources.
9. Saint Edward the Confessor Episcopal Church welcomes beloved local composer and pianist Cliff Brock for a Candlelight Taizé Service on Sunday evening, February 26 at 5:00. Cliff's gorgeous musical settings will be featured. A wine and cheese reception follows. All are invited. St. Edward's Episcopal Church, 737 Moon Road, Lawrenceville 30046.
10. The 40 Days for Life Spring Kickoff Prayer Rally is this coming Sunday, Feb. 26 from 6:30-8 p.m. at First Alliance Church, 2512 N. Druid Hills Road, Atlanta. More information here.
11. Disaster Preparedness Seminar in recognition of World Civil Defense Day on March 1 from 12 to 2 p.m. The Church of Scientology Atlanta will sponsor an Open House featuring a guest speaker from GA VOAD, Georgia Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster, to educate the community on being prepared for a disaster. This community service is open to everyone, 5395 Roswell Road, Sandy Springs 30342. Call (770)394-4414 if you have questions.
12. The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta and The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America announce this year’s Catholic-Orthodox Ecumenical Gathering, Monday, March 6, 7:00 p.m. at The Cathedral of Christ the King, 2699 Peachtree Road, NE, Atlanta 30305. His Excellency, the Most Reverend Wilton Gregory, Catholic Archbishop of Atlanta, and His Eminence Alexios, Greek Orthodox Metropolitan of Atlanta, will officiate. The keynote speaker is Deacon Steve Swope of Catholic Relief Services. The theme of this year’s Gathering is Sowing the Seeds of Hope: The Plight of Refugees and Migrants. There will be a “Meet & Greet” after the gathering in the foyer outside of Kenny Hall. Those attending are encouraged to bring non-perishable food items to be distributed to the poor. Additional info and directions.
13. An Ignatius House Lenten Offering with Lalor Cadley, a six-week course on spiritual practices that nurture your soul. Classes will be held 6 Tuesday mornings from March 7 through April 11, 10:00 to 11:30. Jane Vennard’s beautiful book Fully Awake, Truly Alive will be the text. The fee for the class is $90. Books can be purchased through Amazon or at your local bookstore. Limited to 12 participants. To register call Ignatius House at (404)255-0503 or on line at Ignatius House.org. For further details look under Retreats and Programs/Enrichment and Education.
14. The Lenten series, March 8 – April 5, at St. Anne's Episcopal Church, 3098 Saint Anne's Lane, Atlanta 30327, will feature a simple supper, 6:00 p.m., followed by a presentation and discussion of The Go Guide: 10 Steps for Innovations in Ministry from Luke 10, led by co-author Rev. Donna Mote, Missioner for Engagement and Innovation for the Diocese. The book is at the Cathedral Book Store or on Amazon, for about $7. Podcasts of discussions by Bishop Wright, co-author, and Rev. Mote, The Go Guide Road Show can be found here. For info contact Scott Miller at smiller@saintannes.com. No charge required, but a small donation to defray the cost of dinner would be gratefully accepted.
15. Lenten Circle: Forty Days of Prayer and Reflection, Wednesday3, 7:30-9:00 p.m., March 8-April 19, facilitated by Kimberly Broerman, Deep Waters Center for Prayer and Exploration. The forty days of Lent are ripe for deeper prayer and reflection, and for resisting the forces in our own lives and society that seduce us away from God’s truth and vision for our world. Using Walter Brueggamann’s A Way other than Our Own this group will gather weekly to meditate, pray, and be in dialogue about what it means to walk an alternative path. Investment is $125 for six sessions. For more or to reserve a place, email kgbroerman@yahoo.com.
16. Recovery Eucharist for people in recovery from addiction, Saturday, March 11, 10:00 a.m., St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church, 1790 LaVista Road NE, Atlanta 30329. This worship service weaves the 12 Steps and familiar readings and prayers of recovery into a traditional liturgy of the Word of God and Holy Communion. Healing is also offered. Those interested in more information may contact Katherine G. at (404)406-3504. Everyone is warmly invited.
17. Returning for its 13th year, Atlanta Preservation Center’s The Phoenix Flies provides an opportunity to learn about and celebrate Atlanta’s historic built environment. Many churches are included this year in the March 4-26 moveable feast. For the first time St. Anne's Episcopal Church will be included in the celebration, for the stunning stained-glass windows and Flentrop organ, Saturday, March 11, 10 a.m. R.s.v.p. for the St. Anne’s gathering by March 8 to Pat Cobb at pcobb@saintannes.com. Second-Ponce de Leon Baptist will also be part of the celebration for the first time with a history tour on March 15 at 1 p.m. These tours are open to the public. For info about The Phoenix Flies celebration go to APC. We will update you on churches included in the celebration.
18. Seventy-six years ago a mob in LaGrange took Austin Callaway from the city jail, shot him repeatedly, and left him to die on a rural road. The police and city never sought justice. A few days later, Rev. L.W. Strickland, Pastor of Warren Temple Methodist Church, said, “They have settled the matter by ignoring it.” This January, city and police officials in LaGrange made history by making a public apology for this act of brutality. On March 18, the community will join together again--to pray, reflect, and remember a tragic past. Callaway was one of nearly six hundred victims of lynching our state. LaGrange is one of the first communities in the state to acknowledge this history with a permanent marker. It will be unveiled at the service. All are invited to attend this historic event, Saturday, March 18, 2017, 1:00 p.m. Warren Temple United Methodist Church, 416 East Depot Street, LaGrange. More details. A sunrise service voicing the names of all 600 victims of lynching in Georgia will take place on March 19, more details to come.
19. Prison Fellowship 4th Annual Georgia "Justice That Restores" Volunteer Conference, Saturday, March 18, GA Department of Corrections Tift College Campus, 300 Patrol Road, Forsyth 31029. Kickoff at 7:45 a.m. This will be a time to renew and build the capacity of prison ministry volunteers and community organizations. The emphasis on the importance of the faith community in prison ministry will in include an address by Dr. Steven Turner, Director of Chaplaincy Services, GDC, and keynote speaker, Bishop Garland Hunt, The Father's House Church. Share this important date with your church leaders, members of your church family, ministry partners, and friends. There is no cost to attend; registration is required to reserve your spot and for meals to be included. Register for free now. Deadline is Friday, March 10. Each individual must register.
20. Churches are struggling to find ways to make deep, meaningful relationships with their communities. They try community service days, community dinners, and bigger signs but somehow the connections don't stick. Volunteers exhausted and the community is still at a distance. Want to try something new? EIRO will host a Pop-up Lab featuring Stanford’s Human-Centered Design approach to real world problem solving, Saturday, March 18, at McAfee School of Theology, Mercer University. Explore innovative ways for churches and communities to be in generative relationship. Also, there will be a light brunch! Tickets are $10; get them at Pop-up.
21. Preaching Conference: Preaching a Relevant Word: Politics, Policy, and the People, Candler presents the Bandy Preaching Conference on “Preaching a Relevant Word: Politics, Policy, and the People,” designed to assist pastors and congregants better understand contemporary socio-political issues and provide strategies to effectively address them through proclamation, March 23 and 24. Keynote speaker is the Rev. Dr. William Barber, chair of the North Carolina NAACP the Rebuilding Broken Places Community Development Corporation. The Rev. Billy Honor will lead closing worship. Register here by March 16, 2017. Candler School of Theology, 1531 Dickey Dr., Atlanta 30322.
22. New Life Covenant Church, 575 Travis St., NW, Atlanta, 30318, will host its 3rd Annual Back to the Garden ... Into the City Justice Conference, Saturday and Sunday, March 25-26. Key presenters are N.Y. Daily News senior justice writer Rev. Shaun King, Atlanta pastor Andy Odie, Chicago's Rev. Cecelia Williams, LaGrange Pastor Anton Flores, and Oakland's Rev. Dominique Gillard. Join activists, emerging theologians, and ministry leaders who work in under-resourced communities for two days of focusing on issues such as welcoming the stranger, building community with the abandoned, the church's call in the face of police brutality, addressing systematic injustice, and moving from awareness to advocacy. Five speakers, five conversations, five meals. For more details, or to register, click here, or call (404) 681-3558.
23. St. Mark's Gospel - Dramatically Presented by Tom Bair, Saturday, March 25, 2- 4 p.m., St. Edward's Episcopal Church, 737 Moon Road, Lawrenceville 30046. Bair will present an exciting storytelling performance of the entirety of The Gospel of St. Mark performed in the simple, elegant English prose of the King James Bible. Tom has appeared in theaters around the country, on some of the most notable stages in New York, and on television in the classic series The Adams' Chronicles and in the work of filmmaker Mark Rappaport. More about Bair. Tickets on sale here. Gala Reception following.
24. Camp SOS, May 5, 6, and 7, is a family weekend camp for families that have lost a loved one to suicide. Families are defined by who is "family" for each person. There have been attendees from 6 to 96 years old and from all over the state of Georgia. Camp is held at Camp Twin Lake's Will-a-Way, Ft. Yargo State Park, Winder. A loss by suicide forever changes lives, but having access to tools that support the journey can help. Consider who you know who might benefit from this experience. Visit the camp website HERE.
25. Make plans now to join 200 passionate, faithful leaders at FTE’s 2017 Christian Leadership Forum, May 31 - June 3, in Atlanta. Come exchange ideas, address challenges in your ministry, and be a part of a diverse community of bold leaders exploring possibilities for the church and academy. This is a space for you to awaken your ideas on how you might faithfully touch communities and ignite the gifts of young leaders. Register today and join a cohort of faith leaders who are ready to lead change for good. The deadline to register is March 31. To learn more visit fteleaders.org/forum17.
26. Christian Formation Conference, June 12-16, Kanuga, Faith Formation in an Era of Change. We are living in an era of change, but, more importantly, we are living in a change of eras. The models of faith formation developed over the past decades cannot keep pace with the challenges of this new era. We need something very new to address the lives of 21st century families, children, adolescents, and adults. More than 25 workshops such as VBS, digital ministry, Godly Play, confirmation, contemplative photography, recovery ministry, and bread baking. Activities for children of all ages –a family vacation. Five published authors: John Roberto, Wendy Barrie, Heather Annis, Jenny Beaumont and Jerusalem Greer. Eleven meals, plus socials, book signing and special events. Networking with those who have been involved in formation for years. Beautiful Kanuga, Hendersonville, N.C. All the information.
27. Taxes done for free? We wouldn’t lie to you… VITA is a free tax preparation service for households with an income of $55,000 or less. Taxes are prepared by IRS trained and certified volunteers. To find a site near you or for more information, click here.
28. There's a lot going on at the Center for Lifelong Learning at Columbia Theological Seminary and the deadline has been extended for Thompson Scholars applications. You can see a complete list of upcoming classes and events here, visit the Center for Lifelong Learning page, or visit the CTS home page to see what the seminary is doing. The Enduring Spirituality of Howard Thurman is coming up on March 4, a half-day retreat. More here...
29. Almost time for Lenten Madness!
30. You may know someone who is in debt, who needs help, you may remember Consumer Credit Counseling’s valuable help. Now, Clearpoint is the nonprofit credit counseling agency offering free credit counseling, budgeting help, bankruptcy counseling, and housing counseling— serving the entire country by appointment, phone, and internet. Clearpoint shared a story with us that involved faith, hope, and destiny. The clearpoint.org website address was originally owned by a church in Houston, Tex. They approached the pastor about acquiring clearpoint.org for the agency and it turned out he had used their services! It was an incredible coincidence and he is an ardent supporter of the good work Clearpoint does. He and his wife recorded a number of video testimonials about their journey in pursuit of good stewardship. You can see one at clearpt.cc/clearpoint
Visit our website for a complete community calendar, links to the Toolbox for Mental Health Ministry, websites for daily devotionals, and many other resources.
We will be happy to include your announcements in an upcoming eNewsletter. Send them to ecarter@rccatl.org.
Ethel Ware Carter
The Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta, Inc.
© 2025 Created by RCCAtl.
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