Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta
God of love, Help us to remember that your son came to live among us as a man born to a young woman of a tribe dispossessed of its land and longing for your presence.
Give us watchful eyes to see him among all people and willing hands to serve him as we find him in the poor, the sick in body and spirit, the hungry, those in bondage, those who are homeless, friendless, and hopeless, and those who rejoice.
If you believe as we do that together we can make a greater difference for our neighbors and for God’s whole creation, join us -- application should take you directly to a membership application. Contact Johnnetta Morris, Membership coordinator, if you would like us to send you an application or have questions. or visit for information.
The Advent mystery is the beginning of the end of all in us that is not yet Christ.
—Thomas Merton
A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols will be broadcast live on 90.1 WABE from King's College Chapel, Cambridge, beginning at 10 a.m. on December 24 , the Spelman-Morehouse Christmas Carol Concert on Christmas Day, St. Olaf's legendary Christmas festival . More
1. Early Bird registration for the Georgia Alliance To End Homelessness Annual Conference and Learning Institute ends December 31, information here.
2. Jefferson Avenue Baptist Church, 1150 Jefferson Avenue, East Point, has purchased a license to show the movie "Courageous" and will be screening it on Saturday, December 31, at 6:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. The event will be free and open to the public. Doors open at 5:30. If you need more information, please contact Rev. Robby Jackson 404-767-0582
3. Zion Hill Baptist Church will have two special events heralding the close of 2011-- its annual Kwanzaa Celebration of Family, Community and Culture at 8 p.m., December 31, followed by the Liberation Eve Worship Service at 10 p.m. with songs, testimonials, and prayer. You are invited to come and share in the fellowship and look to the dawn of a New Year. The church is located at 6175 Campbellton Road, SW, Atlanta. Get details at 404-691-8025 or
4. Decatur UCC will hold a traditional New Year’s Lunch and “Go Tell It on the Mountain” Hymn Sing, Sunday, January 1, after church in Davis Hall. Start the year off right with collard greens, black eyed peas, cornbread, and more! If you would like to attend, R.s.v.p. to Barbara Bugg (404-354-0499). If you aren't a cook, we have need of paper products, drinks and ice. 109 Hibernia Ave, Decatur.
5. There will be an introduction to JustFAITH on Wednesday, January 4, 7 p.m. at Ignatius House, 6700 Riverside Dr., NW, Atlanta 30328. For more information contact PJ Edwards at or 770-312-7718 or visit JustFaith is an educational experience, a formation process, and a spiritual journey. JustFaith offers an opportunity for people of all Christian faith traditions to experience the spiritual journey into compassionate discipleship. Read more at
6. Family Orientations are scheduled for the first Saturday of each month for families impacted by incarceration. If you are expecting a family member to return home soon, if you are supporting someone who has been in a jail, prison, or detention center, you have a place to come for information to help during the reentry and stabilization process. Providers may call in advance to participate (faith-based agencies and service agencies and organizations). Please call 404-289-5277 for information. Community Impact Program, 1102 Sylvan Road, Atlanta 30313.
7. The mission of Communities in Schools of Marietta/Cobb County is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. They rely on volunteers to help students succeed! Mentors and literacy tutors are needed. Find out about this great opportunity to make a difference in the life of a young person. Call Meghan Wilson at 678-503-0901 or email
8. Because a number of our readers took advantage of the 10% discount on Spanish Classes at the Latin American Association, the deal will be offered again. If you need to brush up on your Spanish or simply want to communicate with more people in this world join a weekday or Saturday Spanish class. Contact Lana Gavrilov at 404-638-1802 or and mention that you read the RCCA eNewsletter to get 10% off your first course.
9. STARBOARDERS is a band that wants the world to be different. Access to clean drinking water is a luxury we take for granted, but over 3.5 million people die each year from water related disease. When you buy STARBOARDERS first full length album, Chroma (now available at, you may be saving a life, because all proceeds from the album will be used to buy a water filtration device called a LifeStraw®. Visit them on Facebook to read more and see a video of the new single “Shelter Me".
10. Our advocacy is important in stopping human trafficking but we want you to know about some basic things needed at WellSpring Living and Hope House, shelters that provide services to female victims of human trafficking. These girls are United States citizens, ages 12 -18, and usually have been victims of sex trafficking. The organizations need towels, gift cards, paper products, and cleaning supplies. For information call Rahab’s Hope at 828-768-1489 or visit
11. The Kennesaw State University Canterbury Club and the Students in Free Enterprise Team have a joint project with St. John's Anglican University in Dodoma, in the Diocese of Central Tanzanika. They are selling videos made by the St. John's students of the villagers in Majeleko, a small Wagogo village in the diocese. Money will be used for educational purposes under the stewardship of Bishop Mdimi Mhogolo. What's exciting about this is that this is an entrepreneurial project where the members of the village actually earn money based upon something of value that they have to sell -- their dance and singing. It's a first time use of crowd sourcing to allow fellow Anglicans to earn money. Read about the SIFE Canterbury Club project at Kennesaw Sate University with St. John's University in Tanzania -- visit the facebook page at and the campaign page
12. You may find useful a new tool on the Lifelong Communities website connects planners, service providers, faith-based agencies, etc. with important services for older adults and caregivers. ARC now has the Aging Services Division’s Enhanced Service Provider database in an easy to navigate flex map system. Planners now can easily locate Personal Care Homes, assisted living, apartment communities, health and supportive services, etc. important to older adults and caregivers in their communities.
13. The first Peacebuilders Teen Camp took place from June 13-18, 2011. Sixteen kids from various walks of life came together for a week of learning, communal living, and play, and left with new ideas and new friends. Get a glimpse of camp life by viewing the photos and videos posted on the website: Peacebuilders has been supported and helped by Diaz Foods, the Fuller Center for Housing, the Open Door Community, the Emory School of Nursing, and dozens of folks who donated to the scholarship fund. If you are interested in supporting this amazing opportunity for young people you will find information here .
Frivolous, silly, but also quite wonderful the Christmas story told through Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, Wi...
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Ethel Ware Carter
Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta
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