God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.
Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta
Church Action eNewsletter Week of October 19, 2015
Responses to the Syrian refugee crisis and some ways to help are at RCCAtl.org
Advent Conspiracy is back. Check out the resources for congregations… worship fully, spend less.
1. Visit the Zion Hill website for information on eligibility and requirements for free health insurance being offered by the Bridge Program. This Thursday is the day to apply for this 24-month premium free insurance. Zion Hill CDC
2. Attallah Shabazz, former ambassador to Benin and eldest daughter of civil rights leader Malcolm X and Dr. Betty Shabazz, will present a lecture Thursday, Oct. 29, sponsored by the James T. and Berta R. Laney Legacy in Moral Leadership at Emory University’s Candler School of Theology. “Malcolm X 50 Years Later: The Legacy of Moral Leadership,” 6:30 to 8:00 p.m., Center for Civil and Human Rights in downtown Atlanta. The event is free, but registration is required. Register here » Full story
3. Our Children Are in Danger: Act to End the Violence, a symposium to educate the Cherokee County community on domestic minor sex trafficking and cyber safety, Thursday, October 29, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m., hosted by Celebration of Grace Lutheran Church, 411 Scott Mill Road, Canton 30114. See here for additional information.
4. Fall Festival & Artists Market celebrates the Feast of All Saints at All Saints' Episcopal Church, 634 West Peachtree St., Atlanta, Oct. 30-Nov. 1. Festivities begin with reception Friday night featuring a Georgia State University jazz trio (tickets $15), followed Saturday by the 35-booth artists market, storytelling, and Halloween party for children.
5. The Payette Bible Collection, Private Preview - On Saturday, October 31, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, The Forsyth County Ministerial Association will be holding a viewing of some of the rare English Bibles in the Payette Collection. The viewing will take place at Christ the King Lutheran Church, Cumming, Ga. Attendance is by R.s.v.p. only. If you would like to attend, please contact Kathy Voerg at ctk1125@ctklutheran.com with your wish to attend and how many. Reservations are on a limited first come, first serve basis. Christ the King is located at 1125 Bettis-Tribble Gap Rd. Cumming 30040.
6. We hear a Dutch street organ will be at the Fall Festival, Oct. 31, at St. Simon's Episcopal Church, Conyers.
7. Harmonie Universelle, an Atlanta baroque group, performs Concertos for Instruments d'Amour with music by Bach, Telemann, Graupner and Fasch at 7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 31, at St. Bede's Episcopal Church, Atlanta. Suggsted donation: $20. more >
8. The Rev. Dr. Nancy J. Duff is featured on Day 1 this Sunday, Nov1. An ordained Presbyterian minister, she focuses her research on the theological foundation of Christian ethics. She has written widely in the field of ethics as well as on the theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Nancy's sermon this week, continuing the Faith & Science series, is based on Revelation 5:11-14 and entitled "Hear the Animals Singing: The Bible and Genetics." Visit http:day1.org for more.
9. A Choral Requiem Eucharist will be offered at 4 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 1, at the Cathedral of St. Philip. Fauré's setting of the ancient Requiem mass will be sung in its intended context of worship. The service expresses the intercommunion of the living with those who have entered into the nearer presence of God. All are welcome.
10. Mental Health & The Church, a special invitation to local pastors to join Summit Counseling Center and Kay Warren of Saddleback Church for a special discussion on Mental Health and the Church. Monday, November 2, 2:45-4:00 p.m., Atlanta Athletic Club, 1980 Bobby Jones Drive, Johns Creek 30097. Seating is reserved for Caring Ministry pastors and lay leaders, Celebrate Recovery leaders, and anyone interested in starting a mental health ministry at their church. For information or to R.s.v.p, contact Cathy Murphy at cmurphy@summitcounseling.org.
11. Juvenile justice is the theme for a meeting of Justice Journeys at 7 p.m. Monday, Nov. 2, at St. Bede's Episcopal Church, 2601 Henderson Mill Rd. NE, Atlanta. Speakers are Stephen Reba, Barton Child Law and Policy Center at Emory Law, and Pastor Aakeem Woodard of Cultivators of God Impact Temple. They will discuss juvenile justice in Georgia and challenges for youth reentering the community after detention. For information, contact St. Bede's member Tommie Thompson, tommie@justicejourneys.org.
12. Cathedral Book Store’s Community Reading Group is Nov. 4, 6:30-7:30 p.m., Walthour Library. Come add to the discussion. For more information, contact Kerith Lee, (404)237-7582 or cbs3@mindspring.com. A discussion of A Land More Kind Than Home by Wiley Cash will be led by the Rev. David Wagner. The book is a literary thriller set in the mountains of North Carolina, thick with characters connected by faith, infidelity, addiction, and a sense of hope.
13. A panel discussion on the death penalty, 7 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 4, Berry College Krannert Ballroom in Rome. The Canterbury Club of Northwest Georgia (Episcopal Campus Ministry) will host the event, and featured panelists are Bishop Rob Wright; the Hon. Norman Fletcher, retired chief justice of the Supreme Court of Georgia; Dr. Thomas Kennedy, dean of the Evans School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences; and Floyd County District Attorney Leigh Patterson. This free event is open to the public.
14. Your Voice Matters, Presbyterian for a Better Georgia, Thursday, November 5, 7:30 – 9:30 a.m., First Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, 1328 Peachtree Street, Atlanta 30309. Meet with key members of the State House and Senate to discuss Georgia’s critical issues!
15. 24th Edition of the Book Festival of the Marcus Jewish Community Center, Nov. 5-22, will feature 40+ authors “In Conversation” with authors and journalists, programs, book signings, panel discussions, and The Family Reading Festival. Headlining authors include Mitch Albom; Arlene and Alan Alda; Judy Blume; Alan Dershowitz; David Gregory; Faye, Jonathan and Jesse Kellerman; Ted Koppel; Ambassador Dennis Ross; Dr. Ruth; and Tess Gerritsen. 5342 Tilly Mill Rd., Dunwoody. To purchase tickets visit www.atlantajcc.org/bookfestival
16. Explore the future of preaching with students and faculty from McAfee School of Theology, Mercer University, Friday, Nov. 6, 12:00 -1:30 p.m., Second-Ponce de Leon Baptist Church, 2715 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta 30305. Cost is $25. Sponsored by Day 1 and McAfee. Call (404)418-6772 for info and tickets.
17. November 8, live webcast for the Creating Common Good Public Lecture. The winners of the Trinity Institute 2015 essay competition will discuss solutions on how best to pursue God’s promise of abundant life against the backdrop of the global financial crisis. A discussion will be led by Kathryn Tanner (Yale Divinity School) and Sathianathan Clarke (Wesley Theological Seminary).
18. The goal of the Roswell Community Masjid Art Exhibit is to increase public knowledge and understanding of the Muslim community, to show the diversity and richness of Islamic Art, and to provide the opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations and learn about the principles that help shape Islamic Art. Tickets $10, Sunday, Nov. 8, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. For more information and to purchase timed tickets, click here.
19. Children’s choir musical for Café Decatur, First Methodist Decatur, It’s a musical about love and forgiveness, and the little time we have to give it. The Hosanna Choir presents “Once Upon a Time Shop” Wednesday, Nov. 11, at 6:30 p.m. It’s the story of how important it is to share God’s love with one and all, but especially with Miss Curmudgeon. Fellowship Hall, 300 E Ponce de Leon Ave, Decatur 30030.
20. Join Georgia Justice Project for "Blues for Justice" featuring Mudcat & the Atlanta Horns, Thursday, November 12, 6:00 p.m., at Eddie's Attic. This new fun event will give attendees an opportunity to mix, mingle, and learn a little more about GJP's mission and programs. Tickets are only $25 (includes a drink). Seats are limited. Purchase your tickets here. For more information, visit www.GJP.org or contact Shannon at shannon@GJP.org.
21. Practical Faith-Sharing Rethinking Seminar Series, Powder Springs United Methodist Church, 4329 Marietta St., Powder Springs 30217, Saturday, November 14, 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 Noon. Leader Rev. Dr. Winston O. R. Worrell is the director of the World Methodist Evangelism Institute. Gain confidence to share your story, create new relationships, and spread the good news. $25 per person. Register here.
22. Come join the Hearing Impaired Ministry of the Wheat Street Baptist Church for their Annual Sing/Sign Celebration. At this event, various hearing impaired ministries from churches in and around the Atlanta area will minister by signing. You do not want to miss this Spirit-filled celebration, Nov. 14, noon. 359 Auburn Avenue, Atlanta 30312.
23. Bright Star United Methodist Church Holiday Bazar, Saturday, Nov. 14, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., 3715 Bright Star Road, Douglasville. Santa and Mrs. Claus, free children’s activities, Whoville, silent auction, bake sale, media sale, and more! Vendor spots are available. More information.
24. The Holidays: Overwhelming or Fulfilling? Finding Alignment During the Holiday Season with Rev. Heather Chase, The Training and Counseling Center at St. Luke’s Live and Learn Lunch, Thursday, Nov. 17, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. -- open for anyone and lunch is provided. Walk-ins welcome, but R.s.v.p. s are encouraged at 404-876-6266, ext. 1 to Linda Smith. Suggested donation of $10. TACC, 98 Currier St, NE, Atlanta 30308. Free parking. More information or contact Shannon Ball at sball@taccatstlukes.com.
25. Egg-Onomics, All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Bill Garrett, President of Cristo Rey Atlanta Jesuit High School, Wednesday, Nov. 18, 7:30-8:30 a.m. Cristo Rey educates high school students of limited economic means providing a rigorous college prep education. This is done through their unique Corporate Work Study Program. Come learn more about how this unique school is making a difference in the lives of students and job partners alike. All are welcome. The cost is $5 per person and proceeds go to Covenant Community. Reservations are needed. Reserve your space by contacting Lauri Begley at lbegley@allsaintsatlanta.org.
26. Caring for our City, 2015 Mitchell Speaker Series at Covenant Presbyterian Church, 2461 Peachtree Rd NE, Nov. 19, 6:30 p.m. Gayla Jamison will show her documentary film Lives For Sale and lead a discussion on the problem of sex trafficking in Atlanta. Ms. Jamison’s films have shown widely on television and at festivals. They focus on grassroots struggles against injustice and peaceful solutions to conflict. In the Fellowship Hall and including a coffee and dessert reception. Parking is allowed in the Publix upper parking deck at next door Peachtree Battle Shopping Center.
27. Christmas Craft Retreat for Women See the Nativity, December 4-6, at Lutheranch. Click here for flyer Lutheranch is located just one hour west of Atlanta off of I-20 in Tallapoosa, Georgia.
28. Lutheran Campus Ministry Passion Collective gap-year program works to seek out and develop leadership through intentional Christian community. Participants receive free housing in Atlanta while going through vocational discernment and leadership development. After recently receiving a generous grant from Lilly Endowment Inc., LCM plans on continuing the Passion Collective for years to come and building tomorrow’s faith-based leaders in the process. Apply now at www.passioncollective.org for the 2016-2017 year.
29. Now Serving Atlanta, 24 hours of mission, fellowship, and worship for all interested college students Feb. 5-6, 2016, Mercer University Atlanta campus, sponsored by the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Georgia and McAfee School of Theology at Mercer. Registration opens on Nov. 2, Cost is $20. Email mkhall@cbfga.org for more information.
30. Has your faith community finished a solar or an energy efficient lighting upgrade, installed a new HVAC system or windows, planted an organic garden or drought resistant landscaping this year? Enter the Interfaith Power & Light annual Cool Congregations Challenge for a chance to win prize money and to inspire other communities. There is a planning category for those who have recently finished their energy audit and developed plans. Projects can take place inside the buildings, on the grounds, in congregants’ homes, or in the community. Click here to enter the Challenge or to download the entry guide. Deadline is Dec. 15.
Ethel Ware Carter
The Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta, Inc.
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