Church Action eNewsletter
Week of October 2, 2017
God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.
Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta
website with Community Calendar
1. State Rep. Brenda Lopez, the first elected Latina in the State House, and State Rep. Mary Margaret Oliver will be in conversation on the issue of the termination of the DACA program. This is the second in a series of 3 conversations. You need not have attended the first to find this event valuable. All Saints’ Episcopal Church, t634 West Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Wednesday, Oct. 4, 7 p.m.
2. Are you a member of the clergy who finds you are not on the same page as your music ministry leader? Are you a worship leader who feels like the clergy doesn’t communicate with you? Are you a church goer who wants an authentic worship experience? Then this forum is for you. Join the Clark Atlanta University School of Arts & Sciences and Department of Music on October 5, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. in the Thomas Cole Science & Research Center, 223 James Brawley DR SW, as they present an open forum A House Divided: The Disconnect Between Clergy and Musicians. This free conference features panelists Natalie Ragins, recording artist; Rev. Sammie Dow, pastor Pleasant Grove MBC in Marietta; Justin Gilbert, musician, producer, and composer; Zebulon Ellis, recording artist; Luther Washington II, organist and conductor. Email for information.
3. Hart Readers will discuss Sing for Your Life by Daniel Bergner, October 5, 6:30 p.m., Walthour Library, St. Philip's Cathedral, 2744 Peachtree Road, Atlanta 30305. The touching, triumphant story of a young black man's journey from violence and despair to the world's most elite artistic institutions. Ryan Speedo Green had a tough upbringing in southeastern Virginia. At the age of twelve, he was sent to a juvenile facility of last resort. In 2011, at the age of twenty-four, he won a nationwide competition hosted by New York's Metropolitan Opera, beating out 1,200 other talented singers and is a rising star performing major roles at the Met and Europe's most prestigious opera houses.
4. Hymns of the Reformation, Thursdays, Oct. 5, 12, 19, 26, 7-8:20 p.m., in Fifield Hall at First Presbyterian Church, 1328 Peachtree Street, Atlanta 30309. This course will explore the role of music and hymnody in the spread of the Reformation from the time of Luther and Calvin to the earliest churches in America. Instructors are Dr. Ryan Bonfiglio and Dr. Janes Korndorfer. Coffee and desserts. Free parking in the lot behind the church and validation tickets will be provided for the LAZ lot. Register.
5. Honoring a Legacy, Morehouse College Martin Luther King, Jr. Collection at Center for Civil and Human Rights, sheds light on how women influenced Dr. King. On Oct. 6, 6:30- 9 p.m., a welcome reception and exhibit viewing will be followed by a panel discussion featuring Dr. Karcheik Sims Alvarado, Dr. Roslyn Pope, Ms. Andrea Young, Dr. Vicki Crawford. 100 Ivan Allen Jr. Blvd, Atlanta 30305.
6. Dr. Michael Battle, professor and director of the Desmond Tutu Center at General Theological Seminary in New York City, is the featured preacher Oct. 8 on “Day 1” with host Peter Wallace, the nationally broadcast ecumenical radio program also accessible as a podcast and online at Battle’s sermon “God’s Kind of Apocalypse” is drawn from the parable of the wicked tenants. Hear the sermon in the Atlanta area on News 95.5 or 750 AM WSB at 7:05 a.m. Find it and much more at
7. Brookhaven United Methodist Church, 1366 N Druid Hills Road NE, Atlanta 30319, invites the neighborhood to a Blessing of the Animals and owners of animals who are no longer with us, Sunday, Oct. 8, 4 p.m.
8. Trinity Forum Atlanta, an evening conversation with John Inazu and Eboo Patel, Tuesday, October 10, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m., Atlanta History Center, 130 West Paces Ferry Road, NW, Atlanta 30305. Register Now Hear law professor and legal policy expert John Inazu with author Eboo Patel on Confident Pluralism in a Turbulent Age. More about Trinity Forum here.
9. Winner of the Grand Prix d’Interprétation at the 24th Concours International d’Orgue de Chartres, Dexter Kennedy has established himself internationally as one of the greatest organists of our times. In concert Tuesday, Oct. 10, 7:30 p.m., at All Saints’ Episcopal Church, 634 W Peachtree Street, Atlanta 30308. $20 general admission, $15 students. Buy tickets here.
10. The End New Jim Crow Action Group invites the community for a conversation with Georgia State University College of Law Professor Emerita, Anne Sodini Emanuel on Wednesday, October 11, 7:00 p.m. She will give a brief history on the law relating to the death penalty in Georgia, including how life without parole came to be and has been used for adults and juveniles. Atlanta Friends Meetinghouse, 701 W. Howard Ave, Decatur 30030 (about 1/2 mile east of East Lake MARTA). Also bus route #123 now goes in front of the Meetinghouse, connecting East Lake and Decatur Stations.
11. Alpharetta Presbyterian Church continues the young adult series Life 101#adulting. These free workshops help people in their 20's and 30's navigate the real world of adulthood. The next workshop, Saturday, Oct. 14, 2-5 p.m., is Car Repair for Dummies. Save money by learning how to do basic auto repairs and maintenance. 180 Academy St, Alpharetta, GA 30009 Contact Caitlin Phillips or sign up here.
12. The Supreme Court of the United States was scheduled to hear oral arguments on October 10 challenging the legality of the Muslim and refugee bans; they have postponed this and may or may not reschedule. If you would like to demonstrate opposition to the Muslim and refugee bans Click to find the Interfaith Toolkit: No Muslim Ban containing advocacy tools to help defeat the "Muslim Ban." Events for Oct. 18 Day of Action in DC and around the country are being coordinated at
13. Holy Cross Catholic Church will host a Ser Familia event Walking Among Us Now and Forever: Uniting Pink and Purple to remember those lost to domestic violence and breast cancer. This event will include a health fair with screenings, test, and free flu shots. Oct. 19, 6-9 p.m., Register here. To register for clinical breast exams call (678)363-3079, spaces are limited. Holy Cross Catholic Church, 3773 Chamblee Tucker Road, Atlanta 30341.
14. Roswell United Methodist Church’s Blessing of the Animals will be Thursday, Oct. 19, 6-7:30 p.m. on the front lawn. Please bring your domesticated pets on a leash or in an appropriate container to receive their blessing. Rescue organization, Look out! Mostly Mutts, will also bring dogs looking for a “forever” home. There will be free hot dogs, soda and water as well as treats for the animals.
15. The mayor’s work in housing, criminal justice, and education touches all Atlantans and requires us as voters to make wise choices. That’s why Faith in Public Life joins Trinity Presbyterian Church, October 19, in a Mayoral forum where the candidates and faith leaders will have a substantive discussion about the issues that affect us all. Oct. 19, 7 p.m., sanctuary of Trinity Presbyterian Church, 3003 Howell Mill Rd, Atlanta 30327.
16. Canton First United Methodist Church Women's Ministry offers The Esther Effect, Saturday, Oct. 21, 9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall 930 Lower Scott Mill Road, Canton. Girls and women of all ages will be inspired to walk as women of strength and dignity as they experience the Esther Effect. Designer and author Anne Platz Groton will be teaching. More information. View Map
17. Luther, the Psalms, and the First Commandment at First Presbyterian,1328 Peachtree Street, Atlanta 30309, a Theology Matters Lunch and Learn with Dr. Ryan Bonfiglio and Dr. Joel LeMon, Sunday, October 22, 12:15 – 1:30 p.m., Reception Room, lunch included for those who register. Register here.
18. Interfaith Children's Movement Call to Action Prayer Breakfast honors Imam Plemon El Amin, Imam Emeritus of the Atlanta Masjid. Thursday, Oct. 26, The Temple, 1589 Peachtree St., NE, Atlanta 30309 ICM Prayer Breakfast registration.
19. The 30th Reformation Day at Emory will be Thursday, October 26, celebrating the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Kessler Reformation Collection and marking the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s 95 Theses. This year’s program explores the question, “Did the Reformation fail?” by inviting bishops from the Lutheran and Methodist Churches and an archbishop from the Catholic Church to share their perspectives. Register for lunch today online or by calling (404)727-6352. Find out more at here.
20. Public outcry over several incidents involving sex trafficking in the region has led the Georgia Alliance to End Homelessness to host a training. If you work with our homeless neighbors you will be interested in this November 7 training which will equip attendees with the knowledge of the role homeless service providers can play in identifying and safely intervening in suspected cases of human exploitation. Goodwill Training Center, 3205 South Cobb Drive SE, Smyrna 30080, Registration.
21. Still Reforming: A national conference to empower church culture, innovation, and sustainability, Nov. 8-10 at First Congregational Church, downtown Atlanta. In working with churches, the Center for Progressive Renewal hears three big questions: How do we understand and reach millennials? What are some new significant things churches are doing? How do we sustain ministry as primary donors age and younger members have less to give? Leading thinkers will present their ideas/best practices and convene conversations that will nurture creativity and learning. Optional free pre-conferences include Innovation in Theological Education and reVision: Discerning God's Call for the Future of Your Church. For more information and to register, visit
22. Celebrating Uncommon Friendships: A Conversation with the Founders of The Atlanta Friendship Initiative, John Grant and Bill Nordmark. Interfaith Community Initiatives 2017 Friendship Luncheon will be Wednesday, Nov. 15, 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., The Carlos Center Ballroom, 3500 Clairmont Road, Atlanta 30342. Individual Tickets $60. Click here to purchase. More information.
23. Are you bilingual? Are you interested in volunteering with a nonprofit that has a mission to eradicate Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking from our state? If so, Georgia Cares is looking for you! If you are interested, please fill out the online volunteer application. Be sure to mention that you are interested in this bilingual volunteer opportunity. This small group of volunteers would assist with translating.
Visit our website for a complete community calendar, links to the Toolbox for Mental Health Ministry, websites for daily devotionals, and many other resources.
Ethel Ware Carter
The Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta, Inc.
© 2025 Created by RCCAtl.
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