Due West United Methodist Church invites your congregation to the fourth annual Caregivers' Conference: Empowering the Caregiver 2015. This free event will be held May 2, 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. A beautiful lunch is provided. 3956 Due West Road, Marietta, GA 30064, family life center, (building B.) Make your reservation by contacting Sheila Welch at sheilaowelch@gmail.com or (404)642-6027. Directions Speakers & Topics: Neurologist, Dr. Daniel Potts, Art and Alzheimers: A Personal Journey-25 Lessons Learned; Ellen Potts, The World Behind the Behavioral Issues; Sarah Carson, LCSW, Enhancing Communication with a Person with Dementia; Sheila Welch, Families at Risk, Protecting Yourself While Protecting Your Loved Ones.
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