Evolve Atlanta Birth 2012 Read here about the Evolve event.


A Call for Singers: for Holiday Family Fun Flash Mobs the first three weeks of December


"What the World Needs Now"


If you’d like to use your gift of song spreading love and peace, we’re looking for you.


The intention is to place as many hidden singers throughout a venue, usually a crowded mall food court. One person will at the appointed time mount a chair and begin to sing, "I'd like to Teach the World to Sing". Other voices will start to chime in. Malls usually have second stories and singers will be scattered all around. There would be a second song "Lean on Me". We are using well known and loved songs to be instantly recognized. The trick is to blend into the scene as a shopper and then suddenly stand and sing surprising everyone. It creates an atmosphere of wonder. Having a great age mix will also add to the surprise momentum. Children wishing to participate must be accompanied by an adult. In giving this gift, of energizing music, we hope to plant seeds of love and peace for everyone, as well as sharing ourselves. The purpose of this is to entertain and de-stress the stressed, shopping public for a few unexpected moments, as well as informing the public of our upcoming "Evolve Atlanta Event" on December 22, 2012, which is also about creating and spreading love and peace around the world.


Evolve Atlanta: Birth2012 and Beyond

A global celebration and communion of kindred souls happening locally.

December 22, 2012 – 7- 11pm

UUCA, 1922 Cliff Valley Way NE, Atlanta, 30329

Minimum group would be 25- 50 singers made up of various organizations, choirs, and any other people who would like to join in. The number of these presentations will be determined by the participants and we plan to have several choices. We would ask that each person commit to 2 performances during the first three weeks of December.

December 1, 2012 - Lenox Square & Phipps Mall
December 8, 2012 - Mall of Georgia & Discovery Mills
December 15, 2012 - Perimeter

We would need one person to be in charge of each performance.

Please view the "Hallelujah Mall" video on Utube. Notice, before the singing starts, the body language of the shoppers. Look at the same people during the singing. They are spellbound. See how more loving and gentle they become, especially with their children. You, by this group intention, have given this peaceful place to the shoppers.

Please view these two Utube videos prior to our first rehearsal: "Lean on Me" by Glee for an example of the blending of many voices;  "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing" by the Real Bird Lady.

Terry Carpenter and Bob Goodman will be leading the singing.
Our next practices will be held Tuesday 11/27, Thursday 11/29. Time is 7:30

Common House, East Lake Community, 900 Dancing Fox Rd, Decatur, Atlanta 30032, Gate code is #4444

Please bring your friends/Choirs. To sign up or find out further information please contact Terry Walls
678 622 1437, twalls1211@gmail.com or Diana Dougherty, 770 683 8101, add57@numail.org

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