Disaster Chaplain and Religious Literacy
& Competency in Crisis Settings Training
Atlanta (Riverdale, GA) ● July 18-20, 2017
The Southeastern Synod ELCA , the Lutheran Theological Center of Atlanta, and the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta in partnership with NDIN (National Disaster Interfaiths Network), invite clergy, religious leaders, and spiritual caregivers of all faiths to take this three-day Disaster Chaplaincy Training, including Religious Literacy & Competency in Crisis Settings.
Participants who complete this certification can volunteer in their own congregation, diocese, synod or faith community – or, affiliate with a local provider. NDIN can also assist unaffiliated volunteers in finding disaster spiritual care volunteer opportunities in local communities across the United States.
Emergency managers and disaster mental health professionals may take this course to develop their knowledge of disaster spiritual care best practices.
Registration Information
Each registrant must be endorsed for this training by the senior religious leader who has jurisdiction over their ministry and/or by their supervisor, if they currently serve as a chaplain and/or credentialed religious caregiver. Emergency managers and disaster mental health professionals may register using their agency affiliation and supervisor’s endorsement.
Tuesday, July 18 through Thursday, July 20, 8:15 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Christ Our Hope Lutheran Church
2165 Highway 138 SW, Riverdale, GA 30296
Hotel: LaQuinta Inn, Union City, ( 770)306.0049. Group Rate ID: GROFHI (Disaster Relief Group)
Tuition is $525, Paid in Advance Attendance is limited to 35 participants
Register by Friday, July 7, 2017
Limited Scholarships available for ELCA-SES Rostered leaders available via the SE Synod Disaster Ministry Committee Contact: jfboettner@hotmail.com (Continental breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, and training materials are included) This course is compliant with NIMS (National Incident Management Systems) and incorporates FEMA Incident Command System (FEMA IS 100.b) training. It also complies with the National VOAD* Points of Consensus for Disaster Spiritual Care.
*Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster
The Curriculum Modules
Religious Literacy & Competency in Crisis Settings
Tools & Resources for Engaging Faith Communities throughout the Disaster
Faith Communities as a Cornerstone of Whole Communities
The Value, Landscape, and Language of Faith Communities in Disasters Ten Field Skills for Successful Engagement
Engaging Faith Communities through the LEADER Process
Building a Databank of Local Faith Communities
Disaster Chaplaincy - Operations & Spiritual Care: General Principles; Interventions; Sites and Specifics
Emotional and spiritual phases of the disaster "life cycle"
Spiritual First Aid: PCAID (Presence, Connect, Assessment, Intervention, Develop Plan of Care) as an intervention
Disaster human services operations and disaster site operations
Practice in applying principles of spiritual and emotional care in various disaster scenarios
Disaster Chaplaincy - Mental Health: Introduction; Impact of Disaster; Response and Reaction
Phases of psychological reaction to disaster and impact on behaviors, thoughts, & feelings
Psychological First Aid as a basic intervention that does not require professional training
Indicators that referrals for professional mental health care may be appropriate
Disaster Chaplaincy - Self-Care: The Need and Techniques; Individual and Community Resilience
The need for caregivers to develop effective self-care practices
Practices that minimize compassion fatigue ("the cost of caring") and other stresses related to providing care in times of crisis
Strategies to promote recovery and resiliency, support systems that monitor, nourish and maintain self-care
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