Sample email about voter registration.


Here is a sample email  for lay people to adapt in reaching out to their own houses of worship.  In addition to reaching out to your faith community, please share with lay people in other faith communities who might want to pursue.  Also remember the community ministries you support-- think of what support they need.   Please use or don't use this 'PSA' however you like.   

Hey, friends --


 Please include voting info in your communications and planning meetings this week.  Go to theRegional Council of Church's website for "Let's Vote" bulletin announcements, posters, and SUNDAY VOTING details. The deadline for registering to vote is October 6. To register google "My Voter Page."  What about posting info on your homepage?
Plan now for Early Voting and Sunday Voting.  It is stewardship season. Time to be faithful stewards of the freedoms we've been given.  So...VOTE!  Early voting is October 13-31 and for the first time in Georgia's history, several counties have SUNDAY VOTING.  If congregations can enlist lay leaders right away, get word in this week's bulletin and put up posters, members will have time to plan for a true celebration. We may not all vote the same way, but we call all vote together.
Share "Let's Vote" info with neighboring congregations and community ministries today. That way organizations that need and have resources can find each other and plan ahead to vote (eg. source vans for early voting and help interfaith groups on other days, help deacons w/absentee ballots for homebound, print posters, plan a celebration or parade to the polls!). Congregations and their partners will do all these things naturally if they just have enough time to plan.   
Monday October 6 is the deadline for voter registration.  This week, please lead your congregation andweekday building staff in setting aside 5 minutes to pause, check the status of their voter registration (or register!) and find their polling location. Google "My Voter Page" on your various devices. Youth can help the less tech savvy among you. This could even be a part of Sunday worship October 5th.  
The Regional Council of  Churches is helping congregations get word out about early voting, Sunday voting and God's call to be faithful, grateful stewards of the freedoms we've been given.  Amen!
Let me know if I can be of service.
KEY DATES Google "My Voter Page" for details and updates.
Voter Registration Deadline --Monday October 6
Early Voting October--13-31 select dates and locations
SUNDAY VOTING in several counties -- FULTON Oct 19(26) and DEKALB Oct 26
Election Day -- Nov 4.


FYI- This link contains all the dates/places for early voting and Saturday and Sunday (10/26 several countries-and 10/19 Fulton so far)  Early Voting  We  should publish these locations, go together on Sunday and deliver/ pickup absentee ballots from homebound people.

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