On July 29 and 30, EPA will host the first of just four national hearings on the proposed Clean Power Plan in Atlanta. A Rally for Clean Energy Future is at 12 noon in Woodruff Park followed by a march to the Sam Nunn Federal Building. Email Courtney@georgiawand.org for more information.
Georgia Interfaith Power & Light (GIPL) is collaborating with the environmental community from across the southeast to rally support for the upcoming EPA hearings. Several GIPL friends are registered to testify at the hearings and you are needed. You need not be an expert on this new clean power plan in order to testify. You are needed if you feel a passion for our shared responsibility to care for and defend Creation. Read more here about how you can join the efforts.
GIPL invites all to an Interfaith Prayer Breakfast on Tuesday, July 29 - 7:30 – 8:15 a.m. at Central Presbyterian Church in downtown Atlanta. In support of EPA Carbon Pollution Standards, gather to pray for wisdom to prevail and to garner the strength to work towards resilient communities in this time of environmental challenges. All are invited to break bread and pray together, acknowledging our strength in working together across faith traditions and the shared responsibility of caring for our Earth. Email Rev. Kate McGregor Mosley at kate@gipl.org for event details or check out GIPL's facebook pageGIPL's Facebook Page. or email info@gipl.org
new carbon pollution standards
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in American statement on Caring for the Environment Social Statement.
The Episcopal Church invites you to make an action pledge, simple or grand, personal or congregational. Click here to pledge to take action!
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