Church Action eNewsletter Week of May 26, 2014


God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.

Weekly Church Action eNewsletter

Week of May 26, 2014


1. The month of May is winding down and if you have not acknowledged Mental Health Month you might include a link in any electronic communication you send out in the next day or so to AIB TV’s “Shedding the Stigma” documentary about the stigma connected with mental illness particularly in the faith community This link  will be active through May 31.

2. Come support Gateway Center at the Spring Fundraiser, tonight, Wednesday, May 27, at Monday Night Brewing. The concert features recording artist Tyler Lyle Music and Atlanta-local Lauren Love. Tickets can be purchased for a donation of $25 and include the brewery tour, tastings, a souvenir glass as well as both musical performances.

3. TheY.A.M.’s of Central UMC present a 3B Experience on May 30. Explore God in a relaxed and open environment. Topic: What's Your Status? Single? It's Complicated? Separated? All young adults are invited to Central UMC at 501 Mitchell Street, SW, Atlanta 30314 in the Fellowship Hall beginning at 6:30 p.m. for Bible Study, Bites and Bowling. Bites (light meal) will be provided followed by bowling at a local alley. Come prepared to learn, share, and grow in God! Please R.s.v.p. today to a_carlisle23@yahoo or with "The 3B Experience" in the subject line. Feel free to bring another young adult.  Bowling will be at guests' expense.

4. 2nd Annual Goliath Mud Challenge at  Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church, Peachtree City, Palmetto Road Property, on Saturday, May 31. This 5K, 18 obstacle challenge is a great way to welcome our community to our land and simultaneously raise money for children's ministries in Fayette County.  Last year's race hosted over 500 participants and there are hopes to increase that number this year.  For more information on the mud run, go to

5. Questioning God: Difficult Doctrines of the Church is the summer series at Northside Drive Baptist Church, 3100 Northside Drive, NW, Atlanta 30305, June 1-August 24 at 9:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. "What are these things we believe and why?”Does prayer change God? What do we do when evil happens? What is the Trinity? Is Jesus human or divine? Is humanity evolved or created? Join Dr. Graham Walker, Dr. Martha Moore-Keish, Dr. Steve Sheeley, and Dr. David Bell for this lecture series.

6. Radcliffe Presbyterian Church, 286 Hamilton E. Holmes Dr., Atlanta 30318, will host its annual Margaret L. Walker Vacation Bible School, on June 2 - June 6, in the Green Multipurpose Room, from 5:00 - 8:30 p.m. The theme is "Praise Break: Celebrating the Works of God!" It is always good to pause and praise the Lord!  There will be bible stories, arts and crafts, recreation, singing and dancing, and a Family Fun Day on Sunday, June 8, after the 10:00 a.m. worship service.  All are welcome.

7. Join Atlantans Building Leadership for Empowerment (ABLE) for a Roundtable Discussion — Eliminating Barriers for the Formerly Incarcerated. The dialogue will be focused on recommending elected officials to act. Attendance is confirmed of officials from Fulton, Clayton, DeKalb, and the Governor's office of Transition, Reentry and Support.  June 2, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. at North Decatur Presbyterian Church, 611 Medlock Rd., Decatur 30033. For more details contact Janine Brown, (301)651-5953 or

8. Share Our Strength's Cooking Matters Series, June 5 – July 17, every Thursday evening 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. This special 6-week series will focus on shopping for and preparing affordable, healthy, and delicious meals at home. This series is for participants 18 years of age and over.  The class size is limited to 15 participants. Free admission. Donations are welcome. Childcare is not available.  Workshops will be held at the C.H.O.I.C.E.S. Center also known as the First Congregational Church Commons located at 125 Ellis Street in Atlanta 30303. To register for the workshop contact Marcia McCoy, or (678)819-3663.  

9. The Seedtime and Harvest Gardens and Greenhouse at Holy Comforter Church, 737 Woodland Ave, SE, Atlanta 30316, is holding its last Plant Sale until September on Saturday, June 7 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Perennial gardeners, this sale is for you featuring some of the beautiful irises from the gardens (white, yellow, blue, purple, peach, and bi-colors). And, you can shop for daylilies, coreopsis, goldenrod, hearty plumbago, hearty begonia, ferns, lily of the valley, Solomon’s seal, hostas, hellebores, heuchera, crape myrtles, perennial herbs, and basil. There may even be bits of annual color and a few large peppers, eggplant, and raspberries. There are always some surprising bargains and exquisite baked goods, too.

10. A.I.L.F Presents Religions of the East - An Overview and Discussion. Here is updated information for this event which will be held on June 8, 3 – 5:30 p.m., at the Shambhala Meditation Center of Atlanta, 1447 Church Street, Decatur 30030.  Representatives of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Taoism, three of the largest religious traditions of Asia, will present overviews of their traditions’ thoughts and practices followed by a question and answer period. The program will end with a 15-minute guided meditation based on the Buddhist tradition for those who are interested. All are welcome; no reservations needed.

11. Tenth Annual Mother’s Day for Peace with Na’Taki Osborne Jelks, board chair of the West Atlanta Watershed Alliance and White House Champion of Change, June 8, 4 – 6 p.m., Spelman College, Cosby Auditorium, 350 Spelman Lane SW, Atlanta 30314. Ticket information.

12. The Cathedral of St. Philip will host the first of the four organ recitals in this summer's Atlanta Summer Organ Festival on Wednesday, June 11 at 7:30 p.m. The Princeton University Organist, Eric Plutz, will play a wonderful, varied program including works by J.S. Bach, Louis Vierne, Max Reger, Alexandre Guilmant, Percy Whitlock, Gerald Near, Ad Wammes, and William Grant Still. The recital is presented under the auspices of Friends of Cathedral Music and a reception to greet the artist follows. A suggested donation of $15 will be requested at the door.

13. You are invited to a free screening of “The Anonymous People” and a panel discussion presented by DeKalb CSB and the GA Council on Substance Abuse. This feature film documentary is about the 23.5 million Americans in long-term recovery and the emerging public recovery movement that will transform how alcohol and other drug problems are dealt with in our communities. Thursday, June 12, 6:00 - 8:30 p.m., Bohan Auditorium, 445 Winn Way, Decatur 30030. Light refreshments will be served. The event is free but seating is limited. Register now! REGISTER ONLINE.  blocked::

14. Estelle Ford-Williamson and Majok Marier will discuss their new book Seed of South Sudan: Memoir of a "Lost Boy" Refugee, on Thursday, June 12, 2014, at 7:00 p.m., at First Baptist Church Decatur, 308 Clairemont Avenue, Decatur 30030.  This event is sponsored by Georgia Center for the Book and hosted by Conversations at First Baptist Decatur.   No tickets are required.  Seed of South Sudan tells the tale of Majok Marier, an Agar Dinka who was 7 when war came to his village. During a 21-year civil war, 2 million lives were lost and 80 percent of the South Sudanese people were displaced. Tens of thousands of boys like Majok fled from the Sudanese Army. Surviving on grasses, grains, and help from villagers along the way, Majok walked nearly a thousand miles to a refugee camp in Ethiopia. Majok and 3,800 like him emigrated to the United States in 2001 while the civil war still raged.

15.  If the idea of a few days in the cooler mountains just over the Tennessee Georgia border appeals to you, check out the offerings at St. Mary’s Sewanee for this summer. First up is a study of the religiously charged fictional world of Flannery O’Connor, June 13-15. Read more>>

16. "Uplifted in the Moment" is a new photography exhibit at the Atlanta Friends Meeting, 701 West Howard Avenue in Decatur, featuring the images of award-winning artist David Foster.  There will be an Artist Reception open to all on Friday, June 13, between 5:30 and 8:00 p.m. The exhibit is open to the public Sunday through Friday mornings between 9:00 and noon through July 15.

17. 4th Annual Arts & Crafts Festival at Amazing Grace Lutheran Church, 3305 Lawrenceville Highway, Lawrenceville 30044, Saturday, June 14, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.  Held on the front lawn of the church, the festival features unique artisan vendors, great food, music, and lots of fun for everyone!  All proceeds benefit ClearRoads Recovery, a support residence program for women transitioning from prison to independent living. Call (770)381-1293 for more details.

18. 2014 NAMI Northside Atlanta Mental Health Fair— Come learn about resources for people whose lives are affected by mental illness. Saturday June 14, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Peachtree Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall, Family Commons Bldg., 3434 Roswell Rd. NW, Atlanta  30308. Free lunch is included with registration. Register here. This event features exhibits, lunch, and a panel presentation covering treatment, housing, and advocacy.

19. “C.S. Lewis On Stage” captures the personality and fiction of the author of The Chronicles of Narnia, The Screwtape Letters, and subject of the Anthony Hopkins film Shadowlands, an Oxford don who could make his audience think as deeply as he made them laugh. Tom Key is C.S. Lewis on Stage, Theatrical Outfit, June 19-29.  Tickets here.

20. The Church of the Atonement concert series schedule is now complete for June, July, and August.   June 20 will bring Tia Rix back with her trio for some memorable jazz standards and ballads.   If you missed her last summer "she is a must see and hear". Doors open at 7 p.m. for the 7:30 concert.  Atonement,  4945 High Point Road, Atlanta 30342.

21. “Living with Loss as You Journey Toward Acceptance and Hope” at First Baptist Roswell begins July 9. This four week series meets on Wednesdays from 1 to 2 p.m. and will be facilitated by Doyle R. Hamilton, III, Pastoral Counselor, Care and Counseling Center of Georgia. Contact Dr. Hamilton at or (404) 636-1457, Extension 439

22. Atlanta’s Interdenominational Theological Center (ITC) is a consortium of six school affiliates representing six diverse Christian denominations.  The 55 year old institution offers a unique academic program that attracts students from around the globe to be taught by some of the nation’s foremost theologians and academics.  ITC recently launched a campaign to draw greater attention to its marketplace value in the Church and the global community through the preparation of persons for ministry in that ecumenical setting —the cornerstone on which the institution was founded.  AIB TV is supporting this effort with promotional announcements and a 30-minute program featuring interviews with key faculty and administrators. “A Closer Look at ITC” will air every Monday at 2:30 p.m. through July 31. The show is accessible via AIB (Comcast channel 5, AT& T U-verse channel 6, and of course on

23. The National Church Leadership Institute is back this August 7-10 in Atlanta. During these three days, you can have access to the brightest practitioners and creative experts from across the country who are changing the Church as we know it so it meets the world's greatest needs.  You will hear from over a dozen leading experts on everything from building digital ministries to pastoral resilience to running the “business” of church. Catch the earlybird $100 off discount when you register before May 31st. Learn more.

24. "Educating in Faith" will be offered August 7 - 9, 2014 at the Center for Lifelong Learning, Columbia Theological Seminary.  This course was created for congregational teachers and educators, the primary influencers in realizing the Church’s mission to make disciples. Read more>>

25. Atlanta is officially a Compassionate City. Read stories of compassion in action in Atlanta Here.

26. You can help the Andrew P. Stewart Center enrich the lives of children. This summer camps focusing on spirituality and academics in two Atlanta neighborhoods, Reynoldstown and Pittsburgh, have the potential to be a transformative experience for over 100 children. For over 98 years, the center has partnered with Atlanta churches and they need partners this summer.  Read more>>

27. Roswell UMC is seeking a full-time (40 hours per week) Visual Media Director. For a detailed job description go to; send resume and creative sample to

28. Faith and Reason is a production of the D. L. Dykes Jr. Foundation. Explore some fascinating conversations there. Two recent ones —

 “Technology matters. Spirituality matters. One is an end: to be spirited. The others are a means….” Spirituality and Technology: The Case of the Caring Bridge.

 10 Ways Congregations Can Engage with Social Media


Ethel Ware Carter

The Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta, Inc.




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