Underlined words are live links
1. Read a bit of the storied past of Friendship Baptist Church and about the events coming up this month to celebrate the 151st anniversary of this historic church so influential in the religious and educational life of our community. Read more >>
2. Wednesday Nights at the Book Store, Cathedral of St. Philip, 2744 Peachtree Road, spring sessions are held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., Room 382. Explore Practices of Praying the Daily Office, Making a Pilgrimage, and more. April 10 - May 8. Program for April 24 will take place at the Labyrinth on Lanier House lawn. Supper is available in Child Hall beginning at 5 p.m.
3. The American Red Cross (Metro Atlanta Chapter) is sponsoring “The First 72 Hours” disaster preparedness summit this Thursday, April 11, for the faith community leaders, at Changing a Generation Church, 3350 Greenbriar Pkwy SW, Atlanta 30331, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. The event is free. Find more info here or register for the event here. For more information please email Carisa.Hettich@redcross.org.
4. The Jubal Brass will be performing this Thursday evening, April 11, at 7:00 p.m. at Jefferson Avenue Baptist Church. The Jubal Brass is part of the Sons of Jubal Men’s Choir sponsored by the Georgia Baptist Convention. The concert is free and open to the public. An offering will be taken to help with an upcoming Sons of Jubal mission trip. For more information, call Jefferson Avenue Baptist Church at 404-767-0582 or email robby-jabc@att.net. Jefferson Avenue Baptist Church, 1150 Jefferson Avenue, East Point 30344.
5. Roundtable on Religion on AIB TV Friday at 7 p.m. April 12. Documentary film maker David Barnhart worked with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) on his new film, Trigger: The Ripple Effect of Gun Violence. He joins Dr. Ralph Watkins on this episode to discuss how police officers, trauma surgeons, hospital chaplains, and teachers are impacted by the gun violence they see daily.
6. Youth Summit Career Fair, 1– 3 p.m., April 13, at St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church, 2870 Headland Drive, East Point. For any females interested in landing a job or advancing a career and anyone interested in advanced education or the United States armed forces. All are welcome. This summit is an extension of the St. Paul Mentoring Program and attendees may enroll in that program on April13. Dress for Success and Association of Image Consultants International, representatives from four branches of our nation’s armed forces, and colleges and universities will be on hand.
7. National Association of Women Owned Small Businesses Spring 2013 Prayer Breakfast ~ A Hat Affair” is this Saturday, April 13. If you're looking for a friendly circle of professional, Christian women business owners, educators, executives, wives, mothers, and students ~this is the event for you! At Cha'le Gardens in Riverdale taste, hear, and see that the Lord is Good! Speakers are Minister Jacqueline K. Johnson, Founder, Mercy Medical Supply, and Michelle Anthony, President, Anthony & Associates, Inc.
8. Holy Comforter Episcopal Church, 737 Woodland Ave, Atlanta 30316; is sponsoring its second organic plant sale of the season this Saturday, April 13 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This annual Spring Planting sale features heirloom tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, melons, squash, and cucumbers. Strawberries and herbs are also available including three varieties of basil, in addition to annual and perennial flowers and hanging baskets for sun and shade.
9. At Trinity Community Ministries annual Spring Breakfast meeting donors and community members learn about accomplishments and future plans of the organization committed to helping homeless men. The program includes Joe Inman, head coach of the Georgia State University men’s golf program, as guest speaker. Also on the program are Bruce Burney, Trinity’s E. D.; Jason Munson, TCM board chair; Dr. Jody Alderman, Northside UMC Church; Ed Womack, program graduate; and Dr. Gregory Eason, Big Bethel AME Church. The breakfast includes an opportunity for guests to meet program residents. The event, Tuesday, April 16, from 7:30-8:45 a.m., will be at Northside United Methodist Church. To R.s.v.p. for this event, visit www.tcmatlanta.org or contact Bruce Burney, Executive Director, at bruceb@tcmatlanta.org or 404-577-6651, ext. 28.
10. Turn Potential into Success Empowerment Seminar, April 16, 4 p.m., Washington Park, Annie McPheeters Library, 1116 Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr., Atlanta 30314. This employment seminar is sponsored by Marshall Mabry Ministries and Dreamz by Design and all are welcome.
11. Rabbi Alvin brought STUCK to our attention. Samuel Goldwyn Films created more than a movie about the plight of 10 million orphans, they have created a movement thanks to Mariska Hargitay as the narrator and four testimonial stories of real Americans painfully trying to adopt a child . Atlanta will welcome the movement here for one day only, Tuesday, April 16, at 7 p.m. at the Landmark Midtown Theater. Learn more or purchase tickets here . If you’re interested in hosting an event around the film or would like to purchase group tickets, contact Rochelle Rickoff at Rochelle.rrr@gmail.com.
12. Fulton County Health and Wellness, Division of Health Promotion, Interfaith Coalition of Fulton summit Barriers & Bridges: Integrating Faith, Science & Policy to Promote Health. April 18, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., College Park Regional Health Center, 1920 John Wesley Ave., College Park 3 0337. Free & open to the public. Click the link below to register for the summit. Interfaith Coalition of Fulton County 2012-2013
13. The Spiritual Practice of Money: A Workshop for Women with Maggie Kulyk, MDiv, Saturday, April 20, 9:30 a.m. – 3 p.m., Chrysalis Center, 1989 N Williamsburg Drive, Suite I, Decatur 30030. This workshop will explore our relationship to money, our early training around money, the influence of our faith on how we handle money, and the nuts and bolts of good financial management. Maggie Kulyk believes that coming into right relationship with money is essential if we are to enjoy a full and happy life. Register here. For more information, contact Kimberly Broerman at 404-275-3328 or kgbroerman@yahoo.com
14. Members of Smoke Rise Baptist Church, 5901 Hugh Howell Rd., Stone Mountain, welcome their new pastor, Rev. Chris George , April 21, and they would welcome you, too. . Read about Rev. George and his family>> .
15. “Walk 4 Peace” Sunday, April 21, will mark the 10th anniversary of Kids4Peace Atlanta, an organization that builds relationships between Christians, Jews and Muslims. The 2.3-mile walk begins at 3 p.m. at the Al-Farooq Masjid, 442 14th St. NW, and ends at the Cathedral of St. Philip where the young people will celebrate the first decade of Kids4Peace. Chapters are found in Atlanta, Boston, Houston, North Carolina and Vermont. All are welcome; sign up here. There is a $25 registration fee.
16 . Make plans to hear Just Voices and Pandora, a woman’s chorus, in an Earth Day celebration, April 21, at Covenant Presbyterian or Monday, April 22, at Virginia Highland Church. The program will include classical works and folk songs. Many pieces feature distinguished texts. A special section of the concert will be devoted to humorous songs about animals. Read more>> This is a concert suitable for all ages. Adults $10 - Students and Seniors $5. For more information contact Liz Frazer at 404- 875-3266 or visit www.justvoices.org.
Sunday, April 21, 4 p.m. Covenant Presbyterian Church, 2461 Peachtree Rd NE, Atlanta 30305
Monday, April 22, 8 p.m., Virginia Highland Church, 743 Virginia Avenue NE, Atlanta 30306
And Earth Day is a great time to clean out your closet! At both Earth Day Concerts ties will be collected for Ties That Matter a Fair Trade enterprise that employs women in Haiti to create works of art out of recycled neckties.
17. April 22, Chef Jeffrey Gardner of Alma Cocina will put a sweet spin on Cinco de Mayo with some of his signature desserts. 100% of the proceeds benefit Atlanta Community Food Bank-you won’t want to miss out! Register today!
18. In a world where violence seems eternally present the four faith leaders of High Ground tackle the difficult questions about how we as individuals and faith communities react and respond. On Wednesday, April 25, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m., Higher Ground will keynote the annual “Meaningful Conversations” event at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, with all funds going to support the church’s community counseling center, TACC. Reservations are required; reserve seats online at www.trainingandcounselingcenter.org.
20. Join the Fight to End Lupus! April 27 over 8000 walkers will gather at Piedmont Park to show Atlanta cares and lupus matters-- largest LFA Walk in the nation! The Lupus Foundation of America is the only national force devoted to solving the mystery of lupus, one of the world's cruelest, most unpredictable and devastating diseases, while giving support to those who suffer from its brutal impact. Lupus affects 55,000 Georgians. Register or call 770-333-5930.
21. Focus on Diabetes Expo, April 27, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., Cobb Galleria Center. Free admission and free parking at this great expo which will provide free health screenings, cooking demonstration with celebrity chef Jamie Deen, workshops on preventing and living with diabetes, door prizes, and a family fun zone. Also, gas reimbursement cards for parties of at least 15 that are bused to the event will be provided if registration is completed by April 15. Get more information and register for gas reimbursement here>>
21. Statistics show that over seven thousand students drop out every school day. The consequences of the failure to obtain a high school diploma have a rippling impact on children and communities. The Community Council of Metropolitan Atlanta, Inc. is presenting the GED & Literacy Showcase to bring available resources in the area to the public. Saturday, April 27, 12:30 p.m., a free event at the Hickman Student Center, Morris Brown College, 715 M. L. King Jr. Drive. Learn about programs in the area and get answers to your questions. Free GED pre-testing will be provided. Please register at www.communitycouncilma.org or call 404-935-5859.
22 . The Rev. P. Richard Game, rector of St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church in Dunwoody, is the featured preacher April 28, on “Day 1” with host Peter Wallace, the nationally syndicated ecumenical radio program also accessible online at Day1.org. His sermon for the 5th Sunday of Easter, based on Acts 11:1-18, is entitled “Peter’s Invisible Fence.”
23. Amis Day 2013 35th Anniversary Celebration! Sunday, 28 April, 6:00 p.m., St. James UMC, 4400 Peachtree Dunwoody Rd NW, Atlanta 30342. Cost is $12 per person, $6 children under 10 and international students. Hicks with Picks, Atlanta's beloved bluegrass band and the house band for the Rock Spring Presbyterian Church, will entertain. Comedian Rob Cleveland, well-known and loved story-teller, will be the Master of Ceremonies. Register here by April 18
24. In celebration of Israel’s 65th Independence Day the Consulate General to the Southeast presents David D'or in Concert: The Voice from Heaven, Sunday, April 28, 2013 - 8:00 p.m., at The Temple, 1589 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta 30309. Get tickets here .
25. Is the warm weather enticing you to get out on the golf course? If so, grab your clubs and tee off with Lutheran Services of Georgia at Heritage Golf Links on Monday, May 13, for the 19th annual Atlanta Golf Classic. Play this challenging course while benefiting refugees, foster care children, adults with disabilities, and others in need. Book your place now for $110, which includes breakfast, lunch, a golf cart, green fees, and an invitation to the 19th Hole Party. Contact Lorraine Dorough at ldorough@lsga.org or at 678-686-9613 to request more information. Deadline to register is May 1.
26. Opening to the God of Your Life: Women’s Contemplative Retreat, May 20-24, Each Spring Columbia Seminary offers a contemplative retreat for women--open to any woman seeking a deeper experience of God. Under the sheltering arms of the Benedictine Monastic Community of Cullman, explore the mystery of God's great love and longing for us. Register HERE.
27. Vacation Bible School starts on June 10 at Second-Ponce de Leon Baptist Church for three-year-olds through those completing the fifth grade this spring. Kingdom Rock: Where Kids Stand Strong for God. Cost is $10 per child and that includes a tee shirt. Contact Lindsey Richardson to volunteerlrichardson@spdl.org; sign up at www.spdl.org
28 Camp Strong4Life is July 7-12. The camp, organized by Children's Healthcare of Atlanta and held at Camp Twin Lakes in Winder, is designed to give children struggling with their weight the support they need to live a healthier life by emphasizing increased physical activity, better eating habits, and heightened motivation—and the chance to enjoy all the time-honored camp experiences. The cost is $350 per camper. Payment plans and some need-based scholarships are available. Read more>>
29. Meals On Wheels Atlanta needs some help. Hundreds of senior citizens in Atlanta are homebound and not able to cook for themselves. Do you have two hours a week or a month to deliver meals? To sign up and for further information, please contact Jason Tucker, Volunteer Coordinator, at 404-351-6194 or volunteercoordinator@mealsonwheelsatlanta.org
30. Action Ministries needs volunteers to help with Smart Lunch, Smart Kid, the child nutrition initiative that connects local kids who receive reduced-price lunches during the school year with healthy meals and educational enrichment opportunities during the summer. Smart Lunch, Smart Kid will provide 200,000 healthy meals and educational enrichment opportunities to children in Athens-Clarke, Butts, Carroll, Columbia, DeKalb, Fayette, Floyd, Fulton, Hall, and Richmond counties. For information about how you can help contact Rachel Ruckart at 404-593-8190 or rruckart@actionministries.net. See Facebook and ActionMinistries.
31 . Alterna is an experiment in Christian missional living, welcoming the stranger, and offering hospitality to Jesus who often visits us as an unauthorized immigrant from Latin America. Read more>>
32 . An updated Guidebook for Leaders of Military Ministry Congregation Programs is now available on the Care for the Troops website. A workbook-style was used to make it as easy and simple to understand the steps to follow and the elements to consider when bringing CareForTheTroops to the local congregation level and to the surrounding communities. CLICK HERE to access it.
Ethel Ware Carter
ecarter@rccatl.org Our magnificent mailing list services are kindly donated by combinework.com
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