Emmanuel Lutheran Welcomes Pastor

Dr. William Flippen Sr & Bishop H. Julian Gordy

The Rev. William Flippen Jr. (second from right) with brothers The Rev. Richard Flippen (far left) and The Rev. Joseph Flippen (second from left) and his father Dr. William Flippen Sr. (far right)

The Southeastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America celerates the installation of the Rev. William Flippin as pastor of Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 3050 Cascade Road, Atlanta 30311.    His father, Dr. William Flippin Sr., pastor of Greater Piney Grove Baptist Church, preached the sermon, and Lutheran Southeastern Synod (ELCA) Bishop H. Julian Gordy installed him. Even though he preached his first sermon at the 200-member Emmanuel Lutheran on Easter Sunday and has been there for a month, Flippin said that the installation, which marks a covenant between him and the congregation and God, signals the official beginning of his pastorate.

The ceremony  included liturgical dances by the Emmanuel and A New Thing Lutheran Church dancers. The Greater Travelers Rest Church Handbell Choir performed.
Flippin, a 1998 graduate of Morehouse College, is the oldest of four siblings. He spent his teenage years at Greater Piney Grove Missionary Baptist Church. He was 14 when his father became pastor there 23 years ago. He has master’s degrees in divinity and theology from the Interdenominational Theological Center, Emory University Candler School of Theology, and the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago. He is completing a Doctor of Ministry from the Ashland Theological Seminary.

Before his call to pastor the 60-year-old multicultural Emmanuel, Flippin served at St. Matthew Evangelical Lutheran Church in Columbus for five years.

He said his vision is to continue that spirit of multiculturalism at Emmanuel. We ask for God's continued blessing on Emmanuel and the ministry they are called to do in their community.

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Especially for youth ministers and leaders: The Regional Council of Churches is partnering with the Georgia Dept. of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities in SHARE HOPE. Suicide is a leading cause of death in young people. What is the role of the faith community in ministering to troubled young people? Share Hope is an interfaith social media contest to promote the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. Because we know that just pausing before acting often stops a suicide attempt, 988 is one important tool in fostering a healthy community. Have a look www.988ga.org/faith. This activity could be a great way to start off the school year with your creative youth group. And, your group could win a $250 Pizza Party--there will be ten winners. If you have questions or need help contact us at ecarter@rccatl.org

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