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Welcome Fr. Edwin M. Beckham, new Priest-in-Charge at the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd in Covington. "Fr. Beckham is looking forward to doing some intentional visioning work with the vestry and people of Good Shepherd and selecting a handful of projects on which to focus for the coming two years, projects that will enhance worship opportunities, deepen Christian formation for all ages, and more firmly establish Good Shepherd's place in the Covington community as a center of Christ-like compassion for those in greatest need." See a picture of Father Beckham and read more>>
1. The DeKalb County Board of Health’s STD and Ryan White Early Care programs will partner with STAND, Inc., this Thursday, February 7, , for National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. HIV testing and health information will be free from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. The testing will be at STAND, Inc., 3423 Covington Dr., Suite D, Decatur 30032. For more details, please contact Darryl Richards at 404-270-2415.
2. The Southside Ministerial Association will meet Thursday at noon. The host is Perkerson Baptist Church, 2240 Springdale Rd., SW, Atlanta 30315. Upcoming rally wil be discussed. Pease let Rev. Samuel Brooks know if you are coming. 404-766-6264.
3. The Mass for the Sanctity of Space, composed by the Rev. Charles M. Roper of Roswell, will be sung at the 11:15 a.m. service Sunday, Feb. 10, at Holy Innocents’ Episcopal Church, Atlanta. The work, says Roper, now 83 and a priest of the Diocese of Atlanta for 56 years, “was composed over the years but more often neglected.” Read the story>>
4. in this year dedicated to Mary in the Archdiocese "Something about Mary," featuring ancient, romantic and modern hymns to the Virgin, is the theme for a performance by the Skylark Vocal Ensemble at 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 10, at Holy Spirit Catholic Church, 4465 Northside Drive, Atlanta. The professional chamber choir is made up of world-class vocalists and musicians. For ticket information and more, click here.
5. Baptist Women in Ministry sponsors the annual Martha Stearns Marshall Month of Preaching encouraging Baptist churches to invite a woman to preach in February. Guest preacher at Northside Drive Baptist on February 10 will be Rev. Rhonda Abbott Blevins, Associate Pastor at the Tellico Village Community Church in Loudon, Tennessee, an ecumenical congregation in the center of a planned retirement community. Previously she served as the missions coordinator for the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Kentucky and as campus minister at UGA. Rhonda is pursuing a doctor of ministry degree from the McAfee School of Theology. NDBC is located at 3100 Northside Drive, NW. Worship service is at 11 a.m.
6. Remember the International Youth Chorus, featuring 75 singers ages 6 to 18, performing with the Epiphany Junior Choir at 3 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 10, at Church of the Epiphany, Atlanta. The visiting chorus represents diverse racial, cultural, religious, and socio-economic communities and sings messages of peace, justice, hope, reconciliation, and unity in 35 languages. Tickets are $15 for adults and $5 for students and seniors, with a $25 family maximum.
7. William Baker Festival Singers sponsored by the Atlanta Pro-Mozart Society will present Mozart and his American Contemporaries, Sunday, February 10, at 3:00 p.m., St. Benedict's Episcopal Church, 2160 Cooper lake Drive, Smyrna 30080. Free ~Donations gratefully accepted for the Pro-Mozart Society of Atlanta Scholarship Fund Question? Call 404-909-8357 or visit
8. Northside Drive Baptist Church offers a Lenten Wednesday Concert Series "Every Voice In Concert Ring..." in the Chapel at 6:45 p.m. Wednesdays, February 13 – March 20. Details>>
9. John Wood at the Carter Center, talk and signing, February 14, 7 p.m. Creating Room to Read: A Story of Hope in the Battle for Global Literacy. The founder of one of the world’s top nonprofit organizations, Room to Read, has written a follow up book to Leaving Microsoft to Change the World. In Creating Room to Read he details his business’ current challenges as he continues to spread literacy to Asia and Africa’s impoverished children and he shares stories of the people he has helped. Details>>
10. A special Divine Valentine gathering for Atlanta Christians, Feb. 16. There will be dinner, dancing and entertainment with guests from all over Atlanta metro. Pre-Registration by February 12 is required for this event, more details >> or Email
11. You can make a difference! 11th Annual Suicide Prevention Day at the Capitol, February 21. Suicide doesn't discriminate; it touches every population, every ethnicity, and every age group! Attend the Community Action Training and Hike the Hill with other Survivors, Family and Friends, bringing the voice of our communities to the ears of our legislators! Tuesday, February 21, 9 to 2:45, State Capitol, South Rotunda, Atlanta, For more information, contact SPAN-GA
12. St. James’ Episcopal and Zion Baptist Churches in Marietta will hold a community symposium on February 23, 9:00 to 1:00 at Zion’s Fellowship Hall, 165 Lemon Street, Marietta 30060. “Building Bridges: From the Past into the Future – The Talk around Tables” will feature both black and white historians speaking to increase understanding and encourage dialogue among the participants, who will then meet around tables for discussion. Speakers are Dr. Deborah Flemister Mullen, Dean of Faculty and Executive Vice President, Columbia Theological Seminary, Associate Professor of American Christianity and Black Church Studies and Prof. Erskine Clarke PhD, Professor Emeritus, Columbia Theological SeminaryTheir topic will be “Competing Memories: Slavery and its Legacies”. This project is supported by the Georgia Humanities Council and the National Endowment . Coffee and light snacks will be provided. Please plan to attend and register here or by phone to Ken or Barbara Buxton at 770-424-6948. Information: ,"
13. My Place is of The Sun – Women’s Spiritual Retreat, February 22-24, 2013, Pond House Retreat Center, Pell City, AL-- a time of rest and renewal. Join Kimberly Broerman, Spiritual Director and Mollie Erickson, Yoga and Artistic Guide, for prayer, yoga, reflection, and dialogue (All experience levels welcome!) focused around how we discover our inner light, tend the sacred flame, and shine our lives without burning out. Cost is $300 includes accommodations (double occupancy), six meals, daily yoga, prayer, and meditation practices, and group spiritual direction. Space is limited; register by contacting Kimberly at 404-275-3328 or
14. The Vine Community Church, Cumming, will be offering “The Role of Ministries and Professions in Helping People with Life Controlling Problems Certification and Training Program” a prerequisite for all of the A.R.M. Certifications, February 23. More information on different programs will be available at in the coming weeks. Online registration will be available at You may also call 770-457-3089 or email See the details>>
15. Michael Morgan, Columbia Theological Seminary musician and Psalm scholar, will be exhibiting his collection of ancient psalters and Bibles, including his 1611 first edition King James Bible. This event will be free and open to the public at Silver Creek Presbyterian Church at 2 p.m. on Sunday, February 24. Silver Creek Presbyterian Church is located at 6 Old Rockmart Road Southeast. Church Email address is and the telephone number is 706-234-6862.
16. Women's Bible Commentary Panel Discussion and Book Signing, February 26, from 4 – 6 p.m. in the Franklin Auditorium, Interdenominational Theological Center. Visit Cokesbury at ITC (in the Gammon Building) to purchase your copy. Call Cokesbury at 404-525-1414. Editors are Carol A. Newsom, Sharon H. Ringe, and Jacqueline E. Lapsley.
17. Have any old latex paint? The youth of Decatur Presbyterian Church will have a Paint Recycling Fundraiser Saturday, March 9; 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Signs will direct you to the church’s rear parking lot on Church Street. DPC is located at 205 Sycamore Street in downtown Decatur. Youth will earn $1 for each gallon can. They will charge you the following for disposal of your old latex paint, regardless of the amount of paint remaining in the can: 1 Gallon Can $3; 1 Quart Can $1.50; 1 Pint Can $1; 5 Gallon Can $15; For more information, call 404-378-1777.
18. If your congregation is considering beginning special ministry with those with developmental disabilities, save the date, April 5-6, for Opening new worlds… in the Church, Home, and Community for People with Disabilities, Church and Parent Disabilities Ministries Conference, April 5-6, Life Skills Center of Wesley Glen Ministries, Macon. Co sponsored by Wesley Glenn Ministries and Developmental Disabilities Ministries. Read more>>
19. Do you know about AMIS? We featured them a bit around Christmas. Read about this ministry with international students here AMIS’s Amigo program still needs friends for 20 students. Would your Sunday School group, neighborhood group, women's group, or any other group like to adopt some students as amigos? Email Dené to sign up.
20. Christ the Lord Lutheran in Lawrenceville still has some space in the popular Young Adult Bible Study held on Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m. The current course is called “Crash Course on the Bible”—the shaping of the old and new testaments and how it is applicable today. This study is open to all adults ages 18-30. Please contact Keith James at or 770-963-4499. Keith is Director of Senior Youth Ministries and Adult Education at the church which is in Lawrenceville at 1001 Duluth Highway.
21. Alban has gathered a number of books about and resources for the small church. Read more>>
22. On January 30, major and widespread tornado damage was reported in Gordon and Bartow Counties. You can support the people of Gordon and Bartow Counties by volunteering and donating goods. Donated goods, not clothing, will be received at the Calhoun Fire Department Station 2, 391 Richardson Rd., Calhoun, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, until further notice. For information on providing donated goods or volunteering at the distribution center, contact Distribution Center Manager at (706) 602-5721. For volunteer opportunities in (Adairsville) Bartow County, visit Bartow Christian Disaster Recovery. For opportunities in (Calhoun) Gordon County, click here. For volunteer opportunities and unmet needs in Adairsville, contact the Adairsville Church of God at 770-773-3264.
Be prepared to help people in your congregation toward financial stability through free income tax preparation and financial literacy opportunities. Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) is coordinated by the Food Bank’s Atlanta Prosperity Campaign and the IRS. Learn more and find a tax site near you.
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