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Tell every teen in Atlanta that the GOSPEL SLAM on Jan. 3, Thursday night of the Festival of Young Preachers is especially for them! Free flashdrives to the first 200, plus prizes for best Slams! Read all about it here
Look on the right hand side of our website for lots of Advent resources and several online Advent calendars. Lots of glorious events today celebrating God’s gift of music - find a living manager scene near you, but don’t miss opportunities to help out at the end of the newsletter and an important message from the Atlanta Prosperity Campaign.
1. Advent Prayer & Nourishment - Come away from the holiday rush and noise for a time of stillness, contemplative prayer, sacred readings, group reflection, and table fellowship. Join Kimberly Broerman, spiritual director at Deep Waters Center for Prayer and Exploration, Thursday evenings, December 6, 13 and 20, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Amerson House, St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church. After a time of quiet worship stay for a simple meal. Contact Kimberly at 404.275.3328 or kgbroerman@yahoo.com to sign up.
2. "The Play of Herod," a medieval liturgical drama will be staged Friday and Saturday, Dec. 7-8, at St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church, Atlanta. The play tells the story of the birth of Jesus, the journey of the magi, the fury of King Herod and slaughter of the innocents, and the holy family's flight into Egypt. The Latin text is translated above the stage using supertitles. Reservations are required. For tickets and details, visit www.herodplay.com
3. Rock Springs United Methodist Church, 1100 Rock Springs Road, Lawrenceville 30043, will offer the popular Walk through Bethlehem Friday, December 7, 7 – 9 p.m., and Saturday, December 8, 6 – 8 p.m. Church website www.rsumc.org. Call 770-945-7329 if you need more information.
4. This year, Cascade United Methodist Church hosts a Live Drive-Thru Nativity, Friday, December 7 from 7-9:30pm, and Saturday, December 8, 2012 from 6 – 9pm. The nativity will feature live animals and actors who will bring to life the story of Jesus’ birth. The free event is being offered as a way to share the true meaning of Christmas—a priceless message for residents facing economic hardship. Cascade United Methodist Church, 3144 Cascade Road SW. Atlanta, Georgia 30311
5. Experience Christmas at Johns Creek Baptist Church, Saturday, December 8, and Sunday, December 9, at 4 p.m. in the sanctuary at 7500 McGinnis Ferry Road. Tickets are free and there will be childcare for infants- 3 year olds. Please make a reservation at www.jcbc.org or call 678-474-4400.
6. Bethlehem at St. John United Methodist Church, 550 Mount Paran Road, December 8-9, 6 to 8 p.m. As shepherds guide you through the town of Bethlehem, and to the fields where they tend their sheep, hear the good news! A bright star shines in the dark where the angels sing in celebration of the birth of Jesus. Gather 'round the live Nativity and experience the true story of Christmas.
7. A Bazaar and Holiday Shopping Spree are planned at 2 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 8, at St. Edward's Episcopal Church, 737 Moon Road SW, Lawrenceville. All are welcome.
8. Fayette Presbyterian Church will be host a Christmas Cantata this Sunday, December 9, at 10:00 am. “The Majesty of Heaven” is a retelling of the miraculous events of that first Christmas. Come to this musical combined service and worship! The church is located at 791 Forest Avenue in Fayetteville (Highway 92 North); Call if you have questions 770-461-7147. Read more about worship and ministry at Fayette Presbyterian at www.fayettepcusa.org
9. Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church presents its unique service of Lessons and Carols, Sunday, December 9, at 10:30 a.m., in the historic Glenn sanctuary. Children’s, youth, and adult choirs, soloists and instrumentalists will offer music. In addition to congregational carols and hymns, the poetry of John Donne and Byron Herbert Reece will be heard, and the Chancel Choir will sing J.S. Bach’s brilliant final movement from Cantata no. 181. The service will conclude with Bach’s majestic “Dona Nobis Pacem” from the B-Minor Mass. Everyone is welcome. Glenn is located at 1660 N. Decatur Rd, NE, Atlanta, 30307. For information, call 404 634 3936. www.glennumc.org
10. Second Ponce de Leon Gloria concert will be Sunday, December 9, at 11 a.m., with the Sanctuary Choir, Sanctuary Orchestra, Sounds of Faith, and the Children’s Choirs. 2715 Peachtree Road, Atlanta.
11. Shop the Global Gift Market at Covenant Presbyterian Church, 2461 Peachtree Road, Atlanta 30305. One day only, Sunday, December 9, 12 – 5:30 p.m. Each item is fairly traded and finely crafted by artisans around the world.
12. Just Voices and Pandora Women’s Chorus present the 12th Annual Christmas Concert, Sunday, December 9 at 3:00 p.m. at Holy Trinity Parish, 515 East Ponce de Leon, Decatur 30030. The program will feature contemporary and traditional carols, spirituals, and anthems. The centerpiece of the program will be Johannes Brahms’ magnificent a cappella motet for Advent. Also featured is the American premiere of Italian composer Roberto DiMarino’s lovely hymn to the Virgin Mary, “O Beata Viscera.” On the website, www.justvoices.org, you can hear audio samples of performances.
13. St. Columba's Episcopal Church, Suwanee, will offer Advent Lessons and Carols at 4 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 9. A reception will follow the service.
14. The Choir of Christ Church, Norcross, will present Advent Lessons and Carols at 4 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 9 at the church, 400 Holcomb Bridge Road, Norcross. All are welcome to come and enjoy the service and festivity of Old Norcross afterwards.
15. A Service of Lessons and Carols is planned at 5 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 9, at St. James' Episcopal Church, Marietta. All are welcome.
16. Candlelight and Carols, Sunday, December 9, at 5 p.m. featuring The Lynn Swanson Festival Singers, St. Benedict's Episcopal Church, 2160 Cooper Lake Road, Smyrna. Tickets at the door or online, 678-787-9189. www.FestivalSingers.org
17. St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church service of Advent Lessons and Carols using the ancient "O" antiphons will be offered at 6 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 9. All are welcome. 1790 LaVista Road, Atlanta 30329.
18. Care Givers Day, The Light of Hope Church of Inclusion, 6615 Tribble Street, Lithonia 30058. Dec. 9, 2012 at 3 p.m. All are invited to be a part of the Annual Care Givers Day. The keynote speaker will be Dr. Joyce J. Dorsey, CEO Fulton Atlanta Community Action Authority, Inc. The Rev. Calvin Peterson urges you to come and bring a guest and give praise for all of God’s people. Learn more about the ministry at www.disabledinactionatl.org or www.Facebook/Lightof HopeChurchofInclusion. Email for more information lightofhopechurchofinclusion@yahoo.com
19. The Fourth Annual “Taste of Faith” celebration for the Atlanta InterFaith Leaders Fellowship is Sunday, December 9, 2012. This year in a new location, Temple Sinai, Sandy Springs, 5645 Dupree Drive. Tasting of foods from our multiple religious and ethnic traditions, 3 - 5 p.m. Family members and friends are especially welcome at this event to join in the fellowship and experience interfaith dialogue at its best….one-on-one informal conversations with those of other traditions. No charge or pre-registration is needed for this event.
20. Roswell Presbyterian Church’s Glory of Christmas presents “All Is Well,” on Thursday, December 13 and Friday, December 14, 7:30 p.m. in the sanctuary, 755 Mimosa Blvd., Roswell 30075. Admission is free. The concert will feature a mix of traditional, contemporary, and classical music of the season. It will include a 40-piece orchestra and singers and ringers from the church’s Chancel Choir and the Carillon bell choir. Early seating is recommended. Proceeds from a special offering will go to support Music Mission Kiev, an organization dedicated to bringing the sacred masterpieces of classical music to the country of Ukraine, proclaiming the Gospel to and through Ukrainian musicians to the world and offering humanitarian aid to widows and orphans. Call 770-993-6316 or visit www.roswellpres.org for details.
21. Your congregation’s senior group may be interested in Fulton County and AT&T workshops on the latest electronic communications technology. Two senior multipurpose facilities will host workshops known as “Senior Tech Rallies”. Rallies will be open to registered multipurpose program participants. Next Wednesday at the Dorothy C. Benson Complex in Sandy Springs and Thursday, Dec. 13, at the Harriett G. Darnell Senior Multipurpose Facility located at 677 Fairburn Road NW. To sign up for the event, registered participants of Fulton County multipurpose programs can call the Dorothy C. Benson Senior Multipurpose Complex at 404-705-4900 or call the Harriett G. Darnell Senior Multipurpose Facility at 404-699-8580
22. St. Paul's Episcopal Church presents its ninth annual Festive Concert at 6 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 16, in Sisters Chapel on the campus of Spelman College, Atlanta. The concert will feature the Choirs of St. Paul's, members of the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, organist David Oliver, and soloists all under the direction of Trey Clegg. Tickets can be obtained by calling (404) 696-3620. Admission is $10 per ticket for adults and children. All are welcome. Ample parking is available in the parking deck for a $3 charge.
23. A Baroque Candlelight Christmas Concert will be presented by New Trinity Baroque on period instruments with the choir of St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church at 8 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 16, at the church. The concert will feature Marc-Antoine Charpentier's beloved Messe de minuit pour Noel, a mass setting composed for midnight Christmas Eve. For ticket information, click here.
24. The Christmas season reminds us of all that used to be and cannot be anymore. Some years are just tougher than others around the holidays. Something has knocked our lives off-kilter and we are reeling from it. The All Saints’ Blue Christmas service may be a welcomed respite during your holiday season. The annual service of scripture, reflection, a cappella music, prayers, and the lighting of Advent candles will occur on Tuesday, December 18, 6:30 p.m. in the chapel, 634 West Peachtree Street, Atlanta. For more information contact The Rev’d Elizabeth Shows Caffey at 404–267– 4278 or eshowscaffey@allsaintsatlanta.org.
25. First Presbyterian Atlanta will offer a Baroque Violin Recital with Evan Few on Friday, December 21, at 6p.m., Jens Korndoerfer is organist. 1328 Peachtree Road, Atlanta 30309.
26. Host families and individuals are needed for the Christmas Holidays for 30 international students participating in Christmas International House through AMIS. December 18-26, and December 26-January 2. The host will be responsible for bed & breakfast and transportation to and from the CIH Center at St. James United Methodist Church in the Activities Building. The CIH Center will be open daily from 8:30 am to 9:00 pm. This will allow hosts to continue their personal schedule during the busy holiday season during the day. Please host 1-2 students or call a friend or family member so that we can make room at the inn during Christmas. Please sign up here. Here is a list of the students. My family has hosted students twice and it was a wonderful experience.
27. Volunteers are needed to help with the 2013 Homeless Census for Atlanta, DeKalb, and Fulton on Monday, January 28 at 11 p.m. that night community volunteers will conduct a street count. To best serve the homeless, we must gather accurate data on our homeless population. By complying with the HUD requirements such as conducting a count, our communities receive over $10 million annually in funding for homeless services and housing. More information and to register go to www.pcni.org or find more information and a form to copy and print on our website https://rccapilgrims.ning.com/profiles/blogs/2398508:BlogPost:13713
28. Each year, the Santa for Seniors program collects new, unwrapped gifts for seniors to be delivered with their Christmas Eve meals. Each gift is selected and labeled for a particular senior. Volunteers are needed Tuesday, December 18, from 10 a.m. until the gifts are all wrapped at the Meals On Wheels Atlanta headquarters at 1705 Commerce Dr NW, 30318. Refreshments will be provided. If you would like to stop by for an hour or for the entire day, please email Steve Hargrove at shargrove@mealsonwheelsatlanta.org
29. Getting ready for Week of Prayer for Christian Unity?
30. The Atlanta Prosperity Campaign has the goal of reducing poverty and helping families move toward financial stability. The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program provides free tax reparation by IRS trained and certified volunteers. Folks who find themselves short of cash may go immediately to a commercial tax preparation service when they receive their last 2012 paycheck. They may pay a fee to get a loan of what is actually their own money. Help us keep the money in the hands of families. VITA is a part of the Atlanta Prosperity Campaign from the Atlanta Community Food Bank. List of the sites not quite complete right now. Help us get the word out to your congregation and folks who come through your doors. Please consider displaying flyers. The Prosperity Campaign will be happy to provide you with a variety of pre-printed materials. See marketing materials. To order materials please visit , they will be delivered to your location within 5 business days. You can also get electronic delivery, copy for newsletters, or your website.
31. Reply early for Stop Violence Against Women Day, at the Georgia State Capitol, Thursday, January 31, 2013, 8:00 a.m.—1:30 p.m. Hundreds of fellow Georgians from across the state will come together to raise a collective voice against domestic violence and sexual violence. To find your legislators, and for additional information about this event, visit http://gcadv.org To R.s.v.p. Click Here
Go to www.rccatl.org for a slide show of member churches, featured articles, Community Events calendar, past eNewsletters, membership information, and other resources.
Ethel Ware Carter
ecarter@rccatl.org www.rccapilgrims.ning.com
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