God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.
Check the community calendar on our website RCCAtl.org
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Get the latest on the National Festival of Young Preachers coming to Atlanta, January 2-5, 2013.
1. A Celtic Christian Celebration of All-Hallows’ Eve at Emory Presbyterian Church tonight Wednesday, October 31, 6:45 p.m. Come for an ancient liturgical celebration of the light of God in the midst of darkness and celebrate the lives of those we have known and loved. Emory Presbyterian Church 1886 North Decatur Road, N.E.
2. November meeting of the Southside Ministerial Association, Thursday, November 1, hosted by the Church of the Incarnation, 2407 Cascade Road, SW, Atlanta. We will begin at 12 Noon and end by 1:30 p.m. Please contact the church at 404-755-6654 to let them know you are coming. There will be an update on The Delores Project and a specific time of prayer for the upcoming elections.
All Saints Day is November 1 and the Feast of All Souls is Nov. 2; November is a month traditionally dedicated to remembering ancestors and loved ones who have died. Beautiful music will fill the air from churches on these dates and on Sunday, November 4; some events are listed in this eNewsletter but many are not.
3. St. John’s Episcopal Church celebrates an annual All Souls Requiem Mass on the evening of Thursday, November 1, beginning at 7:30 p.m., a free service to remember of all who have died in the last year and thank God for their life and witness. The beautiful requiem by John Rutter will feature a massed choir from local churches and Georgia State University and musicians from local high schools. Please read the invitation to this exceptional musical service from the Rev. Troy Beecham, Rector of St. John’s.
4. A Fall Festival and Artists' Market, Nov. 2 and 4, All Saints' Episcopal Church, Atlanta. A reception featuring a jazz trio is planned from 5 to 8 p.m. Friday; a day full of activities follows starting at 10 a.m., Saturday. Sunday's hours are 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Reception information here. All Saints’, 634 West Peachtree, Atlanta.
5. The Cathedral of Christ the King, Peachtree Road, Buckhead, celebrating its 75th anniversary as a parish, will offer a special All Souls’ Day liturgy, featuring Maurice Duruflé’s “Requiem,” Friday, Nov. 2, at 7:30 p.m., the All Souls’ Day Mass will be celebrated by Cathedral rector Father Frank McNamee, with music by the Cathedral Choir and cellist Charae Kruger; the work’s dazzling organ accompaniment will be played by Cathedral organist Dr. Timothy Wissler.
6. The Religious Education Association (REA) is meeting in Atlanta this week. The 2012 theme explores the historic role played by religious education in empowering oppressed communities for social activism and personal/communal transformation. The annual meeting brings together religious educators, scholars, practitioners, clergy, graduate students, community leaders, and others to engage in in-depth scholarly and practical exploration critical questions. Read about the REA http://www.religiouseducation.net/rea2012/
7. The Rev. Dr. Scott Black Johnston, senior pastor of Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, New York, is the preacher Nov. 4 on “Day 1,” the ecumenical radio program also accessible online at Day1.org. Black Johnston came to Fifth Avenue Presbyterian in 2008 from Trinity Presbyterian Church in Atlanta. Black Johnston’s sermon for Nov. 4, based on Psalm 30, is entitled “Will This Sermon Make You Happy?” “Some psychologists are now asking: Are we putting too much pressure on ourselves to think positively—to be happy—all the time?” he says. “…. Is happiness a Christian virtue? “
8. Influencers Church Global is launching a new campus in the heart of Duluth at the Gwinnett Convention Center on November 4 at 10 a.m. With vibrant, God centered, contemporary Australian worship, faith inspiring teaching, and a core value of authenticity, is this the church you have been looking for? Great children's program from age 2 to 5th grade and the friendliest staff in the South, this is an opportunity to be part of something from its inception and grow with it!
9. At Grace UMC, 458 Ponce de Leon Avenue, Atlanta, on Sunday, November 4, a guest trio will play following coffee on the lawn at 10:30. In the moments before communal worship begins participants are invited to listen to the beautiful music and light tea lights in memory of the saints in your life.
10. Choral Evensong for the Feasts of All Saints' and All Souls' will be offered at 5 p.m., Sunday, Nov. 4, at Christ Church, Norcross. Included is a Service of Remembrance, featuring the reading of names of all loved ones. For information email dpapenbrock@comcast.net
11. Beulah Heights University Leadership Studies Department presents Leadership Ethics Roundtable: Your Ethics Matter to God. Leadership brings challenges and temptations to compromise integrity to achieve results. As Christian leaders we are expected to display ethical leadership wherever we serve. Do we? This Leadership Roundtable will explore questions of ethical leadership in five arenas: Business, Politics, Education, Nonprofit Sector and the Church. Tuesday, November 6, 10 – 11:30 a.m., Sam Chand Auditorium, 892 Berne Street, SE, Atlanta. Dr. Betty Palmer, Chair, Ethics in Business; Professor Flavien Shirandi, Ethics in Politics; Professor Miriam Leverette, Ethics in Education; Dr. Sherry Gaither, Ethics in Church; and Professor Protip Biswas , Ethics in the Nonprofit sector. Reception will follow immediately in the Student Activity Center.
12. All About Developmental Disabilities (AADD) enthusiastically invites you to attend its next volunteer orientation. Come for cookies and punch and to learn more about meaningful volunteer opportunities. R.s.v.p. to Suzie Sloan by Tuesday, November 6, suzie@aadd.org. Orientation will be 6 - 7 p.m., November 7, 125 Clairemont Avenue, Suite 300, Decatur 30030.
13. Bill Mallard Lay Theology Institute Presents: Disciple Scholars — Four Bibles — Four Christs, Saturday, November 10, 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m., Candler School of Theology, Room 322, 1531 Dickey Drive, Atlanta, GA, 30322, $35. All are invited for a fascinating look at the strikingly different versions of “seeing salvation in the four translations of the Bible that have most influenced Western culture and language. This program will be led by Dr. David Pacini, Professor of Historical Theology, Emory University, Candler. Some prominent post-Enlightenment thinkers noticed these differences and began to sketch an understanding of the historical reception of Christ. Their inquiry rivals, if not surpasses, the “Quest for the Historical Jesus” with which we are more familiar. For more information and to register visit tinyurl.com or contact Rick Kravako at 404-727-1276 or rkravako@emory.edu
14. There will be bagpipes at Rock Spring Presbyterian Church for the 142nd Annual Homecoming and Kirkin’ O’ the Tartans, Sunday Nov. 11, The congregation of Rock Springs Presbyterian Church has been worshipping, teaching, and serving at the corner of Rock Springs Road and Piedmont Road for 142 years. Come home to the 11 a.m. worship service for bagpipes, drums, and Kirkin o’ the tartans. More www.rspc.org
15. You are invited to Renaissance Worship Service featuring the Final Presidential Message of 10th President Dr. Robert Michael Franklin ’75, Morehouse College . Sunday Nov. 11, 3 – 5:30 p.m., Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel, 830 Westview Drive, Atlanta, 30314 Free and Open to the Public. For more information, please contact Chimere Stanford at 404-215-2645.
16. Central United Methodist Church Homecoming Concert, November 11, 6:00 p.m. Don't miss award-winning gospel singer Lady Tramaine Hawkins with the Central UMC Homecoming Choir. Central where the Rev. Byron E. Thomas is senior pastor is located at 501-7 Mitchell Street, S.W., Atlanta 30314. To purchase tickets call (404) 524-4263 or visit www.centralumcatl.org
17. One of the most exciting occasions on the yearly calendar for Zion Hill Baptist Church is its Oukumo, the closing ceremony or graduation of adolescent male and female students from the ZHBC Rites of Passage Program, this year The Serengeti: African Pride. Over forty students enrolled in the 13-week program have built bridges of strength, pride, and determination for future success as leaders. The ceremony is Sunday, November 11, at 6 p.m. There is plenty of parking and no admission charge. Zion Hill Baptist Church, 6175 Campbellton Road, Atlanta. For more information, call 404-691-8025 or go to www.zionhill.org
18. First Congregational United Church of Christ 55 Plus Support Group is sponsoring a bus trip to the North Georgia Mountains on Tuesday, November 13. Bus leaves from the church at 8:00 a.m. and returns at 4:00 p.m. Included are a visit to the Mercier Apple Farm, scenic mountain foliage, and a wonderful "All You Can Eat" Luncheon served family style at the Smith House. Contact Ara Ann Patridge at 404 349 3582 or patridgee@bellsouth.net. Everyone is welcome but seating is limited.
19. The Georgia Boy Choir will appear at All Saints’ Episcopal Church, 634 West Peachtree, Atlanta, Tuesday, November 13, at 7:30 p.m. Directed by David R. White, their program will include sacred works in the classical tradition, American hymns and spirituals, and folk songs from around the world. The Choir includes boys in elementary, middle, and high school, and has earned critical acclaim for performances in the U.S. and on their international tours. Tickets are $15 adult and $10 student/senior, and will be available at the door, or may be charged in advance at allsaintsatlanta.org/music/concert-series.
20. The King Deng Foundation invites you to attend a special evening honoring Olympic marathon runner and humanitarian Guor Marial at Paul’s restaurant, 10 Kings Circle NE, Atlanta, Thursday, November 15. Cocktail Reception and Award Ceremony, 7:00 p.m. ; Private Meet and Greet Reception 5:30 p.m. Purchase Tickets in advance at www.kingdengfoundation.org Tickets at the door are $45 for reception and ceremony and $125 for private reception. The mission of the foundation is to provide schools, orphanages, medical care and water to the people of South Sudan—the world’s newest nation www.kingdengfoundation.org
21. Our Lady of Lourdes Centennial Celebration Interfaith Service – 11/15/12 Come worship with guests of multiple faiths in honor of Lourdes’ 100 year anniversary. The theme is We are Called to the Light. The service will be held from 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m. November 15, 25 Boulevard NE Atlanta 30312
22. Everyone is invited to attend the afternoon keynote and workshops for the Annual Women, Theology, and Ministry Forum at Candler, Friday, November 16, 11:15 registration. What a great opportunity to hear Paula D’Arcy, internationally known writer and retreat leader. Paula is president of the Red Bird Foundation. Go to Candler for more or contact Brenda Bennefield 404-727-4180 if you have questions. We have the schedule, workshop information, and registration links at RCCAtl.org
23. Harvest Home Concert: A Midtown Thanksgiving, November 17, 2012, 7 p.m., The Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, Peachtree at 4th Street, Atlanta. Come for an evening of song of all styles exploring HOME and our journey to find that place where we are known, loved, and welcomed. Tickets are not required, but seating and free parking are limited. A dessert reception will follow the concert. For more information, visit www.harvesthomeconcert.org.
24. ArtReach Foundation has extended invitations for three events, two fund raisers and a book signing, to all military personnel, veterans, their family members, professionals working with veterans and their families, and civilians welcoming veterans home. These are detailed on our website .
25. AmeriCorps VISTA Catelin Lindsay is working with Church on the Streets in a women’s fellowship group. This group is for women who are homeless. So far the group has been a great way for women who feel disconnected from society to make friends, get advice, and just help each other create better lives. She and Adrienne Johnson are collecting unused nail polish, lipstick, eye shadow, and other female trinkets to make Christmas gift baskets. If you would like to help contact raistlyn80@live.com, 404-281-5874, or Catelin on Linkedin www.linkedin.com/pub/catelin-lindsay/3a/947/5a
26. Peter Wallace at Day 1 recommends this post on preaching from Carol Howard Merritt - The Guts of the Passage: Mining the emotional content of the Bible - Day1.org http://ht.ly/eQp23
27. The 21st Book Festival of the MJCCA features 55 bestselling authors, celebrities, rising literary stars, and influencers. This year’s keynote speakers include Michael Feinstein, Tony Danza, Andrew McCarthy, Rabbi Harold Kushner, Emily Giffin, Peter Greenberg, Lisa Lillien (AKA Hungry Girl), Kati Marton, and Delia Ephron. Enjoy the Family Reading Festival author talks and signings, celebrity book signings. Read more…
Presbyterian Peacemaking Potluck Nov. 10
Mental Health first Aid Training
Go to www.rccatl.org for a slide show of member churches, featured articles, Community Events calendar, past eNewsletters, membership information, and other resources.
Ethel Ware Carter
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