Church Action eNewsletter Week of September 4, 2012

God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.   


Check the community calendar on our website

1. September meeting of the Southside Ministerial Association, Thursday, September 6, noon.   The Greater Piney Grove Baptist Church, 1879 Glenwood Ave., SE, Atlanta  30316, is the host and will be the main presenter. Information about this year’s “See You at the Pole” student-led prayer event will be available .Please contact Donna Tate, 678-480-7342, to let her know you will be coming. The church is just off I-20 at the Glenwood Ave Exit (Exit 61-B) inside the perimeter.  Coming from downtown Atlanta, turn left onto Glenwood Ave., cross over I-20, and the church will be on your right.


2. Georgia WAND is excited to host Dr. David Cortright, author of Afghan Women Speak: Enhancing Security and Human Rights in Afghanistan. Hear Dr. Cortright's solutions to a secure and thriving future for Afghan Women. Thursday, September 6, 6:30 Reception, 7:30 Program, North Decatur Presbyterian Church, 611 Medlock Rd., Decatur.


3.  Industrial Scars is a special event hosted by GreenLaw and the Georgia Chapter of the Sierra Club featuring photographer and environmentalist, J. Henry Fair., Thursday, September 6, 6 - 9 p.m. Doors open at 5:30. Fair uses his photographs to raise public awareness of the damage being done to the earth due to the detritus of our consumer society. He will present a personal tour of his exhibit and take questions. Jimmy Carter Presidential Library & Museum, 441 Freedom Parkway, Atlanta  30307,  For more details on this event and to R.s.v.p., click here 


4. A five-piece jazz band with an accompanying vocalist will perform at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 7, at Church of the Atonement, Sandy Springs, 4945 High Point Road, Atlanta 30342. Bring your own beverages and dinner; the parish will provide free coffee and dessert. Admission is canned food items for the Community Action Center in Sandy Springs.


5. Women of St. Timothy's Episcopal Church, Decatur, will host their seventh annual Awesome Afternoon Tea from 4 to 7 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 8, at Georgia Piedmont Technical College Conference Center, 495 N. Indian Creek Road, Clarkston. The event features fashions, a display of unique teapots, live classical music and varieties of tea. Tickets are $20.  For information call 404-275-5539.


6. It’s revival time at Cascade United Methodist Church, 3144 Cascade Road, SW, Atlanta 30311, Sunday, September 9, 6 p.m., and nightly at 7 p.m. September 10-12. Visit for information on guest revivalists. 


7. Catholic Church of St. Ann has been serving those in job-transition since 1986. After a Labor Day break Career Quest reopens Tuesday, Sept.11, at 6:30 p.m.  with  “Create Your Value Proposition” presented by Dave Gallagher and networking, coaching, and workshops.  More information at or call 770-552-6400 ext. 6104. St. Ann’s Church, 4905 Roswell Road/Rte.120, Marietta 30062. Behind the Church follow the signs: JOB NETWORK TONIGHT


8. Morehouse School of Medicine’s Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences is hosting a Mental Health First Aid 2-day training sponsored by SAMHS, on September 13 and September 14, from 9-3.  There is no cost to attend, however participants will be responsible for purchasing lunch during the lunch break.   The location is the National Center for Primary Care at Morehouse School of Medicine. Participants must register ahead of time; form must be received no later than Friday, September 7, 2012.  More on Mental Health First Aid at The registration form can be found  here .


9. Melissa Fay Greene will speak at Covenant Presbyterian Church, 2461 Peachtree Rd. Atlanta   30305, Thursday, September 13, at 7:30 p.m., in the sanctuary as part of the 2012 Mitchell Speaker Series: Atlanta Women: Living Their Dreams.   Dessert and coffee wil follow. Free and open to the public.  For more information please contact  Dr. Jill Ulrici, Associate Pastor, 404-550-4812.


10. Corrected announcement for the Church Women United State Assembly, Friday, Sept. 14, 10 a.m. to Saturday, Sept. 15, 4:30 p.m., Peachtree Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), 1580 Peachtree Street NW , Atlanta 30308 .  The theme is "Rise, Shine, For Your Life Has Come".  The Key Note Speaker for the Opening Session on Friday is the Rev. Joanna Adams. Workshops and fun are planned for the remainder of Friday with a Banquet in the evening.  On Saturday, the Session begins at 9 a.m.  Mrs. Barbara Leah is the State President of Church Women United. There is a cost for the State Assembly activities.  For further information, please contact B. Leah at 404- 696-1890. 


11. Couples of Faith returns for a second season on AIB-TV, Thursdays at 10:30 p.m. Tune in September 14 and meet Maria and John Cressler. The couple professes their Catholic faith and shares how it has made them stronger as individuals and as a unit. Cindy Fuller and Patrick Abent have been together for over 20 years sharing a common faith and a common belief about marriage. On September 21, find out what makes Cindy and Patrick's relationship work. September 28, Juliana and Thomas Watson share how they have embraced each other despite a diagnosis for mental illness for both parties. Through prayer and medicine they are making their relationship work.  Encore Presentation: Fridays at 9:30 a.m., Mondays at 9:30 a.m. and Wednesdays at 1:30 p.m.


12. The Leadership Program for Musicians (LPM) covers key areas in church music, liturgical education, and spiritual formation, and is open to anyone from any denomination! Visitors are welcome to observe.  Attention is given to the needs and ways of smaller churches. The program's goals are to give an increased commitment to music ministry, to improve musical, pastoral, and leadership skills, and to expand our vision of the variety of music and leadership practices. Open House first session in Atlanta is September 15. Full details. If you have questions about LPM, contact one of the coordinators: Sue Mitchell Wallace, (770) 594-0949 or; Joanne Brown, (770) 210-4985 or; John Marsh, (713) 206-8896 or


13. National Black Arts Festival and Hammonds House Museum are proud to present The Courage of Hope: How I Stood Up to the Politics of FearA Conversation with Shirley Sherrod, Sunday, September 16, 3- 5 p.m. at Hammonds House Museum. Shirley Sherrod, an unlikely and unsung hero in the fight for farmer’s rights, served as Georgia’s first black Director of Rural Development for the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Come celebrate the life and legacy of Shirley Sherrod. This event is free and open to the public, pre-registration is required. For additional information, please contact Dr. Collette Hopkins at or 404-224-3464, or visit


14. Conference on Creation, Evolution, and God at Sewanee, University of the South, Sep. 22, Dr. Cynthia Crysdale, professor of Christian ethics and theology, and the University of the South will present a daylong conference addressing the question of whether the classical Christian understanding of God is still coherent in the face of modern scientific understanding of the cosmos. Crysdale and co-author Neil Ormerod, in their forthcoming book, Creator God, Evolving World, answer “Yes!” There is no fee to attend and the public is welcome. You can read complete details about the speakers and see the full schedule here.   


15. Meridian Herald will present its 15th annual Higher Ground: Camp Meeting Service on Saturday, Sept. 29, at 4 p.m. at Reinhardt University, in Waleska, about 45 minutes northwest of Atlanta. The camp meeting, featuring old-time preaching, prayer, and singing, will be held in the Falany Performing Arts Center. After the service, attendees will enjoy warm fellowship and refreshments in the Ken White atrium. Admission is free; an offering will be taken.  Everyone is welcome. Reinhardt University and Meridian Herald dedicate this service in honor of Reinhardt Trustee Emeritus, Paul Anderson, Sr.

Find all information and a bit about the history of camp ground meetings and Meridian Herald  Here. For more information, please contact Suzi Howard at 404-909-8385.  Directions 


16. Love golf? Passionate about social justice? Support Lutheran Services of Georgia in its mission to bring hope, healing, and strength to those in need in Georgia by playing the course at Heritage Golf Links in Tucker, GA, on Monday, October 1. Deadline to register is September 24. Contact Jeff Banks at or at 678-686-9633 for registration details.


17. The Liberated Heart:  Becoming Who We Really Are The Cathedral of St. Philip Spiritual Formation and Nurture Committee presents Joyce Rupp in a daylong conference, Saturday, October 27, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Conference requires $50 registration fee by Sunday, October 21, 2012. Lunch is included.  Call 404-365-1034 or go to


18. In Metro Atlanta we have more than 10,000 International students from 160 nations studying in the 30 metro colleges. More than 200 new international students and scholars from more than 50 nations filled out the AMIS-Amigo application asking for an American friend.  Befriending an international student means calling the student to let them know that you are their friend, inviting them to a meal, inviting them to an event.  Please call the AMIS office, 404-846-4396, or email  Help be a welcoming community to the future leaders of our world.


19. The LaGonave Haiti Partnership is a group of Presbyterian and Episcopalian churches in Atlanta and South Carolina (plus a few other states) that work with the Episcopal Diocese of Haiti on the island of LaGonave.  LaGonave is an island of 100,000 --- rural communities without electricity, water or sanitation.  The partnership works with ten communities in the areas of healthcare, education, and economic development.  They welcome the opportunity to tell the story of these communities and this 20+ year partnership.  They alsowelcome new partners.  If your congregation or group might be interested in a presentation about the work in Haiti, please contact Lee Wilder, or 404 218 2242.


20. Remember that everyone is welcome at the Atlanta Friends Meeting's Bible Study Group discussing Walter Wink's theology of redeeming the global, national, secular, religious, and cultural institutions that oppose God's plan for a world that lives in peace and love. Bring your favorite edition of the Bible; the group likes to compare translations. Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. in the library of the Meeting House, 701 West Howard Avenue, Decatur 30002. Office hours 9 a.m. to noon, M-F, 404-377-2474, or contact Julia Ewen at 


21. Schedule of Alban Learning Events  


 22. Hillside Chapel and Truth Center, 2450 Cascade Rd., SW, Atlanta 30311, celebrates forty-one years of service with a homecoming month. Visit to see the special events planned for every day of this celebration.

Go to  for a slide show of member churches, featured articles, Community Events calendar, past eNewsletters,  membership information, and other resources.

Ethel Ware Carter

Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta


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