August is full of opportunities for learning, helping, and enriching our lives. Check the community calendar on our website
The National Festival of Young Preachers is coming to Atlanta January 2013! The Regional Council of Churches is a partner of the Academy of Preachers and helping to bring this event to Atlanta. We agree with the Academy of Preachers that, “ We are energized by the conviction that Gospel Preaching is a vocation of public and social significance, a calling worthy of the very best and brightest young people.” Think about what young person in your congregation may be called to preach -- encourage that young person to sign up now. This is a unique opportunity for young people to preach (maybe for the very first time) and learn and be fed by the spirit in a gathering of over 100 bright, energetic, inspired peers. Registration is already ahead of last year. Speak to that person now! Take a minute and look at the website Make plans to come and bring a young person with you. Plans for Atlanta are exciting. The opening worship will be at Peachtree Road UMC on Wednesday, January 2, and the first ever Gospel Slam -- a great opportunity for your church’s youth group. Please contact me if you have questions or would like to help.
1. AIB Presents Regional Council of Churches Co-President Dr. Gerald Durley on Spiritual Journey. Dr. Durley is one of Atlanta's most outspoken and progressive pastors. He is an activist who challenges the status quo and leads the way on issues of environmentalism, interfaith cooperation, and social justice. This series began on Monday, August 27, but you can catch an encore on Thursday at 9 a.m. or Saturday at 12:30 p.m. Watch part two at 7 p.m. on Monday, September 3.
2. The 9th Annual WalkRun for a Cure at Greater Piney Grove Baptist Church is not until World AIDS Day, December 1, but plans are under way for the best walk/run and health fair ever. Your church or organization is invited to a planning meeting tomorrow, Thursday, August 30, 6 p.m., at The Greater Piney Grove Baptist Church, 1879 Glenwood Avenue, SE, Atlanta 30316. Meeting is in room 209. For further info, call Donna Tate at 770-879-5850.
3. Thursday and Friday, please welcome The Caravan for Peace with Justice and Dignity. Events will feature Caravanistas' stories and address immigration, money laundering, gun trafficking, drug policy, and U.S. security/foreign aid issues. Thursday, August 30, 1 p.m., Martin Luther King Jr. gravesite gathering and events continue through out the day ending with dinner, stories, and performances, at the Latin American Association, 2750 Buford Highway NE, Atlanta. On Friday the event continues at 7 p.m., Plaza Fiesta, 4166 Buford Highway NE. Interpretation will be provided. The Caravan is visiting 25 U.S. cities, to honor victims of the drug war in both countries and call for new policies that will foster peace, justice and human dignity on both sides of the border. See CaravanforPeace After Mexican poet and activist Javier Sicilia's son was killed last year, he initiated the Movement for Peace and Justice with Dignity. He was profiled in Time Magazine's Person of the Year issue 2011. Read more For more information contact Adrian Bernal, Coordinator, Atlanta Host Committee, 404-884-8912
4. The Atlanta Unit of Church Women United will host the Human Rights Celebration at their September meeting, Friday, September 7, 10 a.m. It will be held at the Peachtree Christian Church, 1580 Peachtree Street, NW, Atlanta 30308. The theme is "Embracing Our Oneness". The National Annual Awards for Human Rights will be presented to Margaret Koehler and Dianne Valentin. The Rev. Joyce Myers-Brown will facilitate the Celebration. All women are invited and are welcomed to attend.
5. Acting UP will present Godspell on Friday, Sept. 7, at 7:30 p.m., and Saturday, Sept. 8, at 6 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall at Roswell United Methodist Church. Godspell is a fun, modern day retelling of the New Testament parables from The Gospel According to Matthew. One of the biggest successes of Off-Broadway and Broadway, Godspell features the hit song “Day By Day.” The production will be presented by Acting UP, RUMC’s Adult Drama Ministry. Tickets are $10 for dessert and the show. For more information, visit or call 770.594.0512.
6. Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University will be offered at Roswell UMC beginning Sunday, Sept. 9, (6-8 p.m.), or Wednesday, Sept. 19, (7-9 p.m.). Cost for the nine-week course is $105. The program teaches participants how to make the right decisions to achieve financial goals and experience a total money makeover. Each lesson is taught via video by financial expert Dave Ramsey followed by small group discussion. The average family completing the course pays off $5,300 and saves $2,700 in 90 days. For information and registration see RUMC contact is Kay Holmquist, or 770-261-1766.
7. Last year, more than 800 community members donated 30 minutes of their day to read to Sheltering Arms children. The goal this year is 1000 people giving a little bit of their day to bring joy and make a difference in a child’s life. This is the seventh year of Operation StoryBook, year-round literacy initiative that begins with a metro-wide Read-A-Thon on September 13 and 14. Spend 30 minutes to an hour in a Sheltering Arms classroom sharing your favorite children's books and stories. Don't miss out on your chance to change a child's life. Sign-up here...
8. Ignatian Spirituality Weekend Retreats this fall, Sept. 13 - 16, 2012; Sept. 28 - 30, 2012. Join Ignatius House Jesuit Retreat Center, located in Sandy Springs on the banks of the Chattahoochee River, for a Silent Weekend Retreat based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. For people of all faiths, the retreat includes spiritual guidance, presentations, and time for meditation and reflection. For detailed info or to register visit or call 404-255-0503
9. The Roswell United Methodist Church Preschool and Kindergarten will host its semi-annual children’s consignment sale on Friday, Sept. 14, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m., and Saturday, Sept. 15, 8 a.m. - noon. The sale will be held in the Fellowship Hall of RUMC, 814 Mimosa Blvd., in historic Roswell, and will benefit the church's preschool and kindergarten. Donated items will be given to the Foster Care Support Foundation. Strollers are not allowed on Friday morning, and many of the items are half-price on Saturday. All consignors must pre-register, even those who have consigned before. Go to to register to consign or volunteer
10. The Atlanta Unit of Church Women United will host the Church Women United States Assembly from Friday, Sept. 14, 10 a.m. to Saturday, Sept. 15, 4:30 p.m. at the Peachtree Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), 1580 Peachtree Street NW, Atlanta 30308. The theme is "Rise, Shine, For Your Life Has Come". The Key Note Speaker for the Opening Session on Friday is the Rev. Joanna Adams. Workshops and fun are planned for the remainder of Friday with a Banquet in the evening. On Saturday, the Session begins at 9 a.m. Mrs. Barbara Leah is the State President of Church Women United. There is a cost for the State Assembly activities. For further information, please contact B. Leah at 404- 696-1890. All women are invited and welcomed to attend.
11. Sandy Springs Christian Church presents its annual Real People, Real Faith event September 14 and 15. Sought after speaker, writer, and teacher Diana Butler Bass will be leading participants through her new book Christianity after Religion. $30 per person covers Friday and Saturday lectures, the Friday night dessert reception and Saturday's continental breakfast. Friday evening session will conclude at 9 PM and Saturday morning session will begin at 9 AM and conclude at 1 PM. Please make $30 check payable to Sandy Springs Christian Church and mail to 301 Johnson Ferry Rd NW, Sandy Springs GA 30328. More info can be found at More on Butler Bass. This may fill up early so register now if you want to be there.
12. Because the people of the Church of the Messiah are passionately committed to the God-given worth of every person, they have developed a ministry called Jesus Cares to share God's love for our neighbors with developmental disabilities and their families. Through social time, simple Bible study, and support time for parents, they will form meaningful connections with neighbors, neighbors who do not often hear a message of love. Messiah is hosting a meet & greet on Saturday, September 15, from 10 a. m. until 12 p. m. so that folks can get to know one another, share refreshments, and have a preview of what's to come. The Jesus Cares team will host sessions on the second Saturday of each month. If you'd like to assist Jesus Cares, or are simply curious, please come out to Messiah on September 15. Messiah is located at 465 Clairemont Ave. Decatur, Georgia 30030. 404-373-1682,
13. Married Couples - Finding Christ in Your Marriage - September 21-23. Spend the weekend as a married couple in retreat, reflection, and reconnection with God and each other. Led by Spiritual Directors, Lloyd and Jan Tate, couples will be led on an Ignatian retreat to experience God’s love for each of us and how we, both as an individual and a couple, can say “yes” to his invitation to be followers of Jesus Christ. To Register visit or call 404-255-0503 (Ignatius House Retreat Center, Sandy Springs.)
14. Register now for the Interfaith Immersion Weekend, September 28-30, 2012. This Immersion will begin on Friday morning at 9 a.m. with an orientation at Shallowford Presbyterian Church, 2375 Shallowford Road NE, Atlanta. Click here to read more and to register.
15. The 2012 ‘Good News for Gainesville’ Bike Ride will take place on October 6 at 9 a.m. This annual ride, now entering its fourth year, is sponsored by sixteen Hall County churches to support three local ministries: Good News at Noon, Good News Medical, and Action Ministries Gainesville. In just 3 years, $13,000 has been raised to benefit people in need, with an all-volunteer work force. The ride begins at Riverbend Baptist Church and offers ride options of 25, 40, and 60 miles with refreshments and bathrooms every 15 miles. Registration is $30 before September 15 and $40 thereafter, and includes T shirt, goody bag, and barbecue lunch. Riders can register online at For more details, call 770-534-1078.
16. Registration is open for The National Institute in Church Finance and Administration 2013. Visit . Candler Scholl of Theology, Emory University is a NACBA certification center. Register before December 31, 2012, using the discount code "adminhelp" and receive $50 off the registration fee.
17. Dr. Edward Powell Wimberly has been named one of the recipients of Boston University School of Theology’s Distinguished Alumni Awards. Dr. Edward P. Wimberly is currently the Jarena Lee Professor of Pastoral Care at the Interdenominational Theological Center (ITC) in Atlanta. He has served ITC as a professor and administrator for twenty-nine years. Read more…
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Ethel Ware Carter
Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta
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