God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.
August is full of opportunities for learning, helping, and enriching our lives. Check the community calendar on our website RCCAtl.org
The National Festival of Young Preachers is coming to Atlanta January 2013! The Regional Council of Churches is a partner of the Academy of Preachers and helping to bring this event to Atlanta. We agree with the Academy of Preachers that, “ We are energized by the conviction that Gospel Preaching is a vocation of public and social significance, a calling worthy of the very best and brightest young people.” Please contact me if you have questions or would like to help. ecarter@rccatl.org
Think about what young person in your congregation may be called to preach -- encourage that young person to sign up now. This is a unique opportunity for young people to preach (maybe for the very first time) and learn and be fed by the spirit in a gathering of over 100 bright, energetic, inspired peers. Registration is already ahead of last year. Speak to that person now! Take a minute and look at the website Make plans to come and bring a young person with you. Plans for Atlanta are exciting. The opening worship will be at Peachtree Road UMC on Wednesday, January 2, and the first ever Gospel Slam , see item 27. This is a great opportunity for your church’s youth group.
1. Atlanta community members with signs, banners and bullhorns in hand will gather for the tenth anniversary of Stand for Peace, a weekly vigil at Colony Square opposing the United States’ war with Afghanistan and occupations abroad. Hosted by Georgia Women's Action for New Directions, with special guests Congressman John Lewis, Rev. Dr. Joseph E. Lowery, and Mrs. Evelyn Lowery. Friday, August 24, noon - 1:00 p.m., Colony Square, 1197 Peachtree St. NE
2. Dr. David Greenland will discuss Geographies of the Middle East this Saturday, August 25, from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday at St. Bede's Episcopal Church, Atlanta. For more information and to register, click here.
3. The Annual Men’s Day Worship Celebration will be held at Midway Missionary Baptist Church on August 26. The Rev. Edward S. Reynolds, Pastor, invites the community to this 10 a.m. service which will feature the Rev. Derrick L. Rice of Sankofa United Church of Christ, Smyrna. On Saturday, August 25, a Pre Men’s Day Breakfast will be held at 9:30 a.m. when the Rev. Keith Reynolds, Christian Fellowship Baptist Church, College Park, will speak. Midway is located at 2280 Godby Road, College Park. For additional information call the church office at 404-768-5648.
4. Greater Mountain Baptist Church is pleased to announce that the Hon. Derrick Boazman, community activist, former Atlanta City Councilmember, and the host of 1380 WAOK's "Too Much Truth," will be the speaker for the Men’s day morning service on August 26 at 11 a.m. in the chapel of the Herschel Thornton Mortuary located a 3346 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive. This year’s theme is, "Men of Faith, Courage and Righteousness: Standing up and Connecting Generations!" For more information please contact David Means at 404-886-7766
5. Rocky Head United Methodist Church, 6020 Old Campbellton Road, S.W. Atlanta 30331, Rev. Tanya Y. Pittman, Pastor, celebrates their annual Homecoming and Revival. Sunday, Aug. 26, 11:00 a.m., Minister Meta Broadnax, and 3:00 p.m., Rev. Antonio Sewell, Pastor of New Hope Baptist Church in Griffin, GA. Revival with special preachers bringing messages: Monday, Aug. 27, 7:00 p.m., with Rev. Jerry Black and the Beulah Missionary Baptist Church Sanctuary Choir; Tuesday, Aug. 28, 7:00 p.m., Rev. Michael Stinson, Senior Pastor of Bethel United Methodist Church; Wednesday, Aug. 29, 7:00 p.m., Rev. Carol Snype Crawford, Senior Pastor of St. Andrews UMC, Villa Rica, GA.
6. The Rev. Martin Copenhaver, senior pastor of Wellesley Congregational Church United Church of Christ in Wellesley, is featured Aug. 26 on “Day 1”, the nationally syndicated ecumenical radio program also accessible online at Day1.org. An editor for the Christian Century magazine and contributor to numerous periodicals, he is the author or co-author of five books. The “Day 1” sermon based on John 6:51-69, is entitled “Eating Jesus.” He says, “In this passage… language is pressed to its limits to express the indissoluble participation of one life in another. For those who receive Jesus, his life clings to their bones and courses through their veins…. It is the ultimate communion—the coming together, the union of the Savior and the saved.”
7. "The Candy Shop" - StreetGRACE Event at Brookhaven Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), 4500 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta , Sunday, August 26 at 6 p.m. The film will be shown in the Fellowship Hall. The showing of this powerful film about child sex trafficking is an adult event. Childcare and Other activities will be provided for children under 18 years of age. Please call the church to sign up for children’s activities. 404-237-3030.
8. Lake Oconee Community Church – Lectures on Culture and Classics Series presents “Living to be 100” August 28, 7 p.m. The Lake Room, Reynolds Landing, Reynolds Plantation. Dr. Leonard W. Poon, Director Emeritus of the Institute of Gerontology at UGA, will present the findings of the Centenarian Study completed in 2009. For more information visit LOCC.com
9. The Rev. Edward S. Reynolds announces that Midway Missionary Baptist Church, 2280 Godby Road, College Park, will host the United for a Strong and Healthy Tour on Thursday, August 30, from 2:30 to 6:30 p.m. The event features screenings for all ages, a special children’s area, and a Town Hall Meeting at 4 p.m. to discuss health concerns and hear facts about the Affordable Health Care Act. The first 100 families who participate in all activities will be eligible to receive free groceries. For information and directions call the church office at 404-768-5648.
10. Rest for the Weary Mini-Retreat, Sunday, September 2, 2012, Noon-3 p.m., Amerson House at Saint Bartholomew's Episcopal Church. Come all who are weary and heavy-burdened and I will give you rest. (Matt 11:28) This Labor Day weekend, heed Jesus’ invitation, and come receive rest and nourishment for your soul. In this mini-retreat, share a simple meal, and have some guided reflection and conversation about how we weave a rhythm of rest into our often busy lives. Come experience the peace and quiet of this sacred space, and learn more about how Amerson House can be a resource for you. Guided by Kimberly Broerman, Spiritual Director, Deep Waters Center for Prayer & Exploration. Suggested Donation is $10. Contact Kimberly (kgbroerman@yahoo.com; 404.275.3328) for more information or to R.s.v.p.
11. Discovering God in all Things, 12 Weeks of the spiritual exercises– Tuesday mornings, Sept. 4 – Nov. 20, 2012 10 a.m. – 12 p.m., Ignatius House Retreat Center, Sandy Springs. Journey with St. Ignatius of Loyola through the Spiritual Exercises inspired by his own personal conversion in the 16th century. Find out how this famed transformational process can radically renew your faith in the 21st century. Facilitated by Lalor Cadley and Marian Monahan. Price is $250.00. Detailed info available at www.ignatiushouse.org or call 404-255-0503
12. Engaging Spirituality Program at Ignatius House, Thursday evenings, Sept. 6, 2012 – Jan. 24, 2013 (21 weeks) 6:30 – 9 pm. This prayerful process invites us to draw this world down into ourselves, to hold it in prayer together, and to practice living deeply. Program includes prayerful dialogue, journal-keeping, spiritual readings, outreach ministry and more. Price: $100 per person for 21 week class includes books, refreshments, and retreat expenses. To Register visit www.ignatiushouse.org or call 404.255.0503 (Sandy Springs, Ga)
13. “How do we protect the rights and needs of the deeply needy after the welfare state as we know it is no more?” asks John Witte, Jr., director of Emory’s Center for the Study of Law and Religion which is hosting the upcoming lecture series exploring what happens to deeply needy populations when the modern welfare state begins to collapse. The series begins Thursday, Sept. 13, at Emory University School of Law, 1501 Clifton Rd. The events are free and open to the public. The series begins with "The Rights of the Needy: Children as the Most Vulnerable," Thursday, Sept. 13, 4:30-6 p.m., Emory Law, Tull Auditorium (reception to follow). For more information see cslr.law.emory.edu or 404.712.8710.
14. Reach for Recovery in celebration of National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month, September 13, 6 p.m., Bohan Auditorium, 445 Winn Way, Decatur. Featuring guest speaker Willie Harris, a local entrepreneur and author, will share his amazing story of overcoming a 10 year-cocaine addiction; musical guest the Brighter Tomorrows Choir, and refreshments. Event is free – please R.s.v.p. to events@askaprillove.com or call 678-732-0559. Visit www.dekcsb.org
15. Mallory McDuff, PhD, author of Natural Saints and Sacred Acts, will speak at 7:00 p.m., Thursday, September 20 at the Cathedral of St. Philip, in the annual Jane Baird Lecture which honors longtime manager of the Cathedral Book Store. The presentation is “Be Ye Transformed: Encountering Conversion through Caring for Creation.” The lecture is free but reservations are required by email at cbs3@mindspring.com or by calling the Cathedral Book Store at 404.237.7582. A book signing with refreshments will follow the lecture. McDuff teaches Environmental Studies at Warren Wilson College in Asheville. In her books, she shares stories of churches working to protect God’s earth.
16 . The Columbia Seminary S3 (Sabbath, Study and Service) Project for clergy and church professionals is accepting proposals for peer learning group projects to begin in February 2013. The deadline is September 21. Groups (4-6 members) accepted will receive $500 per person to help underwrite a year-long project of their own design incorporating elements of Sabbath, Study and Service. For additional information, including brochure and application, read here. Questions? Contact project coordinator/director of lifelong learning Sarah Erickson at 404-687-4526 or ericksons@ctsnet.edu.
17. 6th Annual Walk of Heroes moves to Atlanta’s Kirkwood community with a 5K walk/run, tot trot, refreshments, warm up, drawing prizes, community vendor booths, awards for overall and age group winners, massages, and music on Saturday, September 22, 8:30 a.m. Visit www.walkofheroes5k.com to register or sign up to showcase your organization with a vendor booth. Hosted by the Brighter Tomorrows Foundation, the 5K benefits public nonprofit mental health, substance abuse, and developmental disabilities services provided by DeKalb CSB.
18 . The Mercer Preaching Consultation featuring Dr. Luke Timothy Johnson is coming up September 23-25 at St. Simons Island. Find out all about it here.
19 . The National Infantry Museum at Fort Benning, Georgia, September 27-28, 2012. The Warrior’s Experience: Civilian to Soldier, Soldier to Citizen. Veteran's Heart Georgia presents a training in military culture and experience for helping professionals with a concurrent track for veterans and families. For helping professionals The National Infantry Museum offers virtual experiences that create the opportunity to feel and sense what it is like to go to war. Space limited to 100 Participants; Early Registration ends August 27.
20 . Perfect for a congregational book group! Did you know the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship selects a monthly book and publishes a year long reading list offering study guides for each month’s book? More here...
21 . Columbia Theological Seminary Center for Lifelong Learning has events for learning and growth coming up this fall. What are you doing to keep learning in the midst of God's changing world? Check out upcoming events and special learning opportunities. They include retreats, workshops, events for Christian educators and a core training for Godly Play, the wonderful program for young children used and loved by churches across denominations. Read more about Godly Play For additional information on all the courses, contact 404-687-4577 or lifelonglearning@ctsnet.edu. Visit CTS on the web for the full course listing .
22 . The 2012 Red Door Festival at Church of the Holy Spirit in Cumming will be held on October 20. Arts and Crafts tables are now available. You can get an application here .
23. An Autumn Craft Workshop will be held Oct. 26-28 at Camp Mikell. This workshop is smaller than the annual Mikell Folk School held in March. There is no program--just an opportunity to work at a craft, enjoy great food, be with interesting people, and discover or rediscover your creative talents. There will be 5 offerings--Weaving, Copper Enameling, Make an Ark with a Scroll Saw, Stained Glass (already full), and Wood Turning--all taking place in the St. Joseph Craft Center. Enrollment is limited. For information and forms call Camp Mikell at 706-886-7515 or go to www.mikellfolkschool.com.
24. Stained Glass Windows at Northside Drive Baptist Church: Telling the Story of Divine Initiative and Human Response can be previewed at the church, 3100 Northside Drive, Atlanta 30305. The cost is $30. To get a copy, call the church at 404-237-8621 or email info@northsidedrive.org.
27. The Academy of Preachers will host the Gospel Slam at the National Festival of Young Preachers, 7 p.m. Jan. 3, 2013, at the Grand Hyatt Buckhead in Atlanta. We're seeking teens who will prepare and present original 3 minute spoken presentations that reflect the theme Gospel and the City and are rooted in scripture. Be inspired by Tiffanie Shanks’s "gospel slam," then read the attached interview where she describes the process from theme, to text to spoken word poetry. A "Gospel Slam" can be a story/ parable, poetry, prose, rap... the limit is only original words rooted in scripture written and presented by teens. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJXJ04frdg8&feature=share . Wyndee Holbrook, wyndeeholbrook@gmail.com or 859-200-9880, welcomes your questions.
Go to www.rccatl.org for a slide show of member churches, featured articles, Community Events calendar, past eNewsletters, membership information, and other resources.
Ethel Ware Carter
Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta
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