Church Action eNewsletter Week of June 11, 2012

God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.   
 Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta 
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1. From American Friends Service Committee comes an opportunity to host a French or Spanish high school student for a summer exchange program. coordinates a short term program that brings students here for four weeks. Three of these weeks, they are part of a day-long, Monday through Friday, tutorial and sight seeing program. They still need 4 volunteer hosts!!!   Students will arrive July 6 and leave August 2. Transportation to and from classes/trips etc. is provided by the teacher.  Hosts do not need to have an extra room- just an extra bed.  Please contact Angela Bennett if you would like to offer hospitality. Angela Bennett 615-504-0069  or

2. World Premiere of Jacquay Waller’s play Traffik, June 9-24, at 14th Street Playhouse.  Use promo code FNAP when purchasing your tickets and a portion of the sale will go to youthSpark’s A Future. Not A Past. Campaign. Buy Your Tickets Online Her 


 3. Cascade UMC Clothing Closet, 3144 Cascade Road,  will hold another free shopping day,   June 14, 9:30 to 2:30, featuring summer clothes including shoes. They welcome your donations of usable items on Wednesday and Thursday mornings.


 4. Reminder of a great opportunity for jobseekers just out of college CAREER QUEST is offering “Backpack 2 Briefcase - Career Strategies for Young Job Seekers!”  Call and register now for this “FREE” event on June 16! Click link for flyer

5. Jefferson Avenue Baptist Church will be showing the movie "Courageous" on Saturday, June 16, at 7:30 p.m. and you are invited. More about the movie here… This event is free and open to the public. The church is at 1150 Jefferson Avenue, East Point 30344.  Call the church office at 404-767-0582 if you have questions.

6. St. Mark United Methodist Church Drama Ministry presents The Normal Heart by Larry Kramer, a raw and powerful assessment of the Aid's epidemic in its early stages and a moving denunciation of the ignorance and fear that lead to the worldwide plague which still exists.  This Saint Mark UMC production features riveting performances by some of the church members. The play will be presented in the church’s black box theatre in special preview performances on June 15-17. Opening Night for the production is June 21 with performances continuing on June 22, 24, 28, 29, and 30. Tickets are $15 and $20.  Because of adult language and situations, only persons 18 years and older will be admitted. Donations taken following each performance will benefit AIDS service organizations in the area.  More info . 

7. Got Fruit? Brookhaven United Methodist Church Summer Series on the Fruits of the Spirit starts this Sunday. Join them as Pastor Sara brings us the word on the fruit of self-control. You won't want to miss it! 1366 North Druid Hills Road, Atlanta 30319.

8. Glen Memorial UMC Summer Lecture Series, Religion in the South, starts Sunday,  June 17, 9:45 a.m. Adult Sunday School classes will again combine for a summertime line-up of professors, scholars, and church leaders focusing on the rich history of religion in the American South. Glen is at 1660 North Decatur Road, NE, on the Emory campus.

9. This Sunday at Central Presbyterian Church , Dr. Margaret Aymer and  Rabbi Joshua Lesser  continue Expanding the conversation:  Israel, Palestine and the Region with Biblical Claims to the Land: Christian and Jewish Perspectives. The tributaries of the present conflicts reach back to ancient claims and conflicts. 9:45 a.m.

More summer series around town at Send us information about yours to

10. Suraj Patnaik, a gifted singer and with an amazing voice, born and raised in Chicago, is trained in Hindustani Classical Music. He is known for his spellbinding performances and soul stirring renditions of both traditional and contemporary styles of music. He will perform at the  India American Cultural Association , 1281 Cooper Lake Road, Smyrna 30082, Sunday, June 17, at 3 p.m. Tickets are $10 single, $20 family.

11. Experience of God on Atlanta Interfaith Broadcasters, Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m., Dr. Steven Hayner, President of Columbia Seminary, shares his journey to the seminary and the joys and challenges of his calling. Tune in on June 19.

12.  On Refugee Day, Wednesday, June 20, The Clarkston Community Center will host a "Journey to Citizenship" lunchtime gala featuring outdoor activities, traditional ethnic foods, and performances by different refugee groups.

13. 18th Annual Atlanta Summer Organ Festival: International concert organist Lynne Davis will present the first recital in the 18th annual Atlanta Summer Organ Festival at All Saints' Episcopal Church, 634 West Peachtree Street, Wednesday, June 20, at 7:30 p.m. A suggested donation of $15 is requested at the door. Lynne lived and worked in France for over 30 years, and will present an all-French program of works by Nicolas de Grigny, Maurice Duruflé, Jehan Alain, and César Franck. There will be a reception in Ellis Hall following the concert.

June 27, Thomas Neil at Cathedral of Christ the King, 2699 Peachtree Road, NE, Atlanta 30305

July 11, Jonathan Biggers at Peachtree Road UMC, 3180 Peachtree Road, NE, Atlanta 30305

July 18, Scott Dettra at Cathedral of St. Philip. 2744 Peachtree Road, Atlanta 30305

14. Pets can be a great source of companionship and comfort. Many pet owners find the costs of caring for their pets and keeping vaccinations up to date an onerous expense. Now the Humane Society and associated vets and foundations offer an opportunity for these folks to get care for their pets at the Free Training Facility, 809 Hollywood Road, Atlanta 30318. Free Rabies Vaccine for Cats and Dogs on June 23, August 25, and October 27, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Please bring animals on lease or in carrier or leave them in your car and a greeter will assist you. Call 888-297-1683 option 1 for more information.

15. The Dr. Lewis Galloway, senior pastor of Second Presbyterian Church in Indianapolis, is the featured preacher June 24 and July 1 on “Day 1” with host Peter Wallace, the nationally syndicated radio program also accessible online at Galloway’s sermon for June 24 is “Does Jesus Care?” “When the terrified disciples call out to Jesus, he answers them by calming the wind and stilling the sea…”  He says, “Yes, Jesus cares, but it does not mean we will not go through times of danger, suffering, and even death.” His message for July 1, “Taking Jesus Seriously,” is based on Mark 5:21-43.

16. A special opportunity to worship at historic Zion Church, built as an Episcopal church in the 1840s, will be offered at 4 p.m. Sunday, June 24, in Talbotton. The Rev. Jeffrey Jackson, St. Nicholas' Episcopal Church, Hamilton, and the Chattahoochee Valley Episcopal Convocation have planned the service and a reception to follow.  On the National Register of Historic Places, Zion's building has been spared modernization and is a model of the Carpenter Gothic architecture found in rural American churches built in the nineteenth century. The altar, communion rail, lectern-pulpit, and prayer desk are handmade of native walnut. The entire structure is put together with wooden pegs and handmade iron nails. The pipe organ, a Pilcher, was installed in 1850 and has been in continuous use since that time. Zion Church is located at 100 Main Street in Talbotton on U.S. 80.

17. Helping job seekers prepare for interviews while coaching men and women how to dress for success is a regular occurrence RUMC Job Networking.  Suits are donated by the community and are given to job seekers at Job Networking meetings at no cost. People who wish to help by donating ready-to-wear interview attire should contact Donna Litton,   Job Networking meets second and fourth Mondays at Roswell UMC, 814 Mimosa Blvd, in the heart of Historic Roswell. The next meeting is Monday, June 25, beginning at 1 p.m. with workshops, then dinner and speakers and ending at 9 p.m.  complete agenda and meeting dates . Everyone is invited and welcome. Sign-up is not necessary

18. The DeKalb Community Service Board will partner with the National Coalition for 100 Black Women/Stone Mountain-Lithonia Chapter to sponsor free HIV testing for National HIV Testing Day on Wednesday, June 27 at DeKalb Addiction Clinic in Decatur. Learn more.  

 19. Emory Presbyterian Church hosts Taize worship the first Monday of every month (except September) at 8:00 p.m. The outdoor labyrinth is always open for walking prayer.  The church is on North Decatur Road between Clairmont and the Emory University campus, on your right as you come from Clairmont. It is on a magnolia-bordered lot between Westminster Way and Haygood, next to Druid Hills High School. The parking lot is off Westminster Way. Directions

20. Trinity Choir of Cambridge College, Cambridge, England, will perform at 7 p.m. Sunday, July 8, at the Cathedral of St. Philip. This is a rare Atlanta appearance of one of the most acclaimed adult choirs in the world. It is presented by Friends of Cathedral Music and the British Consulate-General Atlanta in celebration of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. Tickets are on sale online and at the Cathedral Book Store." href="" target="_blank"">more

21. A political forum to meet challengers for the two Public Service Commission seats on the 2012 ballot, July 12,  7 – 9 p.m., Glenn Memorial UMC Auditorium, 1660 N. Decatur Rd, Atlanta 30307. For more information see

Hosted by Georgia Interfaith Power & Light and co-hosted by Southeast Green, Georgia WAND, GA Sierra Club, Civic League of Regional Atlanta, Glenn Memorial UMC, GreenLaw, SE Energy Efficiency Alliance, Common Cause, League of Women Voters, Georgia Watch, Ryan Taylor Architects LLC, Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta.

22. Presbyterian History and Reformed Theology Lecture Series July 16-19 at Montreat Conference Center.  Internationally-known scholars will stretch and challenge Western understanding of Christianity today. he daily lectures will be facilitated by Deborah F. Mullen, dean of faculty and executive vice-president at Columbia Theological Seminary and Paul T. Roberts, dean and president of Johnson C. Smith Seminary. The series, now in its sixth year, will take place from 9:00 – 11:30 AM in Convocation Hall in Assembly Inn. Advance registration is not required, and there is no charge for this event

23. Reminder Spiritual retreat for veterans in Conyers, ecumenical event, July 16-19, Monastery of the Holy Spirit in Conyers. For details, click here.  All veterans are eligible to participate, scholarships are available. To contribute to a fund that will offset the cost for veterans who cannot afford the retreat, click" href="" target="_blank"">here.

24. The North American Interfaith Network's annual gathering is being held in Atlanta for the first time, July 15-18.  The theme is "Creating Interfaith-Friendly Cities and the Beloved World Community". Read details .  Registration at

You may be interested in this essay on how we speak about our faith  

 25. Summer's arrival means food budgets are being stretched to the limit for many families - children who receive free or reduced breakfast and lunch during the school year aren't getting those meals. To fill in the gap, the Georgia Feeding for a Promising Future - No Kid Hungry Campaign is working with the Georgia Food Bank Association to provide free summer meals for children. Families can now text "FoodGA' to 877-877 to receive a list of the three closest sites serving free summer lunches. Families should text often. New sites are being added weekly.

26. Kingdomwood Christian Film Festival starts in Atlanta on October 5, 2012. Find out more …  

 27. Cool website-- Typography of Faith  from Pew Forum. See Georgia by rolling your cursor over the map to the state and more ...

 28. June is a time of transition for AMIS, the ministry of friendship with international students here for study.  The Rev. Lisa Majoros is taking over the reins of this outreach and hospitality ministries. Lisa has worked with refugees, in urban ministry, and has served several Metro-Atlanta churches. Lisa is making plans to speak at churches, service clubs like Kiwanis, and International Student Orientations at Atlanta-area Colleges and Universities. Click here to invite her to speak to your group.

29. There is an invisible population living on the streets of our city, homeless youth ages 17-21.  These forgotten members of society are struggling everyday just to survive, begging for food, money, and a safe place to sleep.  Many of these youth come from abusive family backgrounds or many age out of the foster care system.  Often they do not have the education and training to make it on their own.  At Covenant House Georgia, they are assured of sanctuary, a future safely off the streets.  Covenant House provides shelter, an independent living program, an on site GED program, and job training.  Volunteers are needed to participate in the Prepare & Share a meal program and to help as tutors, mentors, residential advisors to assist in the shelter, and as receptionist.  Please contact volunteer coordinator, Kellie Glenn, at 404-589-0163 ext. 103 or by email at if you can help.

30. Leading in the Faith Community. Make fall plans now for a 5-day Residential Conference to address the work of leading a faith community with particular focus on the challenges in leading through change and the danger of keeping the status quo. This conference will be November 26-30 at Camp Mikell Retreat and Conference Center in Toccoa, Georgia.  Camp Mikell is 114 miles north of Atlanta. Conference will be led by Hugh O’Doherty, Ph.D., (Harvard), Adjunct Professor, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, and Senior Consultant with Cambridge Leadership Associates, Boston; and Paul A. Elliott, Th.D., ordained priest in Episcopal Church, rector of St. Michael and All Angels Church, Stone Mountain, pastoral consultant and clergy coach, visiting lecturer in Pastoral Theology at Msalato Theological College, Dodoma, Tanzania. More information and registration here  

The door prize this week is a DVD of Amazing Grace given to us by the Humane Society !!! Wilberforce was a founder of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals as well as a committed abolitionist. So, email me right away if you want it. The stipulation is that it must be shown at your church to a youth group, a senior group, a men’s group, Sunday School class, etc.  See item 14 above.  I only have one copy.


Hear a series of amazing sermons on the Sermon on the Mount from the 2012 National Festival of Young Preachers  

Ethel Ware Carter

Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta


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