1. It is not too late to join the Summer Singers, simply register at rehearsal, no audition required. Visit the Summer Singers at www.FestivalSingers.org to find out more about this 23- year-old summer tradition. In Midtown on Mondays, registration starts at 6:30 p.m., Grace UMC, 458 Ponce de Leon Ave., and in Cobb County, Tuesdays, at St. Benedict's Episcopal Church, 2160 Cooper Lake Road in Smyrna, registration starts at 6:15 p.m.
2. Atlanta Interfaith Broadcasters premiers a Spirit Sounds: A Collaboration of Inter-Faithful Musicians-- compositions created and performed by recent Emory graduates inspired by conversations about faith and life. “I like to create community... I like to bring people together,” said Ariel Root Wolpe, who created Spirit Sounds as part of her senior honors thesis. Premier was Monday but you can see an encore Thursday, June 7, at 9:00 a.m. or Saturday at noon. Proceeds from CD sales will support a performance art program for refugee youth at the Clarkston Community Center. AIB can be viewed on Comcast channel 5, AT&T U-verse channel 6, and Charter Communications (Smyrna, Roswell) – channel 22.
3. Midway Missionary Baptist Church, 2280 Godby Road, College Park, will celebrate the Church Anniversary on Sunday, June 10, beginning at 10 a.m. Bishop Richard Lankford of the Atlanta International Christian Praise Center in Atlanta will preach. The Rev. Edward S. Reynolds invites to community to join in the celebration. If you need more information all the church office at 404-768-5648.
4. This summer Northside Drive Baptist Church will take a look at Christian Spiritual Disciplines in a series that started last week and will continue through September 2, at 9:30 a.m. The classes will be Contemplation, Fasting, Meditation on Scripture, Prayer, Sabbath, and Solitude. Six facilitators will present a two-week study of each topic exploring the definition, origin, and past and emerging practices. Contact Lora Hawk, 404-405-1748 or lorahawk@yahoo.com, for details. Northside Drive is located at 3100 Northside Drive, NW, Atlanta 30305.
5. Powerful Money Management Tools for the African American Pastor, Churches, and Faith Based Ministries is a free seminar being offered to pastors, church financial managers, development directors, church leadership, elders, and deacons. Topics include : Securely tripling your bottom line with what you already have, creating your own bank, tools for providing a secure and healthy retirement for your Pastor, expanding your building fund without asking for more money, create your own loan guarantees, creating a secure financial future for the next generation church. Speakers are Richard Adams, Next Genesis, LLC and Michelle Uchiyama, Charitable Connections, Inc. Offered three times at 900 Wendell Court, Suite A, Atlanta 30336, choose one. Thursday, June 7 at 12:30 p.m.; Saturday, June 9 at 9:00 a.m.; or Monday, June 11 at 1:00 p.m.
6. The Seedtime and Harvest Greenhouse and Gardens of Holy Comforter Church, 737 Woodland Ave. SE, Atlanta 30316, final hot weather plant sale of the season on Saturday, June 9 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Shop in time for mid-season planting, including vegetable plants (lots of varieties of heirloom tomatoes) and herbs, perennials and annuals (shade and sun), beautiful containers, and home-made baked goods will be available. As always, all plants are organic. Don’t miss it the next gathering is not until September 22.
7. You’re invited to “Jump In” to exciting summer learning for youth and adults -- Vacation Bible School at Zion Hill Baptist Church. Classes are offered each evening, June 11-15. Enjoy a complimentary light meal at 6 p.m. then on to class at 7 p.m. for a walk through the scriptures, taught by inspired teachers to enrich and empower every student. Find out more about Vacation Bible School at Zion Hill Baptist Church, 6175 Campbellton Road, SW, Atlanta. Call 404-691-8025 or go to www.zionhill.org.
8. Backpack to Briefcase Saturday Workshop, June 16, 10 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., at Catholic Church of St. Ann’s Career Quest. Since 1986 Career Quest has assisted thousands of jobseekers and this workshop is especially for college students and recent graduates as well as young people who are underemployed. St. Ann’s is at 4905 Roswell Road, Rte. 120, in Marietta. Follow the signs to Nolan Hall. Register by calling 678-662-3221 or by email to Jessica.marotto@gmail.com More information is at http://st-ann.org/
9. On Saturday, June 16, the Historic Friendship Baptist Church’s Forum Ministry, in recognition of the critical importance of the upcoming 2012 national election and the need for full voter participation, will present a forum “Engaging and Involving Citizens in Voter Education and Participation.” The forum will be held in the Pastors Memorial Fellowship Hall at 437 Mitchell Street, Atlanta 30313, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The event is free of charge and open to the public. Deputy registrars will be on site and nonregistered participants will have an opportunity to register to vote. The forum is presented in conjunction with the 2012 Friendship Men’s and Women’s Month Committees.
10. Dr. Davis Chappell, senior pastor of First United Methodist Church, Lawrenceville, is the featured preacher June 17 on “Day 1.” Chappell has served churches in the North Georgia Conference for the past 29 years and has been at Lawrenceville First since 2001. His sermon for June 17, “Street Preaching,” is based on Acts 17:16-34. “You can’t catch fish unless you go where the fish are,” he says. “So Paul went to the Agora, the gathering place… Paul has to find a bridge, a cultural connection …. Though he is irked by their idolatry, he actually uses their idolatry as a point of contact.”
11. Bread for the World invites you to join President David Beckmann at the second annual Wild Goose Festival, June 21-24, near Chapel Hill, NC. The festival is a great opportunity to mingle with an exciting array of speakers, musicians, and artists—as well as several thousand people who are called to create a more just and caring world. Bread will host a "Concert for Justice" Friday, June 22, with musicians Bryan McFarland & Jacob's Join, along with members of The Collection and Songs of Water. David Beckmann will speak the following day at 5 p.m. Bread is a sponsor of this unique festival, which locates itself "at the intersection of justice, spirituality and art." Wild Goose Festival" href="http://www.wildgoosefestival.org/intro""..., including how to register.
12. The Annual Picnic & Fun Day for all the folks AADD is proud to serve brings fellowship, food, and games. Volunteers are invited to join in for an afternoon of barbecue, music, and tons of fun and are welcome to bring their families! Volunteers can assist with planning games, bringing a dish to share, serving and preparing food, and with set-up and clean up. June 22, 11:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m., Grant Park, 840 Cherokee Ave SE, Atlanta 30315. If you want to help please R.s.v.p. by Wednesday, June 20. If your company or organization is interested in sponsoring this event, please contact Keisha Tennyson at keisha@aadd.org or 404-881-9777 ext. 232.
13. Providence Missionary Baptist Church, under the pastoral leadership of Dr. Gerald L. Durley, will host its annual Vacation Bible School, Monday thru Friday, June 25-29, from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. Registration is daily at 5:30 p.m. This year’s theme is “Fishin’- on a Mission with Jesus.” VBS is an evangelism tool through which the church draws people closer to God through thematic fun and exciting Bible based programs. Early registration will be available June 10, 17, and 24 following 10:40 a.m. worship services. Classes are available for all ages; the public is invited. Devotion will take place in the Chapel promptly at 6:00 p.m. so early arrival is encouraged. Each evening will offer food, fun, and fellowship. Food will be served from 5:15 p.m. – 5:45 p.m. Parking is free. The Church is located at 2295 Benjamin E. Mays Drive at the intersection of Cascade Road, Beecher Road and Benjamin E. Mays. For more information, please call 404-752-6869.
14. 5th Annual Take Charge. Get Tested. Event in Annual Observance of National HIV Testing Day Empowerment Resource Center will offer free HIV testing services to encourage people to learn their HIV status. Wednesday, June 27, 12- 6:00 p.m. Hurt Park, across from Georgia State University, 100 Edgewood Avenue NE, Atlanta 30303. Funded in Part by the Georgia Department of Public Health and the Fulton County Department of Health and Wellness.
15. Barbara Brown Taylor will be at First Baptist Church Decatur, 308 Clairemont Ave, Decatur, on Thursday, June 28, at 7:00 p.m. Taylor will talk about her spiritual memoir, “Leaving Church,” newly issued in paperback edition. This exploration of her journey from church to community is insightful, humorous, and wonderfully human. Taylor was a parish priest in Atlanta before becoming rector of Grace-Calvary Episcopal Church in Clarkesville in 1992. She now writes and teaches. Anyone who has experienced doubts about a chosen vocation or those drawn to worship God in a community but who have a hard time finding their place in church will find a kindred spirit in Taylor. This program is sponsored by Georgia Center for the Book in partnership with the First Baptist Church Decatur Conversations Ministry. No tickets or reservations required; doors will open at 6:00 p.m.
16. Islamic Speakers Bureau, Ismaili Council for the Southeastern USA, and Unity Productions Foundation present Islamic Art: Mirror of the Invisible World, Saturday, June 30, at 7 p.m., at the Woodruff Art Center. See more information on the film at www.islamicart.tv or www.isbatlanta.org or go directly to ticket information .
17. The Presbytery of Greater Atlanta announces a conference for church leaders wanting to renew their churches or start new churches. The National Church Leadership Institute: Praxis 21 Conference features church planting and renewal experts within the mainline church. Praxis21 will focus on six major themes including global trends that are reshaping what it means to be church in this time and how to build sustainable ministries for the present and future. Modeled after the TED conference, each session will be presented in plenary format with four or five speakers presenting their best ideas in short, 18-minute segments. The conference will be held at the Courtyard by Marriott Conference Center; 130 Clairmont Road; Decatur 30030, August 8, 9, and 10. Registration is now open at www.praxis21.org Group discounts are available. Contact Cassie Reed at cassie@progressiverenewal.org for more information.
18. The Georgia Commission on Family Violence's 18th Annual Statewide Family Violence Conference, Safety, Autonomy & Accountability: Envisioning a Society Without Violence, is coming up; September 24-25 in Macon, Macon Marriott City Center. Registration begins June 11 with an early bird discount through July 23 at GCFV.
19. Dr. Hugh O’Doherty, Adjunct Professor at Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University and Senior Consultant at Cambridge Leadership Associates and the Rev. Paul A Elliot, rector at St Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Stone Mountain, will lead a 5-day residential conference on leadership, November 26-30, 2012, at Camp Mikell Retreat and Conference Center Toccoa, Georgia. The conference will address the work of leading a faith community with particular focus on the challenges of leading through change, as well as the dangers of keeping the status quo. Participants will learn about the function of power and authority as they relate to and influence the roles, tasks, and relationships of those exerting leadership and those who are being led. The conference will introduce participants to theories of a faith community as an emotional system that influences how a person acts and relates to others in the emotional system, at the conscious and unconscious level. To learn more and register, go to http://www.stmichael.cc/leading-in-the-faith-community.htm
Hear a series of amazing sermons on the Sermon on the Mount from the 2012 National Festival of Young Preachers
Ethel Ware Carter
Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta
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